
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Spring is finally here and I plan to take advantage of the nice weather.   I plan to walk in the sun and maybe ride my bike.   I have also started updating the computer lab at the hall.   This was not small task as NO ONE had been able to access the updated sense the penn state kid worked there about 3 years ago lol.   They had him put a password on the administrators profile and run all the downloads and updates through it.   The most incredibly stupid part of this story is the guy that made the password NEVER gave it to the manager of the office, so no one could update anything.   NOW imagine this  it is windows xp and has not been updated in nearly 3 years,   Needless to say I got my work cut out for me.   The manager told me today he wants me to see if I can get a porn blocker on it.   The manager told me thank you for all your hard work. n34.gif I love being appreciated it makes the 6 hrs I spent working on them yesterday and the many more I will be spending till I get them all fixed and up to date worth it.  We plan to start opening the lab in the evenings again when I get it all sorted out.   Which is going to be great to actually get out around people.   Who knows maybe I will be able to get some of the weight I put on over the winter back off.   I love working on computers.   It makes me feel like I am not wasting my life if I can fix them and save people money as I do not charge for what I do.   It is amazing to me how stupid the person that installed these computers was.   He put an adaptor on each of the monitors so that they could use a different port instead of the actual monitor port.  Two of the adaptors went bad and would not allow the computer monitor connection to establish.   I removed the bad connectors and put the monitors on the monitor ports and they work fine now.   I nearly did something stupid myself though.   I was pulling the tower out to fix the monitor connection and just before I laid my arm along the side of the monitor to steady it I realized I was wearing my magnetic bracelet that my friend got me for my birthday.  Needless to say I took it off before I finished changing tot monitor.   For those of you that do not know magnets and computers do not mix.

     Well I am going to go out side for a little while before this rain gets here it is getting awfully cloudy.



    The Leonard Nimoy song HIGHLEY ILLOGICAL is so true.   The human race is highly illogical.  I am one of the most illogical people on the planet, because like most of the human species I let my emotions control my actions rather then letting my logical side control my actions.   I have found most people have this flaw.   We are a truly illogical species.   Another thing I have observed is the human race as a whole is very stubborn.   I think that is why wars erupt.   Everyone thinks their way is the right way and we are stubborn in our belief we are right.   Because not everyone sees things the same conflicts arise.   The logical thing would be for people to settle problems one on one calm and rationally, but being an emotional people we get upset, angry and at times prideful.   We do not keep these discords between the 2 originally involved .   We want people to think like us and to tell us we are right, so we will talk about the problems with our friends in the hopes they will say unto us yes you are right and that the other is wrong.   At the same time the other is seeking out their friends to get them to say they are right.   Slowly what was a disagreement between 2 can spread to whole countries which will in turn go to war against each other in an effort to prove which side is actually right.   What no one sees is there is no right or wrong no good or bad no black and white the world is made of many shades of grey.   The problem is the human race rarely sees anything other that that which they see as right.   It is illogical.

     I once saw an episode of M.A.S.H. there was a great line in it.   Someone said to a Korean that they had their village back and the Korean replied  What good does it do to win the war if you lose your home doing it.   It is true no one wins when a war is fought in your own back yard.



     I was watching Steve Harvey and he quoted something his daughter said to him.   She told him his sit back was just a set up to his come back.   I was thinking that is not only profound, but it is also very true.   A couple weeks ago I had a big set back.   Basically I lost my mind for a week.  It started when I posted the blog to stay clear of me, and ended about a week later.   During that sit back I lost many things important to me my mind was the most important thing I lost lol but I AM MUUUUCHHHHH BETTER NOW.  That was a quote from night court.  Harry Stones dad played by John Astin .   He was an in again out again mental patient, and when he would get out he would say I was not doing good but I AM MUUUUUUUCH BETTER NOW, 

     I know I am a mess some times, but I always recover sooner or late.   I loved that statement YOUR SET BACK IS A SET UP FOR YOUR COME BACK.   I consider myself on the comeback trail now lol.    I have been very happy for several days.   Let me give you all a good clue how to not lose your mind. GET PLENTY OF SLEEP the less you sleep the worse your judgment is.   Also never ever make a big decision without getting at lease a solid 6 hrs. sleep first.


     I want to make one thing perfectly clear the following blob is about things going on in my real life and has nothing to do with anyone on line.   Now that being said, Have you ever wondered why people get so mad about other people doing things they themselves are guilty of?  Or why no one just considers the source when someone tells them something about someone else?  Or why people do not just talk to each other instead of about each other?  I wonder this all the time and what continues to amaze me is why people do not just ask someone did you say that did you do that or better yet what did you mean when they say what ever it is that upset you?  

     I find it so much easier to just go talk to someone and ask questions, but in todays world it is so much easier to believe gossip then it is to ask the person it is about if it is true or not.   I have a firm policy I will listen to things that are told to me , but I always go to the source and  ask what was meant or why it was said.   I never read into things without asking first if that was what was meant.  I believe understanding is the way of peace.  

     There are people out there in every community on the planet that live to cause drama and see who they can get wound up.   Funny thing about it is they are not all women.   One of the biggest gossips I know is a man old enough to know better lol.   He loves to tell people so and so said this or that about them.   I just let most of what he says go in one ear and out the other.   The best way to stop gossip is not to repeat it.   Have you ever played that game called secret?   It is where one person tells someone else something and that person tells another and you keep going till it gets through everyone in the game. At the end of the line the last person tells out loud what the secret was.   Overwhelmingly it is not even close to the original secret.  Does anyone know why this happens?  I do!   It happens because someone hears one sentence and instead of repeating it word for word as they heard it they instead repeat what they thought the previous person meant.   Then the next person does the same. Till it gets to the end and is so distorted the first person does not even remember the story they themselves started.   I love to poke holes in stories like this when they get to me.   I have a habit of asking questions, and when the person telling the story does not have the answers I point out well then you do not have the whole story do you?

     Summer is coming I am looking forward to spending time out side and I just wonder how much drama will come about in the neighborhood by people misquoting things they heard?  Maybe I will keep you posted lol and we can all laugh at how silly people are when they read into things. 




Copyright 2015

     Matty was a little welcome mat lying on a shelf in a store with all the other mats.   Matty saw all the other mats getting bought and taken to their new homes.  Little by little all the other mats was sold.

     Then one day a young couple came in looking of a welcome mat for their new home.   The couple was very happy Matty was just what they were looking for.   They thought his colors would be a lovely match for their new home.

     They took Matty home and laid him on their new wooden porch right against the front door where everyone could see him.   Matty thought he must have the best spot on the property.   Although people would walk on him every day and he would get dirt on him, he did not mind because he knew he was doing a good job. 

      In the beginning people would comment on his colors and how friendly he looked.   Little by little Matty would get dirty.   When he was quite dirty one day the lady of the house picked him up and took him inside.   He had never seen the inside of the house before.   It was a nice treat for him.   She took him to the laundry room and put him inside the washing marching with some soap.   When she turned the machine on it began to fill with warm water.   Matty thought the warm soapy water felt good as it washed all the dirt off him.   He floated around and around in the machine.

     When the washer stopped the lady took him out to the back yard and hung him on the clothes line to dry.   Weeeeeeee Matty thought as he swung from the line in the breeze.   The warm air felt good as it dried all the water out of Mattys fibers.  

     When Matty was nice and dry the lady came and got him.   She took him back to the front porch and again laid him down by the door.   Matty had a very busy day and he went to sleep when he got back to his place of honor. 

     The next day it started all over again people coming people going day after day and every so often Matty would get to ride in the washer and swing from the line.   His nap began to grow thinner and weaker with age.   He did not look as nice as he once did.  

      The day finally came when the man and the woman that owned the house decided it may be a good idea to get a new more modern mat for the front door.   They went out and bought a new mat made of lighter material.   They put the new mat in Mattys place at the front door, and took Matty around to the back door where he could not see all the new people and they could not see him.

     Matty laid there for weeks.   Then one day a really bad storm came up with a lot of bad winds.   Branches in the back yard bent.  Garbage blew everywhere , but Matty stuck tight to the back porch.   The new mat was not doing so well.   He was too light for the winds that blew that day.   With one strong gusty wind the new mat was lifted up high into the air and blown far away from the little house.     Never to be seen again.

     When the winds stopped the owners of the house realized their new mat was gone.   They went to the back of the house and got Matty.   They put him back on the front porch where he had laid for all those years.  Matty smiled a content smile.   He knew even if you are not the prettiest or the best anymore if you are strong and reliable it makes you better then something new that you cannot count on to be where it is needed when it is needed.

     Mattys owners learned that just because something looks pretty and is new does not mean it will be the best thing you can have,if it cannot do its job all the time.