
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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    Have you ever noticed how peoples priorities change with the weather and the seasons?   It is not totally surprising, because some things you can only do in certain weather or at certain times of the year.   I can totally understand pushing something seasonal to the front of your things to do list, I just think it is a shame when you do not just drop things down on your list but somehow they drop completely off the list when the weather gets warmer. lol  

     Lets take summer for instance EVERYONE wants to get outside in the summer n17.gif .   That is a good thing, but I have a couple friends when the weather starts getting warmer they forget about everyone and everything that helped get them through the boring cold winter.   If you give them a fishing pole and some bait this time of year you will not see them till fall. Ok maybe I am exaggerating A LITTLE, but that is what it seems like. lol  What kills me is one of them does not even eat the fish he catches.   I mean really what is the point of setting on a river bank for hours in the sun with the bugs to maybe catch a little fish just to let it go?   If I was to put that much effort into catching something you better believe it I am going to eat it.

     I am not usually much of an outside person.   I do not like bees or spiders or mosquitos, and the main reason is because I have had bad encounters with them in the past.   Most of my childhood I was covered with mosquito bites.   I was an adult before I found out I had a zinc deficiency, and that was why they liked me so much.   Mosquitos will not bite you if you have enough zinc in your body.   I recommend 25 mg a day if you know you are going to be around mosquitos to keep from being bitten.   When I was 4 or 5  I was attacked by a swarm or bumble bees and stung badly all around my eyes.   I could hardly see for over a week.   Luckily there was not any real permanent damage other then a sensitivity to light that remains to this day.   I have 3 bad scars from spider bites.   If you have never been bitten by a spider, try not to be!   It is a bad bite and takes forever to heal.   The one took nearly a year even with medicine from the doctor to help it.   It was on my leg and hurt every time I walked. That is why I am not the out doors type.   My boyfriend said he would take me camping and I told him NO WAY YOU ARE GOING ALONE.   I do not do camping.   I went one time when I was a kid with my brother and wound up sleeping on rocks and getting a bad sunburn.   I said never again.   Give me a soft blanket, a TV, a computer, some good books and a craft project or 2 and I am happy.  

     I miss my friends when they take to the outdoors, but I would never begrudge them their fun n17.gif life is too short to not do EVERYTHING you want to do.    I would also advise doing it as young as you can, because old age makes you not have as much energy.


lol  You ever have one of those days?   I was nearly done writing a new entry when I bumped something I still do not know what and deleted the whole entry.  I am a big believer in fate and things happening for a reason, so I will not be rewriting what I had in the one that got deleted by accident.   Instead lets talk about fate.   I believe everything good or bad happens for a reason.   I will give you and example.   I had some friends when I was about 13  a mom a dad and 2 sons.   I said to the dad one day about when was he going to get the boys the little sister his wife always wanted a little girl.   He said he was not that he was stopping with the 2 boys.   Less then a year later their oldest son was killed when he was struck by a car on the road in front of their home.   It was a very sad thing.   He was so young, but I believe everything happens for a reason.   After his death they went on to have 2 more little boys and the little girl his wife wanted.   I honestly believe had both of the first 2 boys lived the other 3 children would never have been born.  The second child was a baby when his brother got killed, and the hardest thing for me was the last time I saw him he had grown to look just like his dead brother but with slightly lighter hair.

     When I was less then 2 years old I nearly choked to death on a life saver  DO NOT LET ANYONE TELL YOU, YOU CAN NOT CHOKE ON THEM I DID IT.   It was in the days before the Heimlich maneuver was invented.   I am told they had me turned upside down pounding me on my back and I was turning blue by the time they got it knocked out of my throat.   I was not meant to die that day.  (Important thing to remember if you are choking or going to choke DO NOT PANIC you panic and your throat will close up on you. but if you do not panic you can swallow again and usually get what ever it is down far enough it will not obstruct you breathing.)  I think I was saved that day so I could save another.   When I was 13 or 14 I was playing near a road with a bunch of the neighborhood kids.   The road was not a good one.   We had a lot of fast moving traffic on it.  I looked up and saw a car dropping down the hill fast.   Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sandy my neighbors 3 year old daughter standing in the road not moving as the car barreled down on her.   Without even thinking I jumped out grabbed her and jerked her off the road just in time to feel the air from the car speed past us.   My mom yelled at me.   She said Janie you could have got killed I answered back mom if I had not done what I did Sandy WOULD HAVE BEEN KILLED.  Mom did not say anything more to me about it.  I really believe I was saved from choking to death when I was a child so I could save Sandy later in life.  Needless to say that put an end to us playing along side the road. lol    How ironic is it that that was the same road that took little Ronnie's life only about a year later.   I had moved away when Ronnie died.n1.gif   What eats at me is I know without a doubt had I not moved away Ronnie would not have died that day.    It still eats at me to this day if I see a child on the street I get scared it is going to get hit.   My mom told me he was meant to die by being hit by a car, because his own dad nearly backed over him one day.  Ronnie had followed Ron out to the car when he was leaving for work and Ron did not see him, thank God my dad did and he yelled across to Ron's mom who was coming out of the garage to stop Ron that Ronnie  was behind the car.   So the next time you get all worked up about something bad that happens just tell yourself there is a bigger plan you do not know about and everything happens for a reason no matter how bad it seems at the time.


     Have you ever noticed when you do something nice for someone you are not really looking for appreciation from them, but as it goes on you realize if they do not appreciate your efforts you get hurt or even angry at them?   Why is it when you did it not looking for appreciation does it hurt so much if you get none.   Should you not be content to know you got what you wanted?   Is that not reward enough?   IT SHOULD BE, but sometimes it is not especially if you yourself are insecure.   We want to know people like the things we do for them, and if they do not we feel like it meant nothing to them and all our work was pointless. 

     We all need to feel needed and loved and appreciated by our friends.   We are not truly happy till we can find all that in ourselves.