
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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    Did you ever wish your emotions had an on off switch?  Sometimes I just wish there was a way I could flip a switch and turn them off.   It is frustrating when things bug me that I really wish I did not care a bit about.   Part of my brain says it is not even worth thinking about, but part of it just wants to go psycho.   The part of my brain that regulates the 2 has been working over time the past couple weeks.   I have been having emotional reactions to things that should not even matter.   LOL I tell people it is because I a Pisces and the 2 little fish pulling in different directions make me moody.   OOO not that anyone cares but I feel like putting it out there, March 3 will be my birthday:)  I am just hoping we do not have the same weather we did on my ACTUAL birthday lol.   There was snow on the ground, in the mountains where I was born the year I was born.   My dad used to tell how he wore out a brand new pair of boots walking to see my mom, cause it was snowing at home and when he got to town they had none.   The hard sidewalks were rough on his boots and he did not want to carry them so he left them on.   I have already gotten 2 birthday presents and 2 cards  :) so I guess some of my friends care.  Yea I know I got off subject lol, but that is what my mind does it rambles.  
   Back to the original subject if anyone knows how to turn my emotions off let me know.


  Dear Mr President I saw the snl sketch and I saw your responses to it.    I have been in the position where people made jokes at my expense before, and I can tell you first hand it is far better to either laugh with them or ignore them.   If you laugh at the jokes with them it shows you have a sense of humor.   If you ignore it even happened and go on with your life it shows you saw it as no importance to the bigger issues in your life.   The WORST thing you can do in a position like having someone poking fun at you is to fire back at them.   That shows they got to you, that they hurt your feelings, and it will stir more people up to make fun of you because it draws attention to them when you fire back and that is what performers want attention.   The whole point of going into show business is to have someone watch what you do and know who you are.   By you even commenting on this skit you shined a light on it which will make more people want to view it.   I myself rarely watch snl anymore I used to when the greats were still with it, but the headline on the net saying you blasted them made me look it up and watch it.   My advice is in the future when people poke fun at you AND THEY WILL, either ignore that it even existed or laugh at it with them.   One of the greatest gifts one can have is to be able to laugh at themselves.  
     I will be honest I do not totally agree with your wall idea either, but I also do not find it cool to hold the president of these UNITED STATES up for ridicule on tv, so they have made a bad decision to run that.   Thing is they are in the ratings business and any thing they can come up with to get people to watch their shows is something for which the media will use.  


     I have come to the realization the only way to keep from getting your heart broken is not to expect anything from anyone.   We all have friends we think will be there for us when we need them.   Some may be, but many will not be.   I have come to the realization that many people do what they do because of what is in it for them.   If you look close enough you will find that most times when someone does something for you there will be something they hope to get back from doing it.   I have noticed people will do things if someone pushes them to do so, but if the one that does the pushing to keep things moving forward is not there things come to a standstill.    It is heart breaking when someone you think you can count on to take up the slack when you are not around does nothing when you are not there.   I have come to the conclusion the only one you can count on to do something you want done is yourself.   If something is really important to you and you cannot do it for yourself, you may want to have about 12 backups in place.  That way maybe just mayyyyyyybe one of them will fill in for you in your absence.   Oh and if anyone gets offended by this blog ask yourself why?   Could it be you see yourself in it?


     We all have free will to do what we want with our lives as long as we do not break the law, and that is great when it is us who is choosing for ourselves.   What sucks is EVERYONE ELSE has free will too, and sometimes that conflicts with where we think they should do.   Have you ever looked at a choice made by a friend or a family member and thought geeez that was a mistake?   But you keep your real thoughts about it to yourself. Because it is not your place to interfere with their free will.   I tend to do that a lot.   Lol  my brother said I think I am always right.   I told him nope I am not ALWAYS RIGHT, but I am right more then I am wrong.   After all NO ONE is ALWAYS RIGHT.
     Have you ever know someone whom you looked up to, someone who seemed very strong to you, then they do something that makes you think to yourself what were they thinking.   Why would they do that?   It took away a lot of their credibility.   You want to walk up to them and say are you serious?  Why would you do that?   But you know it is their decision to make so you try to be polite.   A really good example was a hair die job a friend of mine got last summer.   Her hair was bright red.   People were making jokes about her looking like Ronald McDonald's sister.   I did not make jokes, but I totally saw their point.   It was the same color as heat miser in The Year Without a Santa Clause cartoon.   Personally I think it was a bad idea, but it was her free will to die it that color if that was her choice.
     It is really hard sometimes to not try to interfere with someone else's free will when you think it is a bad idea, but I try.


    Have you ever noticed family or friend groups where one person does not seem to fit.   It seems I am that odd man out lately.    I have recently had the same debate with one of my very good friends and my brother that went on for a while on this very blog.   They are both in favor and I am against, but this is not the first time I have came down on the other side from people I love and that love me.   It is weird how people that love each other so much could be so different minded in so many things and the love and friendships still remain.   One would think when personalities are very different that relationships would split apart in search of people more like themselves.   Maybe there is something to that old saying that opposites attract.   It is something to think about next time you find yourself standing facing your family or friends on different sides of an issue instead of standing shoulder to shoulder.   Sometimes it is not smart to get into these kinds of argument with my because we both are sure we are right and we are both stubborn lol.