
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     As you may have noticed by the reply comment on my last blog I tend to have mood swings this time of year.   There are many reasons for them, none of them hormonal.    If I offend anyone with my attitude I am sorry.   My emotional state this time of year is like a mind field.   One person may get away with saying anything he wants and the next may come at me at the wrong time and get blown up.   I can assure you all though that after the first of the year I will be a little more normal well normal for me lol.   You all know I am far from what most would consider normal.

     Lets take my family Christmas gathering for instance like I mentioned there are gifts exchanged for which I am grateful.   Problem is even if I want to I can not take my presents home unwrapped so I could open them Christmas morning.   I tried that this year.   The look on my niece and my sisters faces when I said I was not opening my presents there, because I was leaving soon broke my heart.  I ended up opening them all there so they could all see that I liked what they got me.   That is the first thing people in my family do is ask people if they like the presents they got them.  We do this so we have a better idea of the kind of things people like when we are getting them gifts.   If you do not open the present you have no clue if you like them or not.  Which makes it impossible for me to bring my presents home unopened.

     I do however have 1 present for Christmas day a friend gave me and so far it is still unwrapped.   My sister in law did not make her traditional hard tack candy this year.   That is a disappointment, but I understand why there has been a lot of illnesses this year in my brothers family and she probably just did not feel well enough to do it.   It really sucks to be a grown up at Christmas. :( you have to act like things are ok even when they make you sad to keep from hurting people you love.     Kids have the life if they feel sad they can cry if they are angry they can yell.   When you are a grown up you have to hold it in to protect those you love so if any of you get hit by my misplaced anger this year I am sorry.

     On a brighter note I may not be spending Christmas day alone this year.   My sister in law asked me to come down Christmas day and I just may do that.   I went for Thanksgiving when my brother called and asked me and had a nice time, so I may just take her up on it and go for Christmas. :) as anyone that knows me well knows being alone on Christmas day is one of my biggest complaints.   This year I may have a way not to be alone if I am feeling up to it.