
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Someone just told me they are thinking of taking J. Edger Hoover's name off a government building now that gays have the right to get married.   Personally I do not see the reasoning behind it.   I why are we so gun ho to try to erase and rewrite history.   For better of for worse it is what it is.   Hiding it and denying it will not change the fact it happened.   We get mad at Germany for denying the holocaust because they are ashamed it happened, but how are we any different if we take peoples names off things or stop change a state flag because it has a confederate flag as part of it?   History is just that history.   Hiding it or denying it will not change the fact it happened.   I really think all this "Oh no we can not do that because someone's feelings will get hurt" attitude is getting out of control.

     It is said those that forget history are condemned to repeat it.   It has also been said you can run from history or you can learn from it.   When did this country start running from anything?   Much less things that happened in the past.   Every time we do away with something from the past that may or may not remind someone of a bad time in our past we are running from history.   We did a lot of stupid things in our past, and sweeping them under the rug does not get rid of them.   If we want to put the stupid things in our past behind us and make a better future, first we must own what we did.  Accept it happened acknowledge, realize it was wrong (if it was) and make sure it never happens again.

    All this getting rid of things that we do not like weather it be a name on a building or a flag because it embraces  us does not make it not have happened all it does it strip away the right to freedom of speech.  The first rule of fanatics is when you become obsessed with the enemy, you become the enemy.   Who says tv is not educational I got that from a kids tv show about 20 years ago, and it is just as true today.     If we learn from history we can grow as a country.   When someone is a child they make many mistakes and learn from them.   We were like a child.   A new country unlike any other at the time.   Our people came from all over the world.  It was only natural we would have differences, and we would not always get along because of them, but we are not longer a child nation.  It is time for us to store all the things we have learned inside our memory and make the future that of an adult.   Remember all the bad things of our history, BUT do not repeat them.


     You know how some people go on long trips to find themselves well guess? I found myself on a website tonight.   The following is from that website and it is totally me.   In it I realized I am not totally crazy just a little different, and being different is a good thing.

The signs of being an empath

This list is what many people may experience if they are highly emphatic. You may not experience them all, but some do. This list is not inclusive.

You may be very sensitive to noises. They may not be loud, but they feel like they go right through you. You are sensitive to harsh lights, strong smells. The energy of these things can actually induce a state where you are experiencing strong feelings triggered by them.

It’s a real trial being at places such as parties, nightclubs where there are so many people that you can barely move, and the noise is so loud that you try to leave your body until it’s all over and you get to leave. An empath will often try and leave such places as soon as it’s politely possible. They cannot understand how people can go to these places night after night, or even how they could be enjoying themselves.

You may also hate crowded places such as shopping plazas, train stations or just too many people in the same room. Normally it’s a place where there is chaotic energy, and the people around you are stressed and just want to get what they are there to do over and done with.

You may experience periods of anxiety for no apparent reason. No matter what you do, you can’t seem to let it go, or get over it, and you have no idea why.

You are clinically depressed, or feel depressed for no apparent reason. Once again, no matter what you try, you just can’t ‘get over it’.

 You carry a lot of guilt, even if it’s for another’s action or for something you have done that has been received in a way you did not expect or desire.

You feel over sensitive to whether people want to be around you or not. Indeed, if you sense that you are not welcome somewhere or by someone, you will hastily make the quickest retreat you can or become ungrounded.

You feel ungrounded. That is, you are all in your mind, rather than your body. When you are somewhere where you do not feel comfortable, or are bored, or just do not wish to be there, you will often retreat into your imagination, and travel to far off and distant places. Anywhere but where you are.

You can always tell how someone else feels, even if they tell you something else. This is often taken personally, though generally, it’s just the other person having issues, which have nothing to do with you. The closer you are to someone, the more you will fear it has to do with you.

You tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. You make extremely sure that someone has been given every chance, and more, before you act to stop them from doing something that may be hurting or putting you under pressure. Even if this person is acting like a complete jerk, you’ll still try to give him understanding and compassion. Sadly, in this current world, doing such things are often abused, or worse, you end up being the bad person.

You feel a great connection to animals and things of nature, including plants and trees. Indeed, you may sense the energy of an area very strongly, be it positive or negative.

If you see someone in distress, pain or who is suffering, you will automatically feel bad along with them, in order to show they are not alone. You may even feel their physical pain and certainly feel their emotional pain. You may actually feel guilty if you do not empathize with such a person and will often put aside your own needs, even if you happen to be feeling good. You cannot abide another’s suffering.

You may have an overwhelming desire to help, heal and save others from themselves. It is important for the empath to not jump right in and try to ‘fix’ someone who they perceive to be going through a rough time. This is a trap many empaths can fall into, but often their help is not always welcome, or worse, their help is abused, and the empath ends up being used and drained of emotional energy and resources. An empath has a way of discerning if they should be helping someone or not. I call them ‘Soul Calls’.

You have an inbuilt lie detector. Someone can be telling you a bare-faced lie, but you will know if it’s not true. The interesting thing about this is that you may not know right away, but you will know, and often quite soon. People will often have a window to try and fool you, but once you’ve had time to consolidate all those feelings, you will always know if someone is trying to lie to you, or manipulate you.

Many empaths are natural healers, and have the ability to heal others either with the laying of hands, or from a distance. Empaths are generally drawn to healing, or a profession that aids others in some way.

If someone find something funny or sad, or has a strong opinion about a certain subject, you may find yourself agreeing with them, in order to match their energies. Then you may find yourself doing it with the next person who comes along. You always find yourself in agreement with who you are with and you only feel your true feelings when you are along. This doesn’t mean you are wishy-washy or weak, it means that you are tuning in to who the person is and what they are feeling, and allowing their energies to overwhelm yours. Many empaths do this because they feel it will help build a rapport with the other, but all it really does is invalidate who you are, and no one thanks you for it either. Standing in your own space and power can be quite challenging for an empath.

You don’t feel like you belong to this world. Indeed, the empath will often feel like a fish out of water, and honestly believe that they don’t belong here. That’s because the behaviour of others are so strange and alien to them, they just can’t relate.

You may feel overwhelmed by too many people, energies or emotions happening all at once. Being an empath is like being a psychic sponge. If you do not have control over your abilities, and know how to purge, you will eventually go into toxic overload, especially when there is so much psychic pollution out there. Sometimes having a cleansing shower can work wonders.

You and others consider yourself a highly sensitive person. Even the smallest change in moods can be picked up by you. It can be very disconcerting.





     It is interesting how freedom of speech can be bent and people do not even realize it.   I saw something where they are getting rid of confederate flags in several front line franchises.   The grounds look noble on the surface,   People think it represents racism.    I find it interesting that something that happened in the 18 00's when  none of us were yet alive has such a big impact on todays world.   By the way I have African American blood in me so before you start saying I am saying this because I am predigest  THINK AGAIN.    I was not born then and neither were you, but I do know my American history and the confederate flag did not represent slavery it represented one part of this country thinking they could not live under the rules set down by the other part.   For the record I think slavery  or oppression in any form stinks and should be fought against.   High scruples and ideals and morals are all good things.   What I do not understand is why people get so upset over a flag, a piece of cloth or a sticker on a car bumper or on a shirt.  

     Fact is it happened over a century ago how is this country come together as one nation under God if we are so far lost in the past that an archaic symbol draws this much attention?   Also how is anyone to take anyone serious when they  cry racism  at the same time people are calling their friends and family the names that were once used by their oppressors.   If  there is a name I do not like to be called by someone else I sure am not gonna let my friends call me it.   Equality will only happen when everything is the same for everyone.

     I was correcting a group of children one time for breaking a rule at the community hall.   I said to a little boy that I spent much time with why did you bring all the kids in game room without and adult.   He replied one of the other supervisors told him he could get a ball.   I replied then why did you not come get me to be here when you did instead of bringing all these kids in here unattended?   At this point a little girl about 9 or 10 said to me you just do not want us in here cause we are black.   She had no clue of my ancestry.   I looked at another little girl in the room that I had know sense she was born I had been friends with most of her family all her life and before.   I called her by name and smiled at her I said you have know me your whole life am I predigest?   

    She replied no Miss. Jane you treat all kids the same. I smiled at her again said thank you hun.   Then I turned to the little girl that made the remark and softly said, You heard if from someone that has know me more then 10 years that I am not predigest,  but for you to assume because I you see my white skin I am, could indicate you are.  I then told her what no one can see looking at me I have black blood in me on my fathers side.  She did not know what to say.   I find it interesting most of the people that yell racism do so because they themselves have it in them.

     Now back on the main subject cause I digressed, but if you were able to see inside my mind you would see the 2 things are connected. My point is this in America we were made up of people from the whole rest of the world.   How ironic is it that in a country that was founded on freedom of speech we are going at each other over something as stupid as an over a century old flag?   But more to the point sense that flag is being removed when will the next one offend someone and freedom of speech will take another black eye. 

Sense we are going back into history to find things to be annoyed about how about if I go back in history to prove my point?   The following was written around the time of WW2 I think.:

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.






     As I write this I am watching an old Star Trek movie.   It is the one where the Federation and Klingons.     This movie is very profound and I plan to make a few points about things in it.   One of the Klingons said, " Better to die on your feet then live on your knees."   I am not sure if that is true.   If you die on your feet nothing will change cause you will be dead.    If you live on your knees there is always the chance you may rise again.   The story of Moses proves that better then any thing.   Moses people spent years serving in Egypt but finally rose and got free.  Where there is life there is hope with death all hope dies too.


    Kirk just said something profound about fear of the future.   People become so set in their ways that any changes scare them he was afraid to make peace wit the Klingons because they killed his son.   It was in the past but it made him afraid of the future because he was afraid to trust Klingons.   Some of the writers of star trek were very profound, and futuristic thinkers.   A wise person once said,  " Others look at what is and ask why.   I dream of what could be and ask why not."   I do not remember who said it but it is deep is it not?    Many times if you are not afraid to trust peace and even friendships can be made from unexpected places.

     Have you ever noticed no matter what they got into it was rare a star died in any of these movies lol


     Many people are loaded with insecurity.   I myself have more then my share of them.   If people you love say detrimental things to you, you believe them, because in your mind someone that loves you would only tell you the truth.    Thing is that is not always true.   For years my brothers would make fun of me and put me down and act like I was stupid.   I grew up believing these things about myself because people I loved said they were true.  To this day those insecurities lay within my heart. sole and personality.   It does not take much to bring them out and crash every bit of the fragile self esteem I managed to build over the years to the ground.  

     Over the years I have tried to pull away from people that would put me down as my brothers did and cling to those that saw the real me not the cardboard cut out my brothers had put between me and the mirror to my sole.   I learned from those that care about me the real friends that stuck by me no matter what and were there to catch me when I was tripped by others that sought to build themselves up by knocking me down that I did have value, I was not stupid, I was smart and my brothers were only treating me that way to make themselves feel better.   Even today though if someone I love and respect the opinion of says something to put me down I will crash back into that insecure worthless state of mind I used to live in.   Eventually I will claw my way up out of that pit onto more stable ground but for a time I am stuck like in quick sand in my hurt feelings.

     Sometimes you have to make really heart decisions that you never wanted to make to keep from sinking deeper into the quick sand.   You may have to confront someone you love with the truth something painful to them to make them see what they are doing to you.   That was how I stopped my younger brother from putting me down.   Just one time I said something mean to him something I knew would hurt him like he hurt me for years.   After I said it I watched his face and waited for the response.   He stopped stunned and looked at me in surprise.   He said you know that kinda hurt my feelings.   To which I replied, "GOOD THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF SAYING IT.  NOW YOU TELL ME HOW THE HELL DOES IT FEEL TO HAVE SOMEON E YOU LOVE HURT YOUR FEELINGS AND NOT GIVE A DAMN THEY DID IT? , BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN DOING IT TO ME FOR YEARS."   He tried to excuse his behavior by saying I was just kidding.   I said, NO teasing everyone laughs if you tease someone you do not keep up till they cry that is bullying.   I told him I had cried myself to sleep many times because of things he said to me and that he did not care that he hurt me.    then I asked him again HOW DOES IT FEE?   He thought about it for a few min then he said. " If I made you feel like this I am sorry. "  I said, "Well you  did but I accept your apology."   

     That one act of showing him how it felt was enough to change our relationship.   He will still "tease" me but now if he sees I am not smiling about what he says he stops right there before he makes me cry.   People that REALLY love you will not want to  see you sad, upset or crying if they know they caused it, UNLESS THEY DID IT ON PURPOUS.  There are only 2 reasons for hurting someone deliberately.   One is if you are trying to teach them something like I taught my brother, and two is if they are trying to make you feel bad because they want to hurt you.

     I have a very wise friend that lives in India he told me once I should keep the people in my live that are an assets to me, and discard the ones that are detrimental.   It is good advice, but my problem is when I see someone as my friend I will let them do a lot of really mean things to me before I say enough and remove them completely from my life.   Somewhere inside of me I keep hoping the person they were when we first became friends will find their way back to me.   The last person I called my friend that I got rid of happened over 3 years ago when I found out she was lying to me for 4 years.   I do not let go of those I call my friends easily, but it is not impossible for someone to hurt me bad enough for me to move on without them.

     I have been doing a lot of thinking lately and I got a lot more to do.   I have came to some conclusions and I have other things to decide I will write more on this as I figure things out.   I would love to hear from anyone who can define what they look for in a friend or how they tell when a friendship is not worth working on anymore.   The one thing I know is for a friendship to survive both people must want it and they must not let their insecurity's kill it.