
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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      I have just done something few do these days. I did some research one thexe mud slinging adds Hillary supporters have ran against Trump.   I will admit they are very effective.   Her campain team are really good.   She had me thinking Trump was not the man for president, but someone I truely trust and respect is a Trump supporter.   My friend said something to me the other day that made me wonder, so I did what I always do when I am not sure I have all the facts.   I investagated deeper.   You do not need to be the smartest person in the world to know those quotes in Hillary's mud slinging adds were taken out of context, and some were quite old.   I took it upon myself to find the speaches he made a few of the quotes in and I was more then a little shocked to find out they were not only taken out of context, the way they were strung together is as close to lies as you can get without crossing the line. 
     Lets take the go f*** themselves remark.   He was talking about companies that outsorce to Mexico instead of using American workers.   Look it up you will find it interesting.  I am personally not promoting either canadate howevcer it does make me wonder what Hillary is trying to hide that her people are using so much propaganda to throw attention off her and onto Trump.  
     I remember a very old quote I do not remember who said it, but it is as true today as it was when it was first said: " I DO NOT NEED TO PUT SOMEONE ELSES LIGHT OUT TO MAKE MY LIGHT SEEM BRIGHTER."    My thought is if you are really as good as you want everyone to think you are you do not need to put someone else down to proove it.   Your own actions will speak for themselves.   I do find it also interesting Trump's campain really has not had nearly as many mud slinging adds aimed at Hillary as hers has at him.  So that tells me Either he knows his record will stand for itself so he does not need to stoop to her level OR he really does not see her as a threat so he is not waisting his time trying to put her down.
     Remember I said my friend is a big Trump supporter.   I myself am not sure he knows what it is like to be truely poor.    I live in a high poverty area , and I have seen rich people and poor people.   I have seen more often then not those that have it easy really could not survive it they ever lost all their money.   So we are caught between 2 canidates who neither of which are the best choice.   It will be interesting to see who finally wins.   I think if the people do not wise up and start looking for the truth we may find ourselves burried in a snow job.


     Many of you know I have been having a really bad year.   I am pleased to tell you all there may be a light at the end of the tunnel.   A couple things have happened in the past couple days that have shined new light on a few things, and some of the things that have been draging me down are no longer a factor.   I am hoping next year will be a better one.   I have been putting more time into painting.   Crocheting and beading,   I have also spent some time with my neighbors.   One thing that has come into very clear focus in my life is my friends.   It is becoming clearer to me who i can counton and who I can not.
     By the way anyone who thinks they can turn any of my REAL friends against me is in for a shock.   Those I ACTUALLY CALL MY FRIENDS will never turn on me just because someone wants them to.   They know all about me and love me just the same, so say what you will you will not turn my REAL FRIENDS against me.   Those I actually call my friends are like perfect dimonds rare and valuable.


     Until recently I did not believe there was any connection between video games and people's behaviour.   I now think there is deffinatly a connection to the violent video games and the violance among teens and young adults.   I have a friend who was always by my side.   I never once doubted he had my best interest at heart.   Lately he is changing he is becoming more easily angred and more agressive to others.   At first I thought maybe he had a blood sugar problem.  I know high blood sugar can make you do things you would not normally do and it can make you anger quicker.   Now I am beginning to think it is his constant playing of violent video games.  I do not really know what has happened to him but I do know I want my friend back as he was when I met him.


     Have you all heard the latest?   My neighbor tells me they now want to take the confederate flab out of Gettysburgh.   Are they insane?   How can you have a civil war reinactment without a confederate flag?   It is time for people to lighten us and stop trying to rewrite history before we are all condemed to repeat it.  I mean seriosly it is a piece of cloth and you are afraid to have it seen.   It is like the old saying sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me.   They need to add to that flags will never hurt me.   I do however think it not leagle for the confederate flag to fly over any government buildings.   That makes sense Only official flags of this country should fly over government buildings, but I see no more problem with the confederat flag being used at a civil war renenactment then I would an english flag being flown by english soldgerts at a revelutionary war reenactment.   Just because a group has decided to use the confederate flag as a simble of their idiot hate group is no reason to try to strike the flag from the histroy books.   It happened it was used and it is a part of this countries history.    FACE IT AND DEAL WITH IT STOP TRYING TO REWRITE HISTORY!   By getting so upset over something so stupid you play right into the hands of those you seek to bend to your will.   If we ignore those using it for their hate group they will see their actions have no maret in todays world, but when you try to go away with them and anything associated with them you only make them stronger.


     It is nearly a month after my brothers death and life goes on, but I find myself thinking a lot about all the things my brother will not get to do.   He will not see his grand children grow up.   He will not see the snow fall this winter or the lights of Christmas.   I find myself wondering what great power chooses who will live and who will die.  A friend of mine pondered why the good people die young.   He lost his wife this year too.   I told him it is because God does not want the bad people. lol   I try to consol myself in that it is just the circle of life, but I see myself heading for a deep depression this Christmas.   Christmas has been hard on me sense my grandpa died on Christmas day when i was 11.   This year will be extra hard without my brother.   One of the things we had at every family gathering was my 2 brothers setting at the dining room table nearly the whole time talking. This year my younger brother will not have our older brother.   BUT LIFE GOES ON.   I am just hoping I do not end up needing meds to get through.  I have been depressed most of the summer, and I am always depressed in the winter.