
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Mother's day is nearly here and to all those mothers out there HAPPY MOTHERS DAY EARLY!   To everyone who still has their mom's enjoy her while you can time goes by faster then you think and when she is not longer with you it is too late to say I wish I had spent more time with her.   I asked my niece today what she wanted for mother's day she has 2 and a half children I say a half cause my nephew had a son from another woman before him and his wife got together but she treats him like her own.  What she said surprised me all she wants for Mother's day is for the kids to spend time with her.   The boys are both grown and on their own and her baby girl graduates high school this year.   My niece is already starting to feel the nest getting empty.    My mom has been gone for 30 years next month and I still miss her.   She was my best friend and I spent as much time as I could with her.   I realized early on we only get one life and we need to keep those we love in it as long as we can.   The memories will help on the day you can not longer touch them.   So to all of you who still have your Mothers may you and your mothers all have a very lovely and enjoyable Mother's day TOGETHER.


     Sorry for the problems with this entry.   To tell the truth I am kind of mad.   It was there when I wrote it but from time to time gamedesire glitches like that if it happens when I try to post I usually delete that blog but for what ever reason this one was there and gamedesire glitched it out of existence.   It is sad too cause I thought this one was a pretty good one I will try to reconstruct it for you from memory, but it will probably not be as good as the first one.   I wrote it minutes after it came to mind/
     I was setting on my porch enjoying the sun last Monday afternoon, and I noticed something most of us do not not notice partly because it usually takes place before we are out of bed.   It was the garbage men picking up the garbage.   As I sat there and watched them working like a well oiled machine they cleared this whole road in about 20 minutes.   I myself had not given much thought to the men that pick up our trash and take it away no matter the weather they are out there helping to keep our neighborhoods clean and save.   My brother worked for them about 35 years ago before he got married and got a job as a trucker out of state.  
     I sat there watching these men slinging those big cans up into the back of the truck with great accuracy rarely dropping anything onto the road, and picking it up quickly if they did drop something I thought how we all overlook them.   When is the last time you thought about these sanitation workers that gather up and take away the tons of garbage we make each year.   Have you ever said hi to one of them or even given them a smile?    I doubt there are many that can say they have.   We ignore them or look past them like they are not there if we do see them.   Do you realize without these dedicated workers we would be buried in trash and rats?   I think we all need to take a minute and think about these overlooked workers that keep our country clean.   We should all think about giving them a tip at Christmas.   Think about it a minute would you get up at the crack of dawn (or before some pick up in the middle of the night) so you could run around handling other peoples garbage and sometimes it includes poop from dogs, cats, and babies?   I do not think we appreciate these garbage workers enough.   Watch them work sometime, and ask yourself if you would be strong enough to do their job.   Let's all remember the overlooked people that keep our neighborhoods from stinking beyond belief the sanitation workers that do the dirty work most will not do and who get so little praise for a job well done.


     Did you ever have a day that started out pretty good then about half way through it things started going down hill.   You finally get some control over the slide only to have 1 person's childish actions throw you back on the slide?   I do not know about you , but I really hate it when people accuse me of things I did not do or say I am upset or mad when I am not.   You say I am mad when I am not and I will be mad in less then 2 seconds. 
     I really wish people would stop trying to read into things.  They usually assume things that are not even close to being true.   Would it not be easier to just ask someone why they are quiet instead of assuming they are mad.   This is the internet and there are as many reasons for someone not to be responding as fast as you think they should as there are people on the net.  
     I am a very literal person, so never ever assume I meant something I did not directly say, because you will most often be wrong.   I say what I mean in the words I mean them in there is never anything written ( between the lines) that is not how my brain works.
     I had all I could do to keep from going off on someone last night who threw a hissy fit at something they assumed instead of just asking me.
     Another thing that irritates me is people why are paranoid and think everyone is against them.   That is ironic as I myself have been know to fall into the paranoia trap myself from time to time, so I should over look it in others.  Thing is I NEVER over look things that irritate me.   I may forgive them fast but I do not over look them.
     Another thing I hate is when I lock horns with someone who is just as suborn as myself.   It makes it hard to solve a dispute when that happens, and it is even harder when someone says something that cuts like a knife and does not feel they did anything wrong even though they may make the other person cry.
     I said something 2 years ago I wish I never said.   I felt backed into a corner and I came out swinging and when I get like that I will use what ever I have to make the other person leave me alone.   Unfortunately this time it worked too well.   That person who I once called a good friend has not spoken to me in 2 years, and there is nothing I can do about it as they have cut all contacts with me.
     It never ceases to amaze me how when some people hurt someone else the one doing the hurting hurts just as bad as the one they hurt.  But others can hurt someone and not give it a second thought.   Makes me wonder if they really think they did nothing wrong or it they have no continuance to help them see they should not have said what they did.


     Have you ever wondered why some people if they hurt a friend regret it forever.   I hurt a friend 2 years ago and it cost me a friend and that I still regret to this day.   Just a couple words spoken in anger and my friend was gone she put me on ignore and has never taken me off.   It is hard to make things right if the person does not talk to you.
     Then you will find the person who will hurt  friends feelings and not care they did it   I am not sure how someone lives with no regrets in hurting a friend but there are many people like that out there.
     About 25 years ago I had a Christmas diner for the family, and it did not go well.   I was disrespected by several people in my own family, and even after I tried to get them to see they had hurt my feelings, but a couple of them did not care.   Some acted like they did nothing wrong , like it was ok to disrespect me in my own home.   The ironic part of this is BOTH of the ones that did not want to say sorry were church people.   My sister had been a deaconess of her church for many years, and my sister in law has a mother that is a lay preacher, so yea they should have understood saying sorry.

Short catch up

     Had a nice time Easter.   Played some pool with my nephew and his party guests.   It was funny after I very nearly beat my nephew I played some other people and one of them was my great nephew.  When I beat my great nephew he asked his dad if he wanted to play me.   He said he was waiting for me to cool down then he would play me. lol my nephew plays nearly every day and I had not been on a real table in years and I gave him a run for his money.  
     I play pool in lilac colored polyester gloved cause I hate the feel of chalk dust on my hands.  Most did not have much to say about it, but my great nephew was teasing me about it, he loves to trash talk lol.   I never told him the more annoyed I am with the person I am playing the better I play lol.