
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     I still remember the day I met Malcolm.  ( If you all want to see a pic of Malcolm check my photos. There is one there.)  Malcolm was about a month or two old when he came running across the parking lot near my house.   I reached down and lifted him up into my arms.  I did not even realize at the time what I was holding was a pit bull puppy. He was so cuddly and happy and very energetic. n34.gif He made me laugh as he licked my face.   I then heard a voice say to me, Put him down.  I looked up to see a young man coming toward us.   I looked back at the puppy and said why?  He said I want to make him mean.   I laughed at him and said no chance of that. This pup will never be mean he does not have a mean bone in his body he will never be mean., but I put him down.  When I looked at my arm Malcolm had scratched my arm, because he was wiggling and his nails were long.

     In the next 2 years Malcolm's owner realized I was right.   Malcolm had no meanness in him.  Malcolm's nails were always long because his owner was scared to cut them.  The one time he did cut them and accidently cut them too short and Malcolm bleed pretty bad.  That scared his owner, so he never cut them again. Every time I touched Malcolm he scratched me, because he wanted to jump into my arms.   Malcolm and I spent many nights playing behind our houses while his owner visited with another neighbor.   It was great fun racing with him all along the block.

    One day Malcolm's owner decided he was go big and active for our housing complex. He was afraid Malcolm would knock down one of the little kids that had moved in near his house.   His owner decided to let his girlfriend's brother take Malcolm to his farm.   I was sad to see Malcolm go, but I thought he would be very happy on a farm with lots of room to run around.   Malcolm's original owner told his girlfriends brother if for any reason he did not want Malcolm to call him and he would come get the dog.

     About 2 months later Malcolm's original owner gave me some sad news.   He told me Malcolm was dead.   I was heart broken.   As I fought back tears I asked him what happened. I knew Malcolm was always in good health when he was with my neighbor.   He told me his girlfriends brother starved him to death.   I was so mad.   He went on to tell me that her brother did not even call him and tell him Malcolm was gone that the call had came from the neighbor of his girlfriends brother.   The told my neighbor that not only had he starved to death but he did not even have the decency to bury Malcolm.  He threw his body on a dump.   It was the neighbor that went and got the body and gave Malcolm a proper burial.  When my neighbor confronted his girlfriends brother about why Malcolm had died, he had the nerve to say he forgot to feed him.   I said to my neighbor that is not only stupid he is a liar.  You do not just forget to feed a pit bull.   This is not a fish that can not let you know it is there.  This is a dog and not just any dog this is a hyper dog that would defiantly bark for attention if he was getting none.    I told my neighbor I can nearly guarantee  the girlfriends brother had the same plan for the dog that my neighbor did until I proved to him that the dog was too gentle and friendly.   I am sure her brother was trying to make him mean by starving him into it.   Problem is Malcolm had not meanness in him so no matter how you tried you would never be able to make him mean.  My neighbor told me that her brother is no longer welcome at their house.   He told his girl friend if he ever comes to his house he will beat him up. 

     It has been over a decade sense Malcolm died.   What brought this to the service again now is I have been watching pitbulls and parolees, and last week they did a show where a dog was left to die, and it brought this back to my mind.   I do not know how anyone can be so cruel to anything as cute and loving as Malcolm.   I just felt this story had to be told.  Malcolm brought so much joy to the lives of those of us that loved him and he should not be forgotten.


     Have you ever been accused of something you did not do?   I have many times and it makes me mad when it happens.   Well last night same thing happened to a friend of mine.   He like myself can do enough to get ourselves in trouble we do not need anyone's help to get us into trouble.   I look out for this boy, because he is so much now like I was in 2007.   I see so much of myself in him so I usually can tell when he really did something wrong and when someone is just assuming he did something wrong.   I hate when people assume facts not in evidence.   If you are going to get mad at someone you should have all the facts and know for sure that they did in fact do what you suspect they did, BEFORE YOU GO JUMPING THEM ABOUT IT.

     I go a call late last night about something this boy was supposed to have done.   In less then 20 min I proved HE DID NOT DO IT, I then went and jumped one of the people that started the lie.   I will get the other one tomorrow.   I feel we should all let everyone get themselves in trouble we should not lie to help them get into trouble. 

   If someone tells you another person did something they should not have.   You need to ask them what proof do you have they did that?   Many times people assume because someone did a similar thing in the past that they must have done this too.   It is not always true.   Just because someone has done something similar or even the same thing in the past it does not mean they are the one that did it now.   That kind of assumptions is my pet peeve, because I myself have been the victim of such assumptions in the past, and hate to see anyone else being falsely accused.

     My motto is : ALWAYS GET THE FACTS BEFORE APPROCHING ANY PROBLEM!   No two people see things exactly the same but the facts do not lie.


     I have come to the realization that things are all about your prospective on then.   I got up this morning and had a stiff neck.   It hurt every time I turned my head, but I found out just a few minutes ago that I was not having nearly as bad of day as I thought I was.   My sister just called me and told me that our nephew who is only in his early 40's has had a really bad relapse on his cancer.   She said it is back with a vengeance and has spread a lot.   The doctor said there is nothing they can do for it, but we are not that willing to give up that easily he will be going to the Pittsburgh Pa hospital for a second opinion.   If any of you would like to try to help prayers for him would be appreciated. His name is Ricky.   My sister also told me my sister in law ( his mother)  pancreatitis has flared up.   His brother's wife will need surgery for another condition, and his niece my great niece will also need surgery on her legs.   How is it even a little fair for a grandmother her son, her daughter in law and her granddaughter to all have these kinds of health issues all at one time.   As if that were not bad enough the holidays are not that far away.   I hope the doctors in our town were wrong and Rick is not as bad as they think.   It will serenely not be a Merry Christmas for our family if he does not get better.   I thought when I woke up with the stiff neck I was having a bad day, but I now see after all that my brother's family is going through that I was really having a good day till I found out my nephew is sick again.

   NEVER THINK YOU HAVE A BAD LIFE NO MATTER HOW BAD IT IS BECAUSE THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE A LITTLE WORSE.   I am reminded of a story a comedian  once told about his teen years he had bad acne and felt sorry for himself.   One day he came upon a guy in a wheel chair with no legs and he realized that his acne problem was nothing, because he could have no legs.   He stopped feeling bad for himself and felt bad for the poor guy in the chair.   As he walked past the guy in the chair he heard him say to his companion WOW did you see that kids face?  Just goes to show it is all in how we see things.   What looks like the end of the world to us and makes up feel sorry for ourselves can turn out to be nothing more then a pain in the neck, and it could always be worse.

   If this touches any of you please pray for my nephew.   We had a lot of people praying for my dad when he had his stroke ad he pulled through it without any penalization or memory loss, so prayer works when done in mass.n34.gif    No pun intended.


     I used to watch a tv show called Will and Grace.   On one episode Will told Grace in a relationship one person is the rose that gets tended to and the other person is the gardener who does the tending.   I have no doubt my role in most of my relationships I am the gardener.   I always try to see that all my friends are happy and I do what ever I can to help make them happy if they are not.   I have a lovely garden of friends and some of them are quite beautiful flowers indeed, but lately I have been feeling like perhaps the job has gotten too big for just me to handle anymore.  

     I have been irritable and I get annoyed easily and angry fast.   I know where some of this comes from.   Part of these feelings are coming from the fact I feel really under appreciated for so many of the things I do.   The other part of it comes from a depression I have been feeling for months and a hard decision I will have to make that is looming on the horizon.   Funny thing about growing your rose friend garden is that if you are not careful you will get stuck by the thorns of their insensitivity and their taking advantage of your kindness.   Many take for granite you will always be there because you are very loyal to your friends they feel they can treat you any way they want and you will still be there.

     It has been a long hard summer and I am tired of gardening.   I would really like to sit back now and reap the rewards of all my hard work.

     I will not say it is all a thankless job.   In fact  a couple of my friends have been very generous to me, and I appreciate them very much.   The problem is that more do not care about my feelings then what there is that really do.  

     I thought I would finally get a little time to do the things I wanted to do I was told when fall got here some of the things that stress me would be picked up by other people, but I found out tonight that it does not look like that is going to happen.

     There are times I wish I could be like other people and just say hell with it and walk away when things get to me, but my parents did not raise any quitters.   They taught us you honor your commitments, and keep your word.   That is very deep inside me and I do not really think I would want it any other way.   My word is my bond.   So I guess I will be tending the rose bushes a little longer.


     When I was in jr high we had just moved to a new house, and I did not have many friends, I was not pretty or popular.   I had a lot of turmoil at home and at school, but Star Trek helped.   I would try to shut my emotions off like Spock did.   I thought if I did not feel them they could not hurt me.  Tonight I found something I had forgotten I had saved and I want to share these words from Lenard Nimoy with you :

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

It is from a recitation by Lenard Nimoy  called Spock thoughts.   If you want to see the video I posted it on my wall.  If more people lived by these words the world would be a better place.