
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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    Have any of you seen this show on Disney it is called Girl Meets World.   It is a spin off of Boy Meets World.   In this Corey is all grown he and Topanga married and had 2 children a girl Riley and a boy Auggie.  The show is meant for kids but I watch it all the time.   There is a lot that grownups can learn from it also.    It centers around Riley and her friends and how they deal with growing up.   There are many modern day issues in it.   What I find most compelling is how many of the things they deal with are things I myself have dealt with and sometimes are still dealing with at my age.   The writers of this show have great wisdom in resolving the problems Riley and her friends face.

     Some of my favorite episodes dealt with bullying a subject with which I am way too familiar.   I was bullied most of my life and still am to a degree by people on the net that think there is not a living person behind every computer out there.  People that have been hurt in their own lives so much the only way they can make themselves feel taller is by putting someone else down.   What fascinates me is the amount of so called adults that resort to name calling if their feelings get hurt.   I find name calling a very grade school action and once one graduates they should be past that.   Adults should find adult ways to deal with their issues and not revert to 5 year old behavior.

     Another good episode dealt with Lucas' past.   I find it amazing how everyone was so interested in what he was like in his past life.   He had came there to start over and he did.   He was a new person, but for a time when an old friend of his showed up his past intruded on his new life.   I have had that happen to me before too.   I saw a poster one time that said if you do not face your past your past will face you.   I find that quite true, but I can not help but wonder what makes some people run around digging up other peoples past when it really has nothing to do with them.  Is their need to feel superior so desperate that they think bringing up something someone did in their stupider past and yes we ALL have a stupider past.  We all learn and grow from our mistakes.   There is a line in that episode, " People change people!"  that is a very true statement.   People do in fact change people every day the only real question is whether they change them for the better or the worse.   Several friends have said I have changed lately.   They are very correct I have changed a great deal and my change has come at the hands of people I loved and trusted.   It is funny is it now how a knife in the heart by someone that once meant a great deal to you will change the you that is left when the attacker is gone.    This is not the first time I have had someone I trusted betray me it has happened 2 other times the difference it those 2 times and now is the ones that hurt me then realized their mistake and that they did not want to lose me.    They did everything I asked them to do to get my forgiveness and the got it.   I am still friends with them to this day and the first one happened nearly 9 years ago.   You see true friends may hurt you but if they did not mean to they will do what it takes to make it right.   People that hurt you and then laugh about it behind your back are people you are better off without.

     I would recommend everyone checking out Girl Meets World.   It is every bit as good and I think maybe a little better then Boy meets World.   I hope Disney does not do with this show like they have with so many other good shows and pull it before it's time.   They seem to have like a 5 year schedule for all their new shows I hope they make an exception for this one and keep making new shows as long as the public shows interest.