
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     I want to make one thing perfectly clear the following blob is about things going on in my real life and has nothing to do with anyone on line.   Now that being said, Have you ever wondered why people get so mad about other people doing things they themselves are guilty of?  Or why no one just considers the source when someone tells them something about someone else?  Or why people do not just talk to each other instead of about each other?  I wonder this all the time and what continues to amaze me is why people do not just ask someone did you say that did you do that or better yet what did you mean when they say what ever it is that upset you?  

     I find it so much easier to just go talk to someone and ask questions, but in todays world it is so much easier to believe gossip then it is to ask the person it is about if it is true or not.   I have a firm policy I will listen to things that are told to me , but I always go to the source and  ask what was meant or why it was said.   I never read into things without asking first if that was what was meant.  I believe understanding is the way of peace.  

     There are people out there in every community on the planet that live to cause drama and see who they can get wound up.   Funny thing about it is they are not all women.   One of the biggest gossips I know is a man old enough to know better lol.   He loves to tell people so and so said this or that about them.   I just let most of what he says go in one ear and out the other.   The best way to stop gossip is not to repeat it.   Have you ever played that game called secret?   It is where one person tells someone else something and that person tells another and you keep going till it gets through everyone in the game. At the end of the line the last person tells out loud what the secret was.   Overwhelmingly it is not even close to the original secret.  Does anyone know why this happens?  I do!   It happens because someone hears one sentence and instead of repeating it word for word as they heard it they instead repeat what they thought the previous person meant.   Then the next person does the same. Till it gets to the end and is so distorted the first person does not even remember the story they themselves started.   I love to poke holes in stories like this when they get to me.   I have a habit of asking questions, and when the person telling the story does not have the answers I point out well then you do not have the whole story do you?

     Summer is coming I am looking forward to spending time out side and I just wonder how much drama will come about in the neighborhood by people misquoting things they heard?  Maybe I will keep you posted lol and we can all laugh at how silly people are when they read into things.