
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Do It Anyway Do It Anyway

Mother Theresa


People are often unreasonable

illogical, and self-centered.;

Forgive them anyway


If you are kind, People may accuse

you of selfish, ulterior motive;

Be kind anyway.


If you are successful, you will win some

false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway.


If you are honest and frank

People may cheat you;

Be honest and frank anyway.


When you spend years building,

someone could destroy overnight;

Build anyway.


If you find serenity and happiness,

there may be jealousy;

Be happy anyway.


The good you do today.

people will often forget tomorrow.

Do good anyway.


Give the world the best you have,

and it may never be enough;

Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.


You see, in the final analysis,

it is between you and God;

It was never between you and them anyway.


   I find it unbelievable last night I got a call from my cousin, and she has the same kind of cancer my nephew has been dealing with for years.  I wonder if I am being tested.   I thought I was doing rather well holding myself together after finding out my nephew has a relapse and losing my friend Marie just before Thanksgiving, but now my favorite cousin is facing cancer too.  I do not know how much more I can take before I shatter.  

     I am not feeling very jolly, but at least I am not crying every night  so I guess I am holding my own.  I hope everyone else is having a nice holiday season, and will have a wonderful new year.

     I got my new coat I ordered the other day and it seems to have some kind of chemical smell to it.   I washed it thinking it was the sizing in it, but it did not come out.  I have sent an email to the company I ordered it from to see what they say about the smell.  I woke up this morning to find my cable provider has moved one of my favorite channels into a higher priced packet.   It is so frustrating the make me take channels I do not watch or want and take away one I watch every day.  

     I hope next year will be better.   Could not be worse could it?


   I was watching a tv show last night and a couple of the people on it were arguing as to weather  King Moonracer from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer was a misfit toy or a magical beast.  I would love to hear your thoughts on it.   Do you think he was a misfit toy or are animal?   You do not see many winged lions in toys but there is a golden winged lion that is a symbol so what do you think it was ?  


     I am not going to tell you what I found but if you want the answer to this question check out the sequel: Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer & The Island Of Misfit Toys (2001)    the answer is in that movie.



     A friend of mine just told me about a news story he saw.   Apparently this guy had a special suit built so he could let and anaconda snake swallow him whole and still come out of the snake alive.  WHAT KIND OF DRUGS WOULD YOU HAVE TO BE ON TO EVEN THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?   Well it did not work out like the guy planned.   Apparently he did not do his research on the dining habits of the anaconda or he would have know they constrict their prey before they swallow it.    He had to call for help to rescue him from the snakes grip.   Now you tell me was he on drugs or just insane?   And why would you even want to try this?  What are you just sitting round with your buddies having a couple drinks and one of you say know what I wonder what it would feel like to get ate by a snake. I think I will try that.   Someone should have told him when he came up with this idea that it was a stupid and dangerous idea, and then had him evaluated for a death wish if he went ahead with it, but instead, THEY FILMED IT.   What is tv coming to when this kind of stupidity is considered entertainment?   I have seen a lot of stupid things on tv ,but this was not just stupid it was dangerous, but it was educational at least now EVERYONE KNOW NOT TO LET A AN ANACONDA SWALLOW YOU.  Too bad no one told him that before he tried it.


   I have noticed lately my heart has been hardening.   I do not know why.   I just know I am not as kind, sympathetic and giving as I was just a year ago.    I will give you and example:  Last year I gave to every charity that sent me a request for a donation.   This year about half of them went into the garbage without a return.   I used to listen to every problem anyone had, and try to help them.  Lately I have been giving some people the brush off when they start telling me about their bad lives.  That could be because lately I have been feeling like no one cares about my feelings.   I do not really know why I am changing or even if I like it or not.   All I know is so many of the things that used to be so important to me are fading away.   Things that used to bring me great joy and pride I am losing interest in like painting and photo editing.   Is it holiday depression?  Maybe.   I get it every year but not like this year.  I have always found something to do to get me through this bad time of year, but this year I am not finding anything to get me through.   I just feel like everything I enjoyed most has been taken away from me or maybe it is my passion for it that has ran away from me.   I do not know.   I only know I am getting really depressed lately, and some of my friends try to help but it does not.  Others make jokes like they think if  they can get me to laugh it will fix everything .   It won't. This time of year is lonely, cold, cloudy, and depressing and it is starting to show in my mood.   I spent most of the evening crying over something too stupid to even mention.   The wild thing is even though I knew crying about it was stupid I could not stop myself.    This is the worst year I have had in a long time.   I now what I want for Christmas I want a better new year.   I want one filled with love, joy, company, good friends I can trust, and a complete absence of anything sad.   OOOO and I also want next year to get past the holidays with all my friends and family still here in the new year.