
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     I hate people that assume things, and I love punching holes in assumptions.   Lets take this thing I say on yahoo news today about the 9 meter shark that they assume was eaten by something else because the tracking dater they recovered from its tag that washed on shore showed a rise in temperature at a depth that should not have been possible unless it was inside of another creature.   While I am not disputing the tag was infract eaten by another creature,  I feel it is a large assumption to say something ate the whole shark.   First why would anything even try to eat a shark that size with the many smaller easier to catch fish in the sea.   Second the tracker stated the shark was moving quickly at the time of the temperature change so for something to eat it that creature would have had to have been moving faster then the shark to not only catch it but to eat it.   The video I saw would have you believe something swallowed the shark in one gulp.   I think if the shark was attacked by something else it is more likely that the tag was bitten off and the shark itself escaped a little the worse for ware but alive.   Another thought is that the shark somehow knocked the tag off and that another fish thinking it was food ate it.   That would have accounted for the rise in temperature of the tag at the alleged time of the sharks death due to being eaten by another creature.   It is like the report said not many will mess with a shark much less eat one.  Lets suppose that maybe the sharks dissent did indicate that it was being chased by something else, that still does not prove it was eaten by what ever was chasing it.  It was said this shark was a female there could be a possibility the device was bitten off by a male shark interested in mating.   But the fact is we will never know for sure what happened as even if the shark shows up alive somewhere it will probably not be recognized as the same one if I am right and the tracker was lost in a fight it will most likely look different now.   

     I may punch some holes in other assumptions in the future.   I really hate when people assume things.   It leads to misunderstandings an paranoia and stress when you assume wrong.


     It is one of those roller coaster emotion days.   We have all had days when your emotions go up and down like the hills on a roller coaster.   It started out a little slow like the clime up the heal of a coaster.   Then for a short time everything was great like when you reach the top and can see everywhere.   It did not take long for that mood to start dropping like the rush down the hill.   It then flattened out on the bottom that lasted several hours.   Between working on my friends computer and finding out another person I once saw as a sister really never gave a damn about me it took me awhile to climb back out of that dip.   My mood began to rise again when I finally got my friends computer sorted out for him.  I then had a nice supper and took a nap.  n34.gif  I find a nice nap will always help a bad day.   I signed on to messenger a few minutes ago and noticed the status a friend had up.   I think he is really depressed himself, but he has not answered my messages so I can not even try to help him.   I hate when my friends are hurting and I can not help.  

    I saw a cute sign the other day that was so me.   It said: There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn't even jump puddles for you.   That is me I have always been an ocean crosser.    It is hard to break that habit, but for my own good I think I am going to have to stop that.   And I just got some more crap dumped on me a few min ago.   I am ONE PERSON!   I CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH.    Sorry kind of upset atm.   It is easy for people to say I want this and I want that but not want to do anything to make it happen themselves.  I am sure there will be more days like this so look for more updates in the future when I get stressed I blog lol.



     Have you ever noticed how people will say things when they are mad that they do not really mean.   Many times people do not take the time to think about how what they say will effect others.   Like when I was a kid it was near Christmas time my sister had fallen and cut her knew.   A few days later there was a kid going door to door selling cans of hard tack candy for $3 each.   My little brother and I were so happy when she bought us a can of it (we did not get much candy in them days cause we did not have a lot of money).   I loved my sister so much for doing that for us my happiness lasted about 10 min.   I heard her tell my mother she used her bandage money to get the candy n1.gif.   It made me want to cry.   If she needed the money to get bandages for her knee why would she buy us candy with it?   Her knee was more important, but what really hurt was her saying that after she made the decision to do it.   To this day I do not know if she bought the candy because she wanted to do something nice for us or if she did it so she could play the martyr.   To this day I rarely ask that sister for anything.   What she said is burned into my heart. 

     I had a couple friends one time they were fighting over a toy I had got one of the children.   The child was too attacked to it and the daddy was worried about it.   He wanted to take it away from the baby part of the time so the attachment would not be so great.   The mother told him if he did she would just get me to give the baby another one.  But where she over stepped the line was when she referred to me as the babies god mother and told the daddy I was more a godmother to the baby when he was a daddy.   I got really mad at the mom I told her she would not use me to hurt her babies daddy.

     This is a common thing many people will say things in anger they do not mean.   I was recently told something someone had said to their lover during a fight.   It cut so deeply, and the sad part of it is I know it was not meant how it was said and how it was taken, because of something the other lover had said to me just days ago.    The sad part is even thought I know what was said was not meant I can not get involved in it because it would cause more stress between them.   So I have to keep what I know to myself. 

     People need to realize  when you say something in anger even if you did not really mean what you say it can cut a slit in someone else's heart that will never heal. The scar will be there forever.




    Have you ever wondered if the ends justify the means?   Is it ok to do what ever you want or need to so you can get what you want?   Is it fair to use devious means to find the truth when you think someone is lying, or does that make you just as bad as them.   Do 2 wrongs make a right?   If someone is doing something they should not be doing is it ok to set them up to prove they did it?   I was watching a tv show the other night  and a parent had their children's cars gps monitored and their text monitored.  Is that invasion of privacy or good parenting?   I saw a girl admit to having her friend call and try to make a date with her b/f  so she could see if her b/f would cheat on her.   Was that fair or does it make her wrong for not trusting him?  

     I guess we will never really know if the end justifies the means, because each case has its own circumstances.    


     Have you ever noticed when you load a truck down too heavy and then try to take it up a hill you can sometimes burn the motor up on it?     That is how I feel lately I feel like I am overloaded and about to burn out.   I really hate this month I can only hope next month will be better.   Every time I think things may be getting a little better and I may be pulling out of the depression I have been in lately someone pushes me back in deeper.   I had a friend named Heather once .   For those of you that have know me for a long time YES there was a real Heather.     She was a lot like me in a lot of ways, but she could do something I never learned how to do she could pull back and recharge herself when she was running on empty.   She one time  told me "You need to learn to pull yourself away from the things stressing you out or it will break you down."   She would disappear from the net for weeks at a time sometimes and when she came back she was all better.   I wish I could do that but my dad always said you can not just leave when things get hard.   

     I have a lot of people depending on me for a lot of things and I am not the kind to leave my friends hanging when they need me.   If I say I will do something I do it.   Several of my friends have had losses in their lives this month and I have tried to be there for them.   I feel like I have nothing left for me. n1.gif   I got people thinking they are funny and quite frankly I do not find anything funny about it.   Got to love it when someone says another person is going to agree with something you say as a way of dismissing both yours and the other persons opinion.   I have another friend that thinks it is fun to be putting someone down all the time.   I do not find that funny either.   It is like a smart person once said you do not have to put someone else's candle out to make yours appear to shine brighter.  

     I sometimes wonder if when things that used to be a lot of fun just are not fun anymore if it is time to go find new activities and new people.   I just do not know anymore all I know for sure is nothing is as much fun as it once was, and I am not feeling the love like I once did.   I feel like I am being ignored and I am not the person to ignore.   I do not take it well.