
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Have you ever met someone with a sense of entitlement ?   I have a friend who has a disability and boy does he play it for all it is worth.   He thinks he can do anything he wants and get away with anything he wants just because he has a disability.   He tries to justify the things he does by telling a long story that has NOTHING to do with the actual issue.   I will give you an example he has a friend that he has not seen in nearly a decade that died so he is taking time off from work cause of the death.   When I asked him why he was taking time off he actually said to me this is personal to me.    I said are you serious when my brother died last Aug  and I did not take a week off, but I guess he was not personal to me.  
     Then he told the story of when he lied to a hospital to get info on a friend.   He told the nurse he was the guys brother and he was not.   I explained what he did wrong to him by asking him if he was in the hospital and someone claimed to be his brother to find out about him if that would be ok?    He said no.   When I said well you did it he tried to justify what he did by saying he did it for his friend.   At that point I said no you did it for you.   You wanted to know and you did not care if you had to lie to find out what you wanted to know.  He felt he was entitled to get what he wanted any way he could.   I tried to explain to him that if it is ok for him to lie to get what he wants it is ok for others to do it too.   I do not know why some people have this sense of entitlement like the world owes them something.
    I have noticed a similar behavior from some ethnic groups.   They think because of their color or because of some injustice done to their ancestors that the world owes them something, or that they should be able to get away with things others can not.   I could list at least a dozen examples but I will spare you all that, because I am not going to be accused of predigest  for simply stating the truth that some people would not want to hear or accept as fact.  
     Let me tell you a story of some little kids that were in the neighborhood.   We ran the game room at the community center and we had a rule no kids in the toy room without and adult.   I came out of the computer lab one day to find 7 young children in the toy room with no adults.   I spoke to the oldest boy there and asked him why he was in there without and adult because i knew full well he knew the rules.   He said he has asked if they could get a ball and one of the other ladies told him yes.   She knew I was inside the building and probably thought I would watch the kids.    I said to the young man you know there has to be an adult here when you get a toy, and I asked him why he did not come get me before going into the toy room.   At that point a little girl I had never seen before said to me "You just do not want us in her cause we are black."   I was surprised and I said to her nope I do not want you in here cause you are obnoxious.   I then turned to a girl I had know her whole life ( who was also black) and I said to her. "You have know me your whole life.   Am I prejudice?   She said "No Miss Jane you treat all kids the same."   I then looked back at the other girl and said " There you have it from someone that has know me all her life."   I said the rule is NO kids in the toy room without an adult, and that is why I objected to you all being in here there was no adult with you.   I then gave her a little something to think about.   I said oh and by the way I have black blood in me too.   You saw my white skin and assumed I was prejudice.   I wonder if my statement made her think about jumping to conclusions.   She felt because she was black she should be allowed to do things other children were not allowed to do and that if she made me feel insecure that I would cave and let them do what ever they wanted.  I mean seriously who wants people to think they are prejudice when they are not.   She did not count on the fact I knew most of the kids in that room and they all knew me and knew I  could not care less what color your skin is I only care that EVERYONE follow the rules.
     The day EVERYONE in this country realizes no one is entitled to any special treatment  that goes against the laws of this country or the rules of any group you belong to the better the world will be.  NO ONE IS ENTITLED TO BREAK A LAW OR A RULE JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE A DISABILITY OR A HEARD LIFE OR A DIFFERENT SKIN COLOR OR A DIFFERENT NATIONALITY.    The worst part about a sense of entitlement is those that have it have no gratitude for the things they get.