
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Did you ever wonder why some people hold a grudge?  Holding on to their anger like a small child holding onto the last piece of candy.   Holding it close to their heart, afraid to let it go.   I wonder all the time why people do not just forgive and forget, especially when the person they are mad at apologized.   Life is too short to waist it on anger and hate.  I will miss the before time but I fear I will soon have no choice but to move on without someone that was very special to me.   Will it hurt? Yes , but probably not as much as this constantly being ignored hurts.   No amends may be maid when only one person is willing to seek it.   A very wise friend of mine from India once told me I should learn to keep those that are a benefit to my life and get rid of those that are not.   My problem is once I form a connection to someone it is nearly impossible to break it even when they hurt me I still hold onto the good times that came before.   When someone was good and kind and caring to me in the past I find it nearly impossible to let go of that memory.   I find myself waiting for that person to come back to me.   There is a problem though when the other person for what ever reason no longer wants you in their life for no other reason then you were being yourself.
     I find my emotions all over the place lately, because in just a few days it will be the anniversary of my mom's death.   I find myself waking up in the middle of the night crying and sometimes looking for my mom it takes a while to realize she is gone.   Then in Aug it will be the one year anniversary of my brother's death.   I find myself crying for no apparent reason lately.   Life is so short it seems a shame to cut ties with people you love that are still alive, but it is like i told a friend of mine years ago love does not work as a one way road it needs to be a two way street for everyone to be happy.
     Thank you for letting me ramble.   Lately that is all I seem to be able to do.


     Did you ever notice how differently men and women see things.   I had an online friend ask me how I was doing today so I told him, and instead of trying to make me feel better he started making passes.   HAS THAT EVER WORKED EVER?  When a woman is upset or in pain like I am today with my hand and my arm hurting has it ever worked for a guy to make passes at her?   I mean seriously, if a guy was in pain or upset and a girl wanted to fool around she would try to get him feeling better first.   Any idiot knows you can not ride the road if your car is not in good running order.   So why would a guy think a woman would want to fool around if she was not feeling well?   This guy is not my b/f.  My b/f would know better when I am not feeling well.   This guy is just one of those horny lounge lizards that hang around in the games looking to see who they can pick up.   He picked the wrong person today.   I left him holding his own.   I got better things to do on this bright sunny day then to deal with a guy that has no sensitivity to my feelings. So did you ever notice how different men and women are?


It hurts to lose a friend and not know why

When they shut down on you it will make you cry

When they leave your life without even a good bye

And you realize the friendship you thought you had was just a lie


It seemed like at first the friendship would forever last

When suddenly you looked up and it was a thing of the past

When all the good times and fun were gone so fast

And now you feel like an outcast


It hurts every day to see them there

When you know they does not really care

When life’s worries become hard to bare

And you must take care of your own welfare


It seems memories from the past come flashing back

When you are alone in your own little shack

 When you think of what the loss will make your life lack

And even though it hurts it is hard not to look back


It is a short life we have to live

When you think of all the forgiveness we have to give

When the days drip out of our lives like a sieve

And we realize we have lost the chance to forgive


    In this world of everyone for themselves and not one gives a damn, I saw this story and I just had to re-post it because it made me cry to see there is still good out there.

Frank Somerville KTVU
· July 27, 2016 ·

This is Tawny Nelson with three of her four kids.
She just told me about what happened to her in Florida.
And how a 74 year old man knocking on the window of her truck has helped restore her faith in people.
(I swear I got chills when I read what happened next)

Here’s what she wrote me:

I am the single mother of four absolutely beautiful little girls.
The are 9, 5, 2, and 6 weeks.
And things have been particularly rough since my ex left.

My truck had a flat I constantly had to air up.
The driver side window motor died.
And I needed a new alternator belt.
The truck was a mess.
And we didn't drive anywhere unless we had to.

Well the other day we desperately need to go to the store.
So we loaded up and drove to the Winn Dixie about 9 blocks away.

When we got out of the store it was far after dark.
And POURING rain.

I loaded my kids and groceries into the truck.
Tried to crank it...... Nothing.
No click.

One of my girls as accidentally left a light on.
My battery was dead.
My phone was also disconnected.
I have no family to speak of and was on my own.

I got out and opened my hood to be sure my battery hadn't come loose.

I must have asked more than twenty people in the course of two hours for a jump.
They all ignored me.
Not even a no.
Just acted like i didn't exist.

My 5 Year old was melting down.
My newborn SCREAMING, my two year old crying she was hungry, and my oldest desperately trying to help.

I was bawling and felt like the worst Mom ever.

Then I got a knock on the passenger window.
An older gentleman (he was 74) with a cane and a bad limp was on the other side of that knock.

I opened the door.
He handed me a plate of chicken strips and biscuits from the deli and bottles of water.

"Feed those babies and your self young lady.
I have a tow truck on the way and my wife will be here shortly to take y'all home."

Sure enough she arrived followed by the tow truck.
Us and our truck were taken home.

The next morning the gentleman returned to my house with a mechanic who replaced my battery and alternator and fixed my window.

The elderly gentleman then left and did not return.
When I asked what I owed the mechanic and if I could make payments he smiled telling me the older man had paid for all of it.

He said that the only payment the older man wanted was for me to never give up and keep being an amazing mom.

I've never cried so hard in my life.
Things had been absolutely awful.
More so than I care to explain.

And without knowing us or our situation this kind man helped us in ways he will never know.

What he did revived my faith when I was falling apart.
But he wouldn't even take a hug.

I'll never be able to thank him.
But I certainly hope one day I can do what he did for me for someone else.

----Tawny Nelson

Isn’t that a great story?

I hope the 74 year-old man who helped her sees this.
I hope he knows what a difference he made for Tawny.

Someday I'm going to do something like that.
I can just feel it.
And it's going to make me so happy.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, child and outdoor


     I think Hollywood has gone reboot crazy.   I mean crazy in the worst possible meaning.   Let’s start with the Ghostbusters reboot that was a total failure.  It had no originality or viable plot.   Now let’s talk about the Roseanne reboot they are planning for this year.   The plan is to have the entire original cast back.  This is not only unbelievable but really stupid.    Clearly those involved with the idea of having the original cast have NEVER seen the last 2 episodes of the original series.   In the series finale Roseanne narrated her thoughts.   In which she told of all the things she took creative license in when she wrote her story that the series was based on. She revealed that: Dan was dead he died when he had his heart attack.  Dan was dead for over a year when the show ended, and Roseanne told us the whole truth about her story.     She changed things she did not like about her life.   Roseanne’s sister is gay, but her mother was not.   Mark is married to Darlene, and they had a baby that nearly died. David is married to Becky.   Roseanne thought they went better the other way around and wrote it that way in her story.   The Connors never won the lottery all those things were figments of Roseanne’s imagination.

     I am dyeing to see how Dan comes back from the dead and if they have the daughters with their actual husbands in the reboot.   It will be interesting to see if Dan comes back as a ghost.   I REALLLLLLLLLLY HOPE THEY DO NOT DO THE SHE DREAMED IT THING!   That so many shows have used in the past to cover plat holes.  That has been done to death.   I would love to see some originality in the entertainment industry for a change.

     I know what started this reboot craze.   It was the success of the reboot of the Star Trek franchise.   These copy cats are overlooking the things that the creators of Star Trek franchise really understood well.   I am going to clue everyone in on what made Star Trek reboot a success when the others fell on their faces.  

     First was the plot line it was something believable, because they earlier versions had laid the bases for time travel.   They did make a small mistake in the reboot when they had Kahn in it.   He was in suspended animation in the time frame the reboot had him up walking around and he had not been reanimated till after Kirk had been captain of the Enterprise for a while.  The second thing that made the reboot a success was the casting.   The actor they cast to play Spock was an excellent choice.  He looks very much like the late Leonard Nimoy which draws in the old fans.   I do think they gave Spock a little too much visible emotion, but I suppose that could be attributed to the death of his mother in the reboot.  It may have made it harder for him to keep it under control.  If you want to do a reboot and make it a success you should make sure the public will accept the rebirth.  

     Now let’s talk about the lone ranger reboot.   Don’t get me wrong I think Johnny Depp is one of the most gifted actors out there, but seriously was all that face paint just to cover the fact he was not a Native American.   Also what was up with that why case him as Tonto when there are many good Native American actors out there that would not have needed face paint to cover they were white.   In the original series I do not ever remember seeing Tonto ware face paint and if he did it was not to the extreme Johnny Depp did.   He looked more like and African medicine man then a Native American brave.