
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     A friend of mine told me a story the other day that I had to share with you all.   It seems a woman brought a phone in to my friends place of employment the other day.   She told that her family had went camping over the weekend and she lost her phone.   She had some friends that lived near the camp site so they went out to look for the phone/  They found it in a hole a skunk had been using.   They could not get to it because it stunk.   They left it there.  The woman had an account with them and  wanted to know if her policy covered a skunk having her phone.

     This story set my mind to wondering.  Like I wonder if the skunk went over her minutes, or took selfies of himself, maybe he called some friends that moved to another state, or maybe he used the screen light as a flashlight.   I can't help but wonder if the phone fell in there or if the skunk did a little phone lifting. lol   Fact is that kind of thing does not happen every day.




     It is written God helps them who help themselves.    For those of you who do not understand what that means this may help:  Well, God appreciates hard work and discourages laziness. Therefore, God would be more helpful towards you if you first did your best to do the thing you need help with. Ex: It's not enough to just pray to pass the exam. Not studying and expecting god to take care of things for you is disrespectful and lazy. Instead, if you were to do your best to ace the exam and study as hard as you can, you can leave the rest to god.

    I am reminded of the story of the devoutly religious man that when he died went to heaven.   He was told he could ask God one question.   He looked at God and said, “I prayed everyday that I would win the lottery and never be poor again, why was my prayer never granted.”   God looked at him and said softly, “You never bought a lottery ticket.”   The moral of this story is you cannot just set around and expect your hopes and dreams will all be handed to you.   You must do yours share to help them come true.

     On a side story have you all ever heard of THE SECRET it is a book and a movie.   A person who was only in my life for a short time sent me a link to that movie, and it changed my life.   It deals with the law of positive attraction.  It tells how if you want something you can get it by focusing the right thoughts on it.   The key is not to think about what you do not want, but to think about what you DO want.  Example: If you do not want to get fired from a job, you do not think I do not want to get fired.   You think I want to keep my job.   The law of positive attraction does not see negatives so if you think I do not want to get fired all it picks up on is I DO WANT TO GET FIRED, and it will happen because you are attracting getting fired to you.   This link will take you to THE SECRET   www.hulu.com/watch/235701 . You will need to enable adds to see it and I need to warn you the first part is a little confusing and strange. But do not concentrate on the video part of that listen to the words, and about a half an hour into it everything will become very clear.   If you are like me your outlook on life will change about half way through this movie.    I have applied what it says and it really does work.   Not everything will happen fast, BUT it does happen.

     I have a friend that understood how this worked better than anyone else I know.  I have seen her make things happen in her life that even I did not think would be possible.   Every time she has ever made up her mind she wanted something in the end she got it.   She was no smarter nor did she have any more money than anyone else in our neighborhood, but she always got what she wanted. 

     I recommend everyone check out THE SECRET.


     I once heard it said on a tv show that in a relationship one person is the flower and gets tended and the other is the gardener and does the tending.   I wonder how many people that saw that really knew what he was saying.   Lately I feel like I am standing in a big flower bed.   All the flowers needing my attention.   Water me, prune me, weed me, they all call out to me wanting my attention right now.   I am but one person and although I quite like the role of the gardener, because they make beautiful things grow from the dirt.   Lately I am exhausted.   My flower garden is getting bigger by the day and I have trouble neglecting any of the, because they are all special in their own way.

     The ironic part of this is that on at least 3 occasions over the years I have been told I make everything about me.   What I found interesting is in all 3 of those occasions the person saying it and I had been arguing on different matters.  Which makes me wonder if what they said was true or if they just said it trying to hurt my feelings lol guess I will never know.   One of the people who said it walked out of my life a couple years ago and another is dead now.   It was very sad she died way too young.   She was not very nice and karma finally got her.   I know you should not speak ill of the dead because they are not here to defend themselves and I myself may get a little bad karma for doing it.   But can someone tell me how dying makes someone a good person that you should not speak ill of it they were really evil when they were alive.   Does dying give you a life history transplant?   It is like he was a sob when he was alive but now that he is dead he is a great guy and we will all miss him.  But I digress lol.

     Back to the flower gardener thing.   Have you ever noticed some weeds look like actual flowers?    Like the Johnny jump ups they look like miniature violates, but if they are left unchecked they get huge leaves that push out everything,   I know this because I love Johnny jump ups so I dug one up out of the yard one year and put it in my flower bed.   The next year it had spread all over the bed and the leaves had grown to a foot long.   YES Johnny jump ups leaves can get that big if you do not cut them.   It is actually odd to see these great big leaves with the tiny pansy looking flowers.   My sister was shocked to find they got that big if you do not cut them off.  Now my point with some flowers looking like weeds it is hard to tell which is which sometimes and which should be nourished and which should be pulled out.

     If any of what I just said makes any sense to you I would advise you keep your eyes open for weeds masquerading as flowers when you tend your garden of friends.   And donor get stabbed by any thorns from your rose garden.


    I remember days gone by, when I was on the inside track of every race.   In later years I feel like I am not only on the outside of everything , but I also feel like my get up and go has got up and went.   The things I once approached with such passion, now feels like a chore.     How did this happen?   How did everything I once enjoyed so much no longer have the joy it once did for me?   I have been thinking a lot about things.   My past , my present  and my future.   I am 57 years old.   I have lost most of my life to an inherited mental issue, and I sit here with so little time left in my life wondering how much more of it I will allow to slip away.   I have ambitions they were not big ones but they were still things I wanted to accomplish.   I have not accomplished many of them,  and I wonder if I ever will.    I have been close several times to some of my ambitions only to see them slip away just beyond my fingers.  

     When I finally pass on and they lay me in the ground by my father will anyone remember me ? will I have anything to show for my life, or will it be a life  wasted?    Time will tell.


     I talk a lot about the winds of change, but this time I want to talk about a warm, welcome wind of change.   I have had the best week this week I have had in months.n34.gif  The winds of change have blown a warm breeze my way instead of the harsh winds it usually blows my way.  In the past week I have spent time with neighbors, gotten reacquainted with a young man I once saw as a son.   He showed me pictures of his children n34.gif.   His oldest daughter is beautiful.  I have gotten a call from another friend that I had tried to get in touch with for months.   

    My stress level has dropped greatly, and I am loving this new breeze.    The other day I had a 10 game winning streak in pool.  I never get them.   What was odd about it is 9 out of the 10 games I won when the other people sunk the 8 early and would not take a rerack.   The gods of pool were either really on my side that day.   I have been sleeping better.   It has been a GREEAT week I just hope it keeps up all summer. n34.gif