
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Have you all noticed the reboots and sequels  to old tv shows and movies that have been popping up in the past few years.   I am just wondering if this is due to laziness or flattery?   They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.   Lets first look at a couple that were really good.   The girl meets world spinoff by Disney is a really awesome show it has many of the old actors reprising their roles as they got older, but it also has a very good younger cast at the core of the show.   I especially like that every show has a good sound moral message.   The creators of this show not only did their home work on the original series, but they brought forth issues that todays kids deal with on a daily bases.   I hope this series runs for a long time and is not shelved as many of Disney's other shows have been after a run of 3 to 5 years.   I also liked the reboot of the Star Trek series.   Al thought there were a couple flaws in it like Kahn being in it when he was not born in that time frame he came earlier.   The over all idea of the past being changed and a whole new time line being put in place is a good one.   I would also like to add the actor they cast as Spock was an excellent choice.   I think this series will live long and if they continue to maintain good stories the creators will prosper.

     Now lets take a step into the ridiculous.     Have you seen the adds for the full house spin off Fuller House I believe they are calling it.   It will center on the oldest daughter as a single mother.   Seriously do you really think people do not see what is going on here?   You saw Girl meets world was a success and you hope to get a piece of the marketing pie.   I am going to tell you all I have serious doubts about this spin off.   I will save my final thoughts on it till I have actually seen it, but if it is to be even a little bit as successful as the original full house they will need better story lines then just the single parent stuff.   The single parent thing has been done to death.   Now lets talk about this Ghostbusters reboot.   I predict it will have an epic fail at the box office.   Woman Ghostbusters  I do not think will work.   My thoughts are not because women could not do it I feel this because women WOULD NOT DO IT.   If we were going to chase ghosts we would do it in a less messy smarter way then the original Ghostbusters, and from what I saw on the press releases they have the same plain brown jumpsuits.   But you want to know the main reasons this is going to fail?   It is the star draw.   At the time Ghostbusters the original was made Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd , and Harold Ramis were already big stars.  Even if the script had not bee as funny as it was their names would have drawn in fans.  

     My thing is writers and producers should come up with new ideas for movies and tv shows instead of just trying to copy something someone else has had success with.   People need to expand their minds and their imaginations and come up with new things these cookie cutter shows and movies are not really an improvement.   And while we are on the subject of people copying things have you all seen the new version of  Annie.   They did not even give her red hair.   The red hair was orphan Annie's trademark along with the red dress.   It seems to me if they wanted to make a similar movie that did not keep the original qualities that everyone recognized would it not have been easier to have called it something else and let the story stand on its own merits.

     Ok not if I sound opinionated it is because I am opinionated lol.  I am not perfect, but at least I am original in what I write.