
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     After spending the past half hour chatting with a friend of mine who is always so depressed about his life, I felt the uncontrolable urge to blog on it.   I told him we are the designers of our own lives.   We create how our life will turn out by the choices we make.   I rarely leave my house because I allowed my fears to hold me prisioner.   I am fat because I eat too much and exersize too little.  I live alone because I push away people that would like to get closer to me.   I told him we must all take responcibility for our own lives as we ourselves have created them.  Have others offered some of the materials from which our lives are formed? Yes they have, but it was our choice as to use them or not.   We can not control others actions we can only control our reactions to them.   If someone is giving you bad building materials like insults,destructive chritisma, gossup,we can choose to throw these things away and use stornger more positive things to shape our lives.   In the words of a very wise Indian friend (from India) Cast off those that would seek to keep you down and make you feel less then you are.   Keep only those that lift you up and make you feel strong.

     I told my sad friend that if he does not like his life as it is he should change it.   If he wants a girl he should stop being so pervy and be more polite and respeckful.   I told him most girls like guys that treat them with respect and caring not ones that treat them like a toy there for the sole purpous of amusing them.   I told him if you do not want to be alone change it.   Make the changes in yourself that you need to turn your life into what you want it to be.   If we are not happy with who we are or how our life is we have only ourselves to blame.


     Have you ever wished you were someone else?  You do not wish it because someone else has more then you of is prettier.   You wish it because of what you do have that you wish you did not.   I think I have mentioned before I am a psychic impath, and sometimes that is a bad thing.   I hate knowing things that will happen before they do.   I hate feeling other pewoples emotions and sometimes even hearing their thoughts in my head.   I was out one day and a lady was cleaning a stair case in the building I was in I watched her coming up the stairs.    I could hear her thoughts about her legs hurting.   As she approched me I said to her your legs hurts don't they she said yea.   Another woman walked by a short time later and I could her her thoughts which were I can not wait to get out of here.  I know most people would think this ability is fun.   It is not it is a pain both physically and emotionaly.   

      What I really hate is when I can see events from the future before they happen.   I get all nerved up when I know something is going to happen before everyone else does.   I can feel peoples intent and emotions.   People think you are crazy if you tell them something is going to happen that they do not see yet.  

     I often wonder how different my life would be if I had been born a different person.   My problem is the psychic abilities are on my moms side of the family.   I had 2 aunts, 1 cousin, 2 sisters, and 3 neices all with verious psychic abilities.   So even if I had been born from a different sperm chances are good I would still have had some form of this as my mom carried the gene for this "gift" and I use the word lightly.     Sometimes I think my life would be alot easier if I had not been who I am.   However sense we do not get to chose that I myst learn to deal what what I got, and train myself to not allow others to upset me.   If I do not allow those who would seek to unnerve me to gain access they will be powerless against me. 




     I was talking to a friend of mine and we got on the subject of people accusing you of being or doing things you not only would never do you would never think of doing.   My mom used to say if someone accuses you of doing something you would not even think of doing it is because they themselves have been doing it.   I told my friend a story that happened about 8 years ago.   I was one of the members of the resident councle in my neighborhood.   One of the councle's jobs was to run the community hall.   After 3 times of the councle having to go into the toy closet and completely resort all the game parts out because the children had been just throwing them into the room without putting them away properly we desided to make a rule that any child wanting a game would need to have an adult with them when they went to get it.  Each child could have only one game out at a time.   If they wanted another one they would need to bring back the one they had before to get another one.

     I was working the computer lab one night I heard a rucus in the main hall area so I went to check it out.  There were 7 little children in the toy closet with no adult in attendance.  I spoke to the oldest one and asked him what they were doing in there without an adult.   He said Miss Kathy had told him he could get a ball.   I said ok but you know the rule NO KIDS IN THE TOY CLOSET WITHOUT AND ADULT! so why did you not come get me if Kathy was not coming in with you?   I thought it was a valid question given the fact the rule was posted and had been told to all the children.   A little girl about 8 years old that I had never seen before said to me,"You just do not want us in here cause we are black".   I looked at her and siad NO I do not want you in here because you are rude and we have rules.   I then turned to another little girl that has know me her whole life and I said, "Weesie you have know me your whole life,  am I predgiest? "  She said, " No Miss Jane you treat all kids the same."   I looked back to the little girl that had made the accusation and I said, " See and that is from someone that has know me her whole life.   It is you hun that is making the assumptions based on skin color not I."   Little did that child know I myself have some black blood  along with souix and german in me.   She thought because my skin was white I was automaticly predgiest.   I wonder if she got the idea everyone with white skin is predgist from her parents.   If she did they all need to look in the mirror because it is them not I that is predgist.  

     So many times people will make assumptions about other people motives for doing something based on their own feelings and actions.   I am not one of these people.   I will straight up ask someone why they do something if I do not think they were right to do it.   Many times you will find out you are way off base if you ask and get the real reasoning behind any given action.   If you do get a different answer then what you expected you should look in a mirror because you are the one that thought what you accused someone else of thinking or doing.

     My brother one time got into a big fight with our sister and neice over what he thought they meant which was not at all what they said.   When he quoted his feelings to me as if someone had said it, I demanded to know who said what he had just said to me.   At that point he admitted NO ONE had actuslly said those words.  At that point I said wait a minute, IF NO ONE ACTUALLY SAID THOSE WORDS WHY ARE YOU GETTING MAD ABOUT THOSE WORDS?   I said,  YOU ARE THE ONE THAT HAD THAT THOUGHT AND YOU ARE TRYING TO PROJECT IT ONTO SOMEONE ELSE THAT NEVER EVEN THOUGHT THAT.   He tried to convince me he was right he said you know how you just know what someone means.   I said no i do not as I listen to what people say not what I may think they mean.   If they do not actually say it I do not get mad about it.   He went on to say if I said if you go out side you will get wet you will know it is raining.   I said not neccessacerally if you say if you go out side you will get wet there could be someone out there with a hose spraying everyone that comes out the door.   So then he says if I say it is raining you will know if you go out side you will get wet.   I said not neccessacerally if I go outside on a covered porch I am still outside but sense I am under the roof I am still not getting wet.   I told him you need to listen to what is said not not read things into it out of your mind as your read in will most often be wrong.   He needed to look in the mirror because it was him that had the bad thought about his daughter not our sister and neice. 

     Always remember when making judgements about others look in the mirror first.


  I want to thank everyone that prayed for my nephew.   My sister went down to the hospital to see him the other day he has had his operation and the doctor says they think they got it all.   We will just have to wait and see now how well he recovers.   I hope the doctors are right this time, but any good news is a good thing .   We will just have to wait and see.   He is not on solid food yet, but they are going to start him on liquids tomorrow.* CROSSES FINGERS  Here is hoping for a full recovery.


     I wrote a blog and when I went to save it I accidently deleted it.   So I was faced with the choice of rewriting it or taking it that a higher power did not want me to post what I had written.   This had happened to me 2 times in the past, and I did not rewrite the blogs.   I am going to take it on faith that the same thing happened to the one i just wrote for the same reason.   So I will not be rewriting it unless the thing that caused me to rewrite it in the first place reoccures.