
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Have you ever noticed that the differences between people and how they see things can sometimes drive friendships apart.   Something happened to me yesterday a very good friend told something I trusted him not to tell.   It hurt me deeply and now people that know about it are acting like it is not big thing.   To me it is a huge thing.  I do not trust easily, and when I do get the courage to trust someone it seems they always end up letting me down.   I do not know maybe I expect to much.   I just want to know when trust was something too much to expect from a friend.

     I am sure I will forgive my friend he apologized and I always forgive people that apologize .   I learned how to forgive from one of my exes.   Forgetting and learning to trust again will take more time.   It does not help that I feel like some of my other friends think I should just forget what he did.   Forgiving is easy forgetting is nearly impossible for me.   It takes me a long time and much thinking to get past being betrayed.   I believe he is sorry, but he still will not give me the one thing I need to make it all go away in my head.   I need the real reason he did it.   Six years I knew him and I never one time had to worry he would ever tell something I told him not to UNTILL NOW.   People often see things differently and this differences in thought processes often makes space between people who were once close friends.   You all bare with me while I try to get my head straight.


     I had someone send me a friend request today.   I will not mention who as I deleted him less then an hr later.   He imed me asked what I was doing and where I was at I told him I was playing pool and I was in the USA.    This was not good enough for him upon me telling him I was in the USA he called me a liar and jumped to the conclusion I was no where near the USA.   NO ONE CALLS ME A LIAR when I am not lying.   So I deleted him.   He is an idiot.   Anyone that assumes you are lying just because you do not want them to know exactly where you live is not playing with a full deck.   Many of the people on my friends list know exactly where I live.   They know this because they have put the time into getting to know me and waited till I was ready to tell them where I live.   Part of the reason I did not tell this guy the exact state I live in is he had on his profile he was looking for a relationship, and those of you that really know me know I am already in one, so why would I need a guy that was looking for a relationship to know where I live.

     The only reason I am even wasting my time writing this is because I feel every woman has the right to protect herself from online predators  in any way she sees fit.  Saying I live in the USA is not a lie.   It is just not as much info as he wanted, and because he did not get his way he dubbed me a liar.   Something else that set my defense mode off was the way he addressed me when he imed me.   He said hello gorgeous.   He had no way of knowing what I looked like because as you all know I do not have 1 single picture of the real me on this profile.   In fact having had my favorite picture of me stolen not once but twice and used for things I did not like I am very careful about who even gets to see my real picture.   Last time I had a picture of myself on a web page was 2008.   I had one on the league page for a league I was staff in at the time.   When it was brought to my attention a woman or ill-reputed  had stolen it and was using it to cyber in lobbies of pool rooms I pulled it from the page and have NEVER allowed any of my pictures to be put on any websites again.   When someone you have just met asks too many personal questions it should set off a red flag every time.   Do not be afraid to say no you can not have that info if you do not trust the person asking the question.

    Let me tell you a story that happened in my real life.   There was this guy that worked at the local grocery store and he kept making passes at me.   He wanted to know where I lived, and every time he asked I would answer not far or near by without actually giving him any info of direction or address.   I could have complained to his boss, but I did not want to take the chance of getting him fired, so I just kept sidestepping his advances.   One day I was shopping with my sister-in-law and she heard him ask where I lived.    She told him where I lived without me knowing it!   Imation my surprise when he showed up on my street.   Luckily I was not at my house when I saw him, and did not go home till he left.   I asked him how he found me, and when he said my sister-in-law had told him I was furious with her.   It took me 2 times of him showing up in my neighborhood to get him to stop.   I asked him why he was putting so much energy into trying ot get to know a girl that has not showed him any attention.   I hated to hurt his feelings but it worked.   I told my sister-in-law if it had not worked her husband ( my brother ) would get to explain it to him and that I would be sure and tell him she was the one that caused it when  I did not want this guy to know where I lived.   I told her if I had wanted him to know I would have told him myself and for her to NEVER DO THAT AGAIN.   So do you see why I am so cautious?


     Have you all noticed the reboots and sequels  to old tv shows and movies that have been popping up in the past few years.   I am just wondering if this is due to laziness or flattery?   They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.   Lets first look at a couple that were really good.   The girl meets world spinoff by Disney is a really awesome show it has many of the old actors reprising their roles as they got older, but it also has a very good younger cast at the core of the show.   I especially like that every show has a good sound moral message.   The creators of this show not only did their home work on the original series, but they brought forth issues that todays kids deal with on a daily bases.   I hope this series runs for a long time and is not shelved as many of Disney's other shows have been after a run of 3 to 5 years.   I also liked the reboot of the Star Trek series.   Al thought there were a couple flaws in it like Kahn being in it when he was not born in that time frame he came earlier.   The over all idea of the past being changed and a whole new time line being put in place is a good one.   I would also like to add the actor they cast as Spock was an excellent choice.   I think this series will live long and if they continue to maintain good stories the creators will prosper.

     Now lets take a step into the ridiculous.     Have you seen the adds for the full house spin off Fuller House I believe they are calling it.   It will center on the oldest daughter as a single mother.   Seriously do you really think people do not see what is going on here?   You saw Girl meets world was a success and you hope to get a piece of the marketing pie.   I am going to tell you all I have serious doubts about this spin off.   I will save my final thoughts on it till I have actually seen it, but if it is to be even a little bit as successful as the original full house they will need better story lines then just the single parent stuff.   The single parent thing has been done to death.   Now lets talk about this Ghostbusters reboot.   I predict it will have an epic fail at the box office.   Woman Ghostbusters  I do not think will work.   My thoughts are not because women could not do it I feel this because women WOULD NOT DO IT.   If we were going to chase ghosts we would do it in a less messy smarter way then the original Ghostbusters, and from what I saw on the press releases they have the same plain brown jumpsuits.   But you want to know the main reasons this is going to fail?   It is the star draw.   At the time Ghostbusters the original was made Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd , and Harold Ramis were already big stars.  Even if the script had not bee as funny as it was their names would have drawn in fans.  

     My thing is writers and producers should come up with new ideas for movies and tv shows instead of just trying to copy something someone else has had success with.   People need to expand their minds and their imaginations and come up with new things these cookie cutter shows and movies are not really an improvement.   And while we are on the subject of people copying things have you all seen the new version of  Annie.   They did not even give her red hair.   The red hair was orphan Annie's trademark along with the red dress.   It seems to me if they wanted to make a similar movie that did not keep the original qualities that everyone recognized would it not have been easier to have called it something else and let the story stand on its own merits.

     Ok not if I sound opinionated it is because I am opinionated lol.  I am not perfect, but at least I am original in what I write.


     I saw where Bill Cosby was charged.   Now let me make one thing clear before I start this blog.   With this many women coming forward I feel with a 90% certainty he did have sex with them and it may be just as they say, BUT it is not my place or anyone else's place to judge or try him in the media.   His guilt or innocence is not for me to decide that is what the court of law is for.   I do however have a couple questions for the women he allegedly violated.   First why did none of you bring it to light sooner, and how is it if he had sex with so many women I have not seen where any of them got pregnant?   Do not for one second think I am on his side as I myself had something bad in my past that I am not going to talk about, and I think if he is found guilty he should get the max for the crimes.  

     I just think all these people that had mean comebacks to his twitter post should look at themselves first.     They may not be sexual predators, but I am sure not a one of them has lead a life completely free of wrong doing.   Jesus said let he who is without sin cast the first stone.   I know very well most of those people that had an opinion on his tweet have bad things in their past.   I am not trying to make him out to be Mr. Perfect, but it will never stop amazing me how quick people turn on people in the public eye when they show any signs of being human.    The things he was charged with may not be humane but they are within the scope of human behavior.   If he in fact did everything he was accused of he should pay for it, but I really feel the women should not have waited so long to come forward.

     One of the tweets that replied to what he said told him he destroyed their childhood.   I do not see how that is possible unless they themselves was one of the people he allegedly violated.    If a tv idol falling off the pedestal we put him on can destroy your childhood it makes me wonder what kind of home like you had?   No one should center their whole life and everything good in their childhood around a tv show or an actor.   Where were this kids parents and did they not have any siblings?   Is that why a tv show had so much an effect and the star of it falling could destroy the childhood because they lived in the tv .

     I am sure some of you will not like that I had to say on this subject, and that is your right.   In fact feel free to comment on it BUT KEEP THE WORDING CLEAN.   I will delete any foul language, so not cussing or profanity.


     I was talking to my mailman and he was telling me a story about his 8 year old daughter.   She is reaching the age that children start questioning magical things.   They were at the mall and she saw a display for elf on a shelf.   She asked her dad if you can buy it in a store how is it magical?   I told him to tell her that is part of the magic, but all adults know the true magic of Christmas lives in the eyes of children.

     I love the look on the eyes of children awaking Christmas morning to see Santa had been there while they slept.   And the joy when they open their gifts to find just what their hearts wished for that year.  Or the wonder at how Santa squeezed down a chimney that was way too small for him to get in.   When I was little I was lucky we had a real fire place so Santa had no problem getting into our house.

     We did not get many toys when I was little, but we had lots of love.   My brother and I had a deal whoever woke up first on Christmas morning would wake the other.   We had a small house so I slept with my mom and my little brother slept with my dad in the same room our other 2 sisters and 1 brother had the other bedroom.   It was cute to see me or my little brother quietly craw out over the foot of the beds, because our sides of the beds were against the wall.   Whichever one who woke up first would slip quietly to the foot of the other bed and whisper to the other child that we should go see what Santa got us.   The funniest thing was on the mornings we were not awake by 6 am my dad would call us by name and say Santa has been there.   Immediately after we would hear my mom yells at our dad to LET THEM SLEEP!   Now think about this would we still be sleeping after she yelled at dad?   It did not matter though, because we were already awake and dad would just laugh at mom when she yelled and he followed us down the stairs to watch us open our presents.   I really think dad enjoyed it more than us.

     It is sad to say but I really think Christmas as we know it would have stopped being a big celebration long ago if it were not for the magic in children’s eyes.   It is the light of magic and wonder in children that keeps the Christmas light burning, and how appropriate is that when you consider Christmas started with a child?   

     It is only fitting we say a few words about the first child to have a Christmas which also happened to be his birthday.   Long ago in a land far away a baby was born and with that baby’s births the hopes of a better world.   The magic that year was the birth of a beautiful baby to a virgin, and with it the hope of all mankind for love and forgiveness. 

      Have you ever wondered what the world would be like today if that baby had never been born?   The world would have gone on, but in what form?   Once a year people are nicer to others.   I myself was the receiver of a special Christmas gift Sunday.     I friend of mine sent me a Christmas card with a gift card inside.  I had not expected this generous gift.   That gift that came to me from a kind giving heart that wanted nothing more than to make me happy is part of the magic of Christmas.   It is always magic when someone thinks of another with no thought of what they may get back by doing it.    On a personal note Thank You Tony for your thoughtfulness.   It was very kind of you to think of me.