
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     I am all for protecting animals from abuse.   Thing is a friend of mine sent was telling me this story and I just had to share it, because I think this is the ultimate proof of the court system gone stupid.  Have a read and then I will share some of my thoughts on it.   I will even pretend I think it is a serious news article.   Here is the link to the story.  http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-monkey-selfie-lawsuit-20170713-story.html  
     Now lets pretend for a moment I actually think the monkey could actually own a copy write.   Here are the problems with this case.   First the organization that is tying up the courts and casting all this money over this ludicrous idea  are NOT the owners of the animal in question and by chain of events are not its legal guardian either.   Having no legal guardianship over this animal should automatically throw any case filed by them out of the court on the grounds they had no legal right to file the case in the first place because they are not the monkeys care  takers or owners or guardians.   BUT LET'S PRETEND FOR ONE SECOND THAT ANY INTELLIGENT HUMAN BEING BELIEVES THEIR CASE.   That the animal was the owner of the copy wright  to the picture.   Sense the camera did  not belong to the monkey in the first place, and he took it without the permission of the rightful owner, should the monkey in question not be made to pay damages to the owner of the camera for damage to the camera  because he used space on it he had no permission to use.   And by proxy should not this organization (which is so gun ho to sew the rightful owner of the camera on the monkeys behalf) also be held accountable for the monkey breaking the law in steeling the camera and damaging the card by putting a picture the owner did not take on it.  
     Hey PETA look at this realistically  YOU CAN NOT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS!!!!   If you want to give a monkey the right to own the copy write to a picture he took with a camera  it sold then you must also hold the animal accountable for the crime of steeling the camera in the first place.  Also if you feel you have the right to sew on the behalf of the thieving a monkey then you should most assuredly be held accountable for the damages that theft cost to the owner of the camera.   I am not just talking to the camera and the memory card itself by the monkey putting a picture on it the owner did not take, but also the the camera owners finances because of these nuisance law suits you have filed on a case you know full well is frivolous and unsupported.
     So you tell me are we living on the planet of the apes when a monkey can steel a humans property, use it, then sew the victim of the theft for copywriter infringement?    I REALLY THINK THE MONEY THEY USED ON THIS CREDULOUS CASE WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER SPENT HELPING ANIMALS THAT WERE IN REAL DANGER FROM ACTUAL ABUSE.
     Should they win this case it could set up some really bad problems for the security industry.    Has it ever occurred to anyone that if this case is won by the plaintive  it would set a president where every criminal caught on film by a motion censer camera would there by become the owner of that picture and as the owner could bar the picture from being used in the trial for the robbery they commit?


     Have you ever heard the expression act in haste repent in leisure?   All too often people will do things when they are excited or mad without really thinking them through only to find out later they have made a big mistake.   By the time they have really thought their actions through it may be too late to change it or fix the damage it caused.   I find myself in such a case.    A while back I said something to someone when I was angry.   It was not very nice, and to be honest I wanted this person to feel how hurt they had made me.  I really did not expect the reaction I got from them.   Instead of them fighting the problem out with me they cut me out of their life.   I was not expecting that.   I figured we would have a short fight maybe not talk for a couple weeks and then when we both calmed down we would finish talking the problem out and the friendship would go on after we got it all our in the open and cleared the air.   That is how it has always happened with my real friends in the past.  We may argue and sometimes it gets hurtful. but we were always able to put it back together later.   I do not think it is possible to fix something or put it back together if someone shuts you completely out of their live.   Do I wish I had not said what I said? MAYBE, but should not real friends be able to say what they really think to each other and the friendship go on?   I would much rather someone tell me to my face they think I am as know it all, or that I think I am always right, or I am nosy then I would them tell someone else these things about me and me have to hear it from the other person after they have added to it and made it worse then it really was.
     It is possible I lost a friend forever because of something I said in anger and in haste, but sense this person will not talk to me about it I can not rule out that just maybe they were not the great friend I have always told people they were.   Without full info on the situation who is to know where the truth lies?   It hurts seeing this person and not being able to talk to them we used to have so much fun together.   I guess those times met more to me then they did to them, or they would not be willing to throw them away so easily.    Want to hear the ironic thing?  The person I miss will probably never see this, but as with all my blogs I write them for me, to get my emotions out.


     Have you ever met someone with a sense of entitlement ?   I have a friend who has a disability and boy does he play it for all it is worth.   He thinks he can do anything he wants and get away with anything he wants just because he has a disability.   He tries to justify the things he does by telling a long story that has NOTHING to do with the actual issue.   I will give you an example he has a friend that he has not seen in nearly a decade that died so he is taking time off from work cause of the death.   When I asked him why he was taking time off he actually said to me this is personal to me.    I said are you serious when my brother died last Aug  and I did not take a week off, but I guess he was not personal to me.  
     Then he told the story of when he lied to a hospital to get info on a friend.   He told the nurse he was the guys brother and he was not.   I explained what he did wrong to him by asking him if he was in the hospital and someone claimed to be his brother to find out about him if that would be ok?    He said no.   When I said well you did it he tried to justify what he did by saying he did it for his friend.   At that point I said no you did it for you.   You wanted to know and you did not care if you had to lie to find out what you wanted to know.  He felt he was entitled to get what he wanted any way he could.   I tried to explain to him that if it is ok for him to lie to get what he wants it is ok for others to do it too.   I do not know why some people have this sense of entitlement like the world owes them something.
    I have noticed a similar behavior from some ethnic groups.   They think because of their color or because of some injustice done to their ancestors that the world owes them something, or that they should be able to get away with things others can not.   I could list at least a dozen examples but I will spare you all that, because I am not going to be accused of predigest  for simply stating the truth that some people would not want to hear or accept as fact.  
     Let me tell you a story of some little kids that were in the neighborhood.   We ran the game room at the community center and we had a rule no kids in the toy room without and adult.   I came out of the computer lab one day to find 7 young children in the toy room with no adults.   I spoke to the oldest boy there and asked him why he was in there without and adult because i knew full well he knew the rules.   He said he has asked if they could get a ball and one of the other ladies told him yes.   She knew I was inside the building and probably thought I would watch the kids.    I said to the young man you know there has to be an adult here when you get a toy, and I asked him why he did not come get me before going into the toy room.   At that point a little girl I had never seen before said to me "You just do not want us in her cause we are black."   I was surprised and I said to her nope I do not want you in here cause you are obnoxious.   I then turned to a girl I had know her whole life ( who was also black) and I said to her. "You have know me your whole life.   Am I prejudice?   She said "No Miss Jane you treat all kids the same."   I then looked back at the other girl and said " There you have it from someone that has know me all her life."   I said the rule is NO kids in the toy room without an adult, and that is why I objected to you all being in here there was no adult with you.   I then gave her a little something to think about.   I said oh and by the way I have black blood in me too.   You saw my white skin and assumed I was prejudice.   I wonder if my statement made her think about jumping to conclusions.   She felt because she was black she should be allowed to do things other children were not allowed to do and that if she made me feel insecure that I would cave and let them do what ever they wanted.  I mean seriously who wants people to think they are prejudice when they are not.   She did not count on the fact I knew most of the kids in that room and they all knew me and knew I  could not care less what color your skin is I only care that EVERYONE follow the rules.
     The day EVERYONE in this country realizes no one is entitled to any special treatment  that goes against the laws of this country or the rules of any group you belong to the better the world will be.  NO ONE IS ENTITLED TO BREAK A LAW OR A RULE JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE A DISABILITY OR A HEARD LIFE OR A DIFFERENT SKIN COLOR OR A DIFFERENT NATIONALITY.    The worst part about a sense of entitlement is those that have it have no gratitude for the things they get.


     The dictionary defines desperation as: the state of being desperate or of having the recklessness of despair.   Lately that has been my state of mind.   As some of you may have noticed in some of my blogs.   My desperation centered around 2 sources one was someone I had a lot of love and respect for who walked out of my life.   She meant very much to me as she was the first person to ever comment on one of my blogs.   That made her special in my eyes.   She was a very good friend while it lasted.   To tell you the truth I am not even sure why she took it to this level she deleted and me from her friends lists and put me on ignore.   The reason I am having trouble understanding why she did this is I apologized for what I said to here that started it all, but apparently she did not accept it.  I called her and she hung up on me.    A short time later I discovered she had put me on ignore in the game rooms.   I was so desperate to keep her as a friend I was trying to think what else I could do.   I even thought of writing her a letter by real mail, but I have doubts she would even read it.   One can not control another persons thoughts or actions.   I spent a lot of time crying about the loss, but I can not fix it alone.   She has shut me out so I can not even really try anymore.   I may still get sad about it when I look at some of the things she has given me over the years.   Each one is a reminder of the friendship I thought we had.   I do not understand why she shut me out like this.   I apologized.   I guess I am just different.   If someone hurts me and they say sorry I will forgive them.   That is something good I took out of the relationship with the first man I ever loved.   Although the relationship with him ended badly I did mange to salvage 2 good things from it.  The ability to forgive.   Before I met him I never forgave someone that hurt me.   Maybe that is what is going on with this friend maybe she never learned how to forgive.   The other good thing I took from the relationship with my ex was a beautiful rainbow moonstone pendent.   It was the most beautiful necklace I had at the time.   My ex and I put each other through hell at the end of out relationship, but before he died we made peace and were friends again.   It is a testament to what can be accomplished when both sides are willing to allow it to happen.   It took 6 months to get from ready to kill each other to friends again, but even in the worst of it we never shut each other out.   Communication is the key to problem solving.

     The other thing that has been making me desperate is the pain I have been in for over a year.   It started in my hands and at some points is bad enough I could not sleep.   Nothing was working to help it.   Then about 3 months ago I started having major pain between my neck and my elbow on my left arm.   After seeing 4 doctors about it one finally gave me some good advice.   He said it is tendonitis of the bicep and told me to ice it.   That helps some, but the pain never goes away completely and my arm is getting weaker because it hurts to move it.   This constant pain is effecting my moods and hindering my ability to get the house ready for the upcoming inspection the landlord is planning.   The thought of him inspecting with so much that needs done around here is depressing to me.   I have not even got the winter drapes changed out for the summer ones yet, because of the pain.   There are days I just sit and cry.   It is a hopeless feeling sometimes.    I keep telling myself things will get better, but I have seen no signs of it yet.


     Have you ever noticed how something that once gave you great joy now hurts to look at it.   Lately I have been having that problem a lot.   The stuffed sheep dog my big brother got me nearly 20 years ago made me cry the other day when I had it out when I was cleaning.   The little Easter bunny my mom got me when I was about 6 that sets here on my desk it looked so much bigger that Easter.   It makes me long for those days when I look at it.   When my family was all still together.   None of them had gotten married or died yet.   It was just mom, dad my 2 sisters my 2 brothers and me in a really back woods house with not indoor pluming.   The nearest neighbor was about a mile away.   There was no direct heat in the upstairs.   The only heat in the house came from 2 wood burning stoves one in the kitchen where the stair door was left open for the heat to rise, and the other in the living room where a hole had been cut in the ceiling to let heat up to my sisters room.   In the winter mom would but my brother and I in bed together and cover us with and Indian print blanket she had got with green stamps.   She would then throw a heavy wool crazy quilt my mom had made over top of it.   She had to put the blanket between us and the quilt because we were all allergic to wool.  
     My brother and I would wrap are arms around each other to share body heat.   We looked like those hugging teddy bears you can buy.      We did not have much, but we had one thing money can not buy.   We had love.   I saw proof of how much my parents loved us one night when I was about 7.   My dad had came home drunk which was not unusual, and the fight started also not unusual.   The fight woke me and then I heard dad say I am going to take the gun and kill you all.   That scared me and I started crying softly I did not want them to know I was awake.  Then out of no where and a floor below me I heard my dad say to my mom you better go check those kids one of them is crying, and just that fast the fight was over.   Mom came to sooth me and get me to try to get me to go back to sleep.   I told her what I heard daddy say and she tole me he would never do it he was just talking.  Well she was right!, but when you are 7 years old and your daddy says something you believe it.   It still amazes me that in the middle of this fight a floor below me my daddy heard me crying and sent mom to check on me.  That is love.   Most people today if they and their woman are fighting would never hear a child crying a floor above them, and they certainly would not send their wife to check on the child when they were fighting.   From what I have seen lately many NOT ALL but many fathers and mothers are still children themselves mentally.   They have no clue what it takes to be a good parent.   Even with the arguing over dads drinking dad and mom both knew how to raise kids.   I miss them both and my brother very much.
     People do not need to be dead for something that brought you joy when you got it to make you sad now.   I have sitting here on my desk a beautiful piece of  petrified wood.   It is red, black, brown and tan and if you turn it the right way it kinda looks like a dragon head.   That was given to me about a year ago by someone I love very much that appears to have walked out of my life as any attempt I have made to make contact has failed.   I am still not 100% sure why it happened like it did.   All I know for sure is I was being myself and apparently it no longer was ok with my friend.   I guess the pain will pass in time.  My problem is I have things in nearly every room of my house this friend has sent me.   I should put them away out of sight because when I look at them it brings back the memory of the loss, but I can not bring myself to do it.   That would mean I had accepted she is gone from my life for good and I am not ready to do that yet.
   Lets move on to another remembrance of friends that are gone.   I have 4 huge stuffed animals in my bedroom a bear as big as a 2 year old and 3 frogs 2 the size of pillows and one just slightly smaller.   The bear and one of the frogs came from 2 friends that died about a year to a year and a half ago.   The other 2 frogs one came from the sister of the one that died who gave me the frog.   The other one came from a friend that moved far away.   I have only seen her 2 times sense she moved about a decade ago and I still miss her.   She and I did not always get along and have had a couple fights, but when I was sick she was there for me and stayed with me and brought me home when I was done at the er.   That morning was awful.   I was in so much pain and so sick at my stomach I thought I was going to die and would not have cared if I hand.  That is how you tell a real friend one that you can disagree with, but they will still be there when you need them.   So you see what brings you joy when you get it can cause you pain years later.