
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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    Have any of you seen this show on Disney it is called Girl Meets World.   It is a spin off of Boy Meets World.   In this Corey is all grown he and Topanga married and had 2 children a girl Riley and a boy Auggie.  The show is meant for kids but I watch it all the time.   There is a lot that grownups can learn from it also.    It centers around Riley and her friends and how they deal with growing up.   There are many modern day issues in it.   What I find most compelling is how many of the things they deal with are things I myself have dealt with and sometimes are still dealing with at my age.   The writers of this show have great wisdom in resolving the problems Riley and her friends face.

     Some of my favorite episodes dealt with bullying a subject with which I am way too familiar.   I was bullied most of my life and still am to a degree by people on the net that think there is not a living person behind every computer out there.  People that have been hurt in their own lives so much the only way they can make themselves feel taller is by putting someone else down.   What fascinates me is the amount of so called adults that resort to name calling if their feelings get hurt.   I find name calling a very grade school action and once one graduates they should be past that.   Adults should find adult ways to deal with their issues and not revert to 5 year old behavior.

     Another good episode dealt with Lucas' past.   I find it amazing how everyone was so interested in what he was like in his past life.   He had came there to start over and he did.   He was a new person, but for a time when an old friend of his showed up his past intruded on his new life.   I have had that happen to me before too.   I saw a poster one time that said if you do not face your past your past will face you.   I find that quite true, but I can not help but wonder what makes some people run around digging up other peoples past when it really has nothing to do with them.  Is their need to feel superior so desperate that they think bringing up something someone did in their stupider past and yes we ALL have a stupider past.  We all learn and grow from our mistakes.   There is a line in that episode, " People change people!"  that is a very true statement.   People do in fact change people every day the only real question is whether they change them for the better or the worse.   Several friends have said I have changed lately.   They are very correct I have changed a great deal and my change has come at the hands of people I loved and trusted.   It is funny is it now how a knife in the heart by someone that once meant a great deal to you will change the you that is left when the attacker is gone.    This is not the first time I have had someone I trusted betray me it has happened 2 other times the difference it those 2 times and now is the ones that hurt me then realized their mistake and that they did not want to lose me.    They did everything I asked them to do to get my forgiveness and the got it.   I am still friends with them to this day and the first one happened nearly 9 years ago.   You see true friends may hurt you but if they did not mean to they will do what it takes to make it right.   People that hurt you and then laugh about it behind your back are people you are better off without.

     I would recommend everyone checking out Girl Meets World.   It is every bit as good and I think maybe a little better then Boy meets World.   I hope Disney does not do with this show like they have with so many other good shows and pull it before it's time.   They seem to have like a 5 year schedule for all their new shows I hope they make an exception for this one and keep making new shows as long as the public shows interest.


     I  find it very flattering my blog has become so popular lately.   I was sent a link today to someone else's blog in which they quoted several things from my blog.   I would like to thank the author of the other blog for being such a fan of mine that they feel the desire to quote me.   I would also like to thank them for quoting it accurately.    I always did say blogging is a good way to get things off your chest n34.gif.   So blog on lol, and let the stress go.   You would be surprised how much tension and stress can run out through your finger tips if you let it.


     It is a beautiful irony when people finally see your point of view even if it is after you yourself have given up and moved on.   There is a sweet satisfaction in knowing people finally understood what you tried to tell them for months. n34.gif  It gives me great pleasure to see people are using Skype again and a special pride as I was the one that introduced it to the group.   It is just a pity they came to this revelation after those that were most loyal to them were driven away by arrogance and stubbornness.  *smiles fact of the matter though is I have more then my share of stubbornness especially when I know I am right and others will not listen.

     Yes I am very happy these days to see that people realize what I had said all along was right.   My mom always said actions speak louder then words and the fact Skype was reinstated after the hissy fit that was thrown about the use of it tells me they see I was right all along.    Yes that is very satisfying indeed.

     On a post note it was brought to my attention that I was kicked out of pdz twice in one week neet trick when I never rejoined after the first kick.    So either it was fraudulent when it was reported I was kicked the first time, or the person doing the first kick did not know what he was doing and it took someone that did know how to do it properly to make it right.   If it had been me I would have removed the first one from the daily new so it did not look like the upper staff was inept.  JUST SAYING.


     Those winds of change are blowing again.   I am not going to be on this id a lot for a while.  Due to circumstances beyond my control I am no longer needed on this id every day anymore.   I will drop by from time to time to see how you all are , but if I do not get back to you right away please do not take it personally.   The winds of change are sailing my ship into another direction.     I was going to go into great detail about why, but I changed my mind.   I decided it is not worth my time and energy.   The things that caused this change are irrelevant, but when  I decide where I will be in the future I may write a blog about it.   If you see any negative blogs written about me feel free to read them I am sure they will be good colorful fiction.   It will be fun to see how much of their time they waist on writing about me while I am enjoying ignoring them, because I know my real friends will not believe any lies about me.


     It is funny how the moods of some of us are effected by the weather.   We have had rain most of the summer and the clouds are really taking its tole on me.   As I sat on my bed and folded the laundry I has washed, I glanced across the room at the very large stuffed Easter bunny my friend Ann got me one year for my birthday.   I miss Ann she passed away nearly 2 years ago.   Her whole family was very good to me.   When my own mother died Ann became like a second mother to me.   Her whole family made me feel like they were my family.    They would go to Disney world every summer and when they came back they always had a souvenir for me.   I would watch her house while she was gone.   One year her grandson thought he was gonna break into his grandmas house while she was gone.   I had been given strict orders not to allow him in while she was gone.   It took a little physicality but he did not get in.   The ironic thing about him is one day his nieces, my niece and I were at his grandmas when he stopped by and he told his nieces to listen to me and that I used to do things with the kids when he was little and that I was a good lady. * smiles it is nice to know people appreciate what you did with them as children when they are grown up.   He was not the first grown up that I had know as a child that came back to tell me they remembered me fondly or that I had made a difference in their lives.  

     John one of the most misbehaved children I ever met stopped by with some of his friends about a year ago and told me he remembered me giving him candy when he was a kid.  *Smiles I used candy as a reward for good behavior.  Children that behaved got candy when I would take the neighborhood kids for walks or help them with their home work, but misbehaved children got nothing.   Positive reinforcement is a wonderful tool to teach children the correct way to behave in the world.   My mom used to say I bribed the kids to do their home work.   I said mom I would rather bribe them to do it then have to yell at them for not doing it.   lol  If they are getting something good for doing the right thing it makes them want to do  more right.   So many parents and teachers miss that little point.   They get frustrated when the children do not obey and they punish them.   They would get faster results if they rewarded good behavior.   I got John so he would listen to me without ever raising my voice by just 1 time allowing his sister who was a dream to do something I did not allow him to do and explaining why to him cured his behavior where I was concerned.

    Then there is Tony I would have taken him and his sister and raised them as min if his mom would have allowed it.   His mom hung with a bunch of  law breakers and after her mom died I had her kids more then she did so I made the offer.    I said to her that she should sign the kids over to me.   I told her I would never stop her from seeing them but if she gave them to me she was not getting them back.   Tony stopped to see me a couple weeks ago * smiles I am so proud of him after a not too straight line young adult hood he pulled his life together and has 2 businesses of his own and a set of beautiful kids.   His oldest daughter looks like a model.

     Wow did I ever digress lol.  But just goes to show how people that love you and you love leave memories that last a life time and even when those you love become a memory like Ann the warmth and love remains.   I am a little concerned about another friend of ours.   Clare one of Ann's oldest friends is still living in our neighborhood, and as I see her getting shakier every day I can not help but wonder how much longer she will be with us. :(   she fell the other day.   She is around 90 and still drives sometimes.   I do not think that is a good idea.   I wonder what will happen to her son if she dies he is mentally disabled.   It is truly amazing how well she gets around at her age, and to know I have trouble walking on a rainy day with my arthritis.   I can not not help but wonder what the future holds for me if I live to be old.