
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     I think my sister is getting senile.   She and I just had a couple words over something she said I ALLEGEDLY said to her one time when she was driving.   She said I have road rage lol it is stupid.   I do not have road rage when I am driving and usually I do not try to tell the driver how to drive.   I thought she was referring to the time she tried to pull out in front of a car I had warned her to watch.   I had seen the car pull out into traffic from an entrance about 40 ft away from where we were going to be merging in to the same lane.   I told her to watch that car and at the time I told her what color it was but I forget the color now.   She ignored me and continued her merge lucky for us the kid driving the other car had fast reflexes and swerved to avoid the accident my sister was about to cause.   She said it was not that time.   She said we were on another road when a car cut in front of her.   She said I said she should not have let him do it cause she had the right of way.   NOT ONLY DID I NOT SAY THAT I WOULD NOT MAKE THAT STATEMENT.   Anything that avoids an accident is a goooooooood thing.    She got mad when I told her I NEVER SAID THAT and told her she must be mixing me up with someone else.   I can so totally see her youngest daughter making that remark, but the thing is sense she got her license when they travel together the daughter usually does the driving.  So I do not know who it may have been with her that said that but it was not me.   I suppose it could have been out cousin they spend a lot of time together.

     I did yell at her the day she nearly got us hit, but the thing she said I said is nothing I would ever say.   So she ended up mad at me.   She said her blood pressure was going up when she hung up lol and she says I have rage.   She needs to look in the mirror if you ask me.

     Although I think I had first gotten her angry when I told her I did not think our other sister had as much money as she thought she does.   My one sisters husband had a good head for business and he planned for the future and for his family if anything happened to him.   So when he died way too young at age 50 from a heart attack his family did not need to worry about money.   If my sister plays it right he had made enough investments that paid off to keep her from having to worry about money for the rest of her life.   Sense she has lots of money she thinks every one else does too.   My other sister worked in a department store till she retired and her husband worked in a civil service job.   Someone put in my sisters head that civil service employees got paid a lot and have great pension plans.   I am not sure that is true.   But even if it were my sister and her husband have a lot of health problems, and doctor bills.    I really do not understand my sister's haughty attitude sometimes, but it is really annoying.   So yea I will admit it when she gets on my nerves I do not have a problem with getting on hers right back lol.