
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     I hate people that assume things, and I love punching holes in assumptions.   Lets take this thing I say on yahoo news today about the 9 meter shark that they assume was eaten by something else because the tracking dater they recovered from its tag that washed on shore showed a rise in temperature at a depth that should not have been possible unless it was inside of another creature.   While I am not disputing the tag was infract eaten by another creature,  I feel it is a large assumption to say something ate the whole shark.   First why would anything even try to eat a shark that size with the many smaller easier to catch fish in the sea.   Second the tracker stated the shark was moving quickly at the time of the temperature change so for something to eat it that creature would have had to have been moving faster then the shark to not only catch it but to eat it.   The video I saw would have you believe something swallowed the shark in one gulp.   I think if the shark was attacked by something else it is more likely that the tag was bitten off and the shark itself escaped a little the worse for ware but alive.   Another thought is that the shark somehow knocked the tag off and that another fish thinking it was food ate it.   That would have accounted for the rise in temperature of the tag at the alleged time of the sharks death due to being eaten by another creature.   It is like the report said not many will mess with a shark much less eat one.  Lets suppose that maybe the sharks dissent did indicate that it was being chased by something else, that still does not prove it was eaten by what ever was chasing it.  It was said this shark was a female there could be a possibility the device was bitten off by a male shark interested in mating.   But the fact is we will never know for sure what happened as even if the shark shows up alive somewhere it will probably not be recognized as the same one if I am right and the tracker was lost in a fight it will most likely look different now.   

     I may punch some holes in other assumptions in the future.   I really hate when people assume things.   It leads to misunderstandings an paranoia and stress when you assume wrong.