
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     I think my sister is getting senile.   She and I just had a couple words over something she said I ALLEGEDLY said to her one time when she was driving.   She said I have road rage lol it is stupid.   I do not have road rage when I am driving and usually I do not try to tell the driver how to drive.   I thought she was referring to the time she tried to pull out in front of a car I had warned her to watch.   I had seen the car pull out into traffic from an entrance about 40 ft away from where we were going to be merging in to the same lane.   I told her to watch that car and at the time I told her what color it was but I forget the color now.   She ignored me and continued her merge lucky for us the kid driving the other car had fast reflexes and swerved to avoid the accident my sister was about to cause.   She said it was not that time.   She said we were on another road when a car cut in front of her.   She said I said she should not have let him do it cause she had the right of way.   NOT ONLY DID I NOT SAY THAT I WOULD NOT MAKE THAT STATEMENT.   Anything that avoids an accident is a goooooooood thing.    She got mad when I told her I NEVER SAID THAT and told her she must be mixing me up with someone else.   I can so totally see her youngest daughter making that remark, but the thing is sense she got her license when they travel together the daughter usually does the driving.  So I do not know who it may have been with her that said that but it was not me.   I suppose it could have been out cousin they spend a lot of time together.

     I did yell at her the day she nearly got us hit, but the thing she said I said is nothing I would ever say.   So she ended up mad at me.   She said her blood pressure was going up when she hung up lol and she says I have rage.   She needs to look in the mirror if you ask me.

     Although I think I had first gotten her angry when I told her I did not think our other sister had as much money as she thought she does.   My one sisters husband had a good head for business and he planned for the future and for his family if anything happened to him.   So when he died way too young at age 50 from a heart attack his family did not need to worry about money.   If my sister plays it right he had made enough investments that paid off to keep her from having to worry about money for the rest of her life.   Sense she has lots of money she thinks every one else does too.   My other sister worked in a department store till she retired and her husband worked in a civil service job.   Someone put in my sisters head that civil service employees got paid a lot and have great pension plans.   I am not sure that is true.   But even if it were my sister and her husband have a lot of health problems, and doctor bills.    I really do not understand my sister's haughty attitude sometimes, but it is really annoying.   So yea I will admit it when she gets on my nerves I do not have a problem with getting on hers right back lol.


     As you may have noticed by the reply comment on my last blog I tend to have mood swings this time of year.   There are many reasons for them, none of them hormonal.    If I offend anyone with my attitude I am sorry.   My emotional state this time of year is like a mind field.   One person may get away with saying anything he wants and the next may come at me at the wrong time and get blown up.   I can assure you all though that after the first of the year I will be a little more normal well normal for me lol.   You all know I am far from what most would consider normal.

     Lets take my family Christmas gathering for instance like I mentioned there are gifts exchanged for which I am grateful.   Problem is even if I want to I can not take my presents home unwrapped so I could open them Christmas morning.   I tried that this year.   The look on my niece and my sisters faces when I said I was not opening my presents there, because I was leaving soon broke my heart.  I ended up opening them all there so they could all see that I liked what they got me.   That is the first thing people in my family do is ask people if they like the presents they got them.  We do this so we have a better idea of the kind of things people like when we are getting them gifts.   If you do not open the present you have no clue if you like them or not.  Which makes it impossible for me to bring my presents home unopened.

     I do however have 1 present for Christmas day a friend gave me and so far it is still unwrapped.   My sister in law did not make her traditional hard tack candy this year.   That is a disappointment, but I understand why there has been a lot of illnesses this year in my brothers family and she probably just did not feel well enough to do it.   It really sucks to be a grown up at Christmas. :( you have to act like things are ok even when they make you sad to keep from hurting people you love.     Kids have the life if they feel sad they can cry if they are angry they can yell.   When you are a grown up you have to hold it in to protect those you love so if any of you get hit by my misplaced anger this year I am sorry.

     On a brighter note I may not be spending Christmas day alone this year.   My sister in law asked me to come down Christmas day and I just may do that.   I went for Thanksgiving when my brother called and asked me and had a nice time, so I may just take her up on it and go for Christmas. :) as anyone that knows me well knows being alone on Christmas day is one of my biggest complaints.   This year I may have a way not to be alone if I am feeling up to it.


     I have a rather large family and we get together at Christmas.   They always buy me very nice Christmas presents, but I really wish I could figure out a way to tell my sister in law I do not like to cook and I do not have as much cupboard space as she does.    She always buys me these really cool cooking gadgets.   This last one is a hot air cooker.   It is cool but I have no clue where I am going to put it.   If anyone has any ideas how I can let her know I do not have a big kitchen and all these gadgets are pushing me out of the kitchen without hurting her feelings please feel fee to let me know how.  I realllllllly do not want to hurt her feelings the presents are really nice and I love her for thinking of me, but I am running out of room for them all lol, and moving to a bigger house is not an option lol.   It is such a blessing to have people that care about you. 

     I keep telling everyone it is not important to buy big expensive presents just the fact someone thought of you is enough. n0.gif   I have received may presents that only cost a dollar, but were more valuable than gold to me because they were from the heart.   I love it when people take the time to pick something I will like instead of just buying the first thing they see.  Presents do not even have to be bought to be special.  I have a picture on my refrigerator that was drawn by a friend and I love it.   Home made presents are awesome because if someone loves you enough to make you a present you know they really love you.   Anyone can buy a present but you got to love someone to make one.


   I have had a really bad day and I feel the need to vent any one that does not want to hear about it do not bother reading this .   Most of you know I am in some pool leagues.   Today started bad at 8 am with a fight in one of the lgs because a tournament was scheduled and I got up early to play it only to discover it was moved to tonight.   Problem is I had already made plans to play in a different lg at the new time slot for the first event.  I then decided I would clean my kitchen window and change the curtain the dang window fought me every step of the way and I could not get all the streaks off them no matter what I did.  I made a pie that fell apart.  Later I rushed away from something else I was doing to play in the second event and when I got there no one was there not even the td that was to run it. .   As a result I went and played in the first event and was out of it in one round.   This has been a very bad day and I have a lot of thinking to do.

     My only hope is if tomorrow is better then today.


     Yesterday I spent and unusual Thanksgiving with my older brother and his family.   This was unusual because the rest of my brothers and sisters were not there.   This is the first time in about a decade I have been to my brothers house when at least one of my sisters were not there also.   I really felt the need to go when my brother asked me to come.   He had a heart attack last month and they did quadruple bypass on him.   I am thankful he did not die from it.   He was not himself though he was way quieter then usual.   My sister thinks he may have some depression which is possible.    I know having my chest cracked open would depress me.   All in all it was a pretty nice day.   My nephew came and got me and took me home .n34.gif Good choice I love my nephew lots.   It was a nice warm day that made it nicer for me too all the sun shine kept me in a happy mood. 

     It was around 7 when I came home.   My sister in law sent a lot of food home with me.   There was the biggest full moon hanging over head.   Have you ever noticed how much bigger the moon is out away from city lights then it is in the city?   My niece is getting so tall.   She is actually a couple inches taller then me now.   I am glad I went.  My sister in law is a great cook. but the surprising thing was the turkey my nephew made.   It was yummy.

     The day was really good till about 9 pm when my sister called and claimed my niece forgot to bring me the plate my sister had said she would send me.    Frankly I thing the story she was gonna send me a plate what just that a story from the beginning, because I figured out she knew my brother was gonna invite me.    When I told her now I knew what she had been hinting about she made up a cover story.   Then when I actually went to my brothers she decided she did not need to sent me a plate and made up the story her daughter forgot it to cover.    Yes I know how paranoid that sounds but if you knew her daughter you would know IF she was actually going to do something like bring me a plate SHE WOULD NOT HAVE FORGOT IT.    My niece DOES NOT FORGET THINGS SHE SAYS SHE WILL DO.   I feel sure if she really planned to do it she would.   It is not a big thing my sister did not keep her word about sending the plate.    The issue is WHY LIE ABOUT IT seriously what is the point?  

     I can not believe people really go shopping on Thanksgiving.    Like my nephew said they do not even let people enjoy the holiday.    A few more hrs till midnight would not have killed the stores to wait.   The people who were shopping would still need to buy things later.