
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Yesterday I spent and unusual Thanksgiving with my older brother and his family.   This was unusual because the rest of my brothers and sisters were not there.   This is the first time in about a decade I have been to my brothers house when at least one of my sisters were not there also.   I really felt the need to go when my brother asked me to come.   He had a heart attack last month and they did quadruple bypass on him.   I am thankful he did not die from it.   He was not himself though he was way quieter then usual.   My sister thinks he may have some depression which is possible.    I know having my chest cracked open would depress me.   All in all it was a pretty nice day.   My nephew came and got me and took me home .n34.gif Good choice I love my nephew lots.   It was a nice warm day that made it nicer for me too all the sun shine kept me in a happy mood. 

     It was around 7 when I came home.   My sister in law sent a lot of food home with me.   There was the biggest full moon hanging over head.   Have you ever noticed how much bigger the moon is out away from city lights then it is in the city?   My niece is getting so tall.   She is actually a couple inches taller then me now.   I am glad I went.  My sister in law is a great cook. but the surprising thing was the turkey my nephew made.   It was yummy.

     The day was really good till about 9 pm when my sister called and claimed my niece forgot to bring me the plate my sister had said she would send me.    Frankly I thing the story she was gonna send me a plate what just that a story from the beginning, because I figured out she knew my brother was gonna invite me.    When I told her now I knew what she had been hinting about she made up a cover story.   Then when I actually went to my brothers she decided she did not need to sent me a plate and made up the story her daughter forgot it to cover.    Yes I know how paranoid that sounds but if you knew her daughter you would know IF she was actually going to do something like bring me a plate SHE WOULD NOT HAVE FORGOT IT.    My niece DOES NOT FORGET THINGS SHE SAYS SHE WILL DO.   I feel sure if she really planned to do it she would.   It is not a big thing my sister did not keep her word about sending the plate.    The issue is WHY LIE ABOUT IT seriously what is the point?  

     I can not believe people really go shopping on Thanksgiving.    Like my nephew said they do not even let people enjoy the holiday.    A few more hrs till midnight would not have killed the stores to wait.   The people who were shopping would still need to buy things later.