
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Does anyone know people who will do things they know they should not do , and when they get in trouble for it they want to blame someone else for it happening?   I have found that when you try to tell a man they are making a mistake when they are saying or doing the wrong thing, and they take the I will do what I want to thing, when they get toasted because of it, they do not want to own it.   I actually had someone recently blame me for something happening to him as a direct result of things he was doing.   The ironic part of this is I myself had tried to warn him not to keep doing what he was doing, and he did not listen to what I was telling him.   I told him he would not get away with it, and he should stop while he could.   He did not heed my warnings and when his actions came back to bite him he said it was my fault.   I told him he is not the first person to blame me for them getting in trouble for their mouth and he most likely would not be the last one.   If people do not want to own what they say, they should not say it in the first place.   I myself will own anything I ACTUALLY SAY.    The kind of person that blames someone else for the troubles they caused themselves are like children on a playground trying to blame someone else for things they did to keep from being punished for doing things they knew were not allowed.   So I am just wondering if anyone else has ever ran into people that wish to blame you for them getting in trouble for things they themselves caused?
     It is ok though if they want to blame me, because those that truly matter to me will not believe the lies anyhow.   All these people do is make themselves look worse when they try to blame someone else for things they themselves set in motion.   People need to grow up and own their own actions.   If you do not want to get in trouble for showing off, or acting out, or disobeying rules to a club you belong to , do not do the think you know you are not allowed to and there will be no problem.
     Oh and on a side bar I just love it when people think they will side step the repercussions of their actions by wording it in a slightly veiled manner.    I see right straight through that.   Anyone who has ever read my first loyalty blog can see I am a master of that style of writing myself so I spot it in a second when  someone else does it. lol


     I have commented before on the stupid direction politically correctness is going in this country, and here I go again.   I just saw where a group is wanting to ban the little mermaid song kiss the girl, because an animated crab is trying to get a prince to kiss a mermaid.   Here is the link to the song : https://youtu.be/1e647ouVCxM I really do not know what this world is coming to.   People get stupider and stupider every day.   Anyone who has ever really watched that movie knows that first she could not speak even if he had asked to kiss  her, and second she did in fact want him to kiss her it was all part of the story line.   So lets see what other sweet memories of child hood would fall under this stupid objection.   SLEEPING BEAUTY she was awakened with a kiss that prince did not have her permission to do it.   In fact nearly every prince story in fairy tails has a prince kissing a princess and most never ask first, but lets go one further with the idiocy when the preacher says you may now kiss the bride BE SURE TO ASK HER IF YOU CAN FIRST.   Never mind she had probably been waiting for that day and that kiss most of her adult life.   Ask her first.   And FOR THE RECORD even thought the crab sung the song trying to get the prince to kiss the mermaid HE DID NOT DO IT at that point so why ban that part.   I seriously think these people that come up with these stupid politically correct ( IN THEIR MINDS) ideas have less going on of relevance in their lives then I do and that is saying something because I am one of the most irrelevant people in this country.
     The next kids movie they will go after if they get away with this stupid path they are on will be Santa Claus is coming to town.    After all the song in that says IF YOU SIT ON MY LAP TODAY A KISS A TOY IS THE PRICE YOU'LL PAY.   It will not be long till someone pegs Santa one of the most beloved figures in all of childhood as a child molester who bribes children with toys to set on his lap.   Hell I am surprised no one has picketed the mall Santa yet.  
     People I bet you all with the new year just around the corner lets return to a simpler, less paranoid time when people did not look for evil intent in everything they saw or heard.    Is it any wonder anxiety is such a problem in this country?   We are taught as kids to be afraid of everyone we meet.   Not ALL strangers are dangerous.   Instead of teaching the kids to be frightened of every stranger or of cartoon songs because they are not politically correct in some minds, we should teach them how to spot the real danger and how to see those that really mean no harm for what they really are.   If something is not done about these idiots coming at all the entertainment for stupid things like they are this song the day will come when there will be no movies no music no dancing because it may offend someone.
     NEWS FLASH THIS IS STILL THE USA AND WE CAN SAY WHAT WE WANT HERE as I am doing now.   You guys got any idea how old the movie the little mermaid is?, and no one had a problem with it till now.
     HERE IS WHERE I MAKE MANY MAD AND PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY, BUT HAVE ANY OF THESE PEOPLE BEING STUPID OVER A SONG EVER READ THEIR BIBLE?   It is full of murder, incest, bad treatment of many different people just for being different.   It has illegitimate births and hate crimes, and no one has ever one time suggested it be banned.    I think EVERYONE needs to realize these movies are just that movies for entertainment and not the end of society or any threat to the kids of today.   OK I KNOW I NEED TO CLIMB BACK DOWN OFF MY SOAP BOX, BUT I have little patience for stupidity that does not need to exist.


     I know I should not but I really hate this time of year.   It never fails.   Someone is going to get ill or die when the holiday season starts.   Last count I have a friend and a sister both in the hospital, and another friend has a loved one very ill.   As if that was not all bad enough my niece has taken it upon herself to push the family gathering from 2 days before Christmas to the day after Christmas.   We get together once a year, and she had the urgent need to go on a vacation trip for the 4 days before Christmas AFTER the original date was set.   The reason that derision sucks is this it the SECOND vacation to the same place she will have taken this year lone.
     I realize my family all have other lives and other people depending on them, and most of the time I am content to fade into the background and let them spend their time with others even if it means I will not see them.   BUT ONCE A YEAR I want them to all be together, and I think it is incredibly selfish of my niece to postpone the family gathering so she can take a second trip to a place she has already been once this year.   I know there are those of you that will say you will still have the gathering just a little later.   That is the same thing my brother said.   And I am going to tell you like I told him.   They have other family.   They will not be all alone on Christmas like I will. My oldest sister used to come see me on Christmas day so it was not so hard on me, but they have been having health issues so they do not come out in the bad weather anymore , and she does not come visit like she once did.   The fact they are pushing Christmas back to the day after Christmas makes me wonder that the point is.   Why decorate no one will be here? Why go to the Christmas party Christmas will be over? 
     I am getting all this info third party. :(   The ones making all the changes did not call me and I do not have fb, but they ALL have my phone number.   I even got the news they kept my sister in the hospital a day later and not from one of her kids I got it from my brother who got it from my sister's son in law.   Like I told my brother they all have their phones glued to their hands how hard would it be to call me and tell me some of this stuff?
     Ironic is it not the best Christmas I had in decades happened 2 years ago that was the year we lost my older brother his wife and my favorite cousin in a 3 month period of time.   Christmas went great that year.   I do not think it is going to go so well this year.   We lost my nephew in Sept. now my sister is in the hospital, and the party was moved till after Christmas.   Unless something happens to change it Christmas is going to suck this year. 
     I am sorry if I am bringing you all down, but as I have said in the past I write my blogs for me and I really needed to get this all out of my system so I can try to find a way to pretend to be happy so I do not bring anyone else down with me.


     Another Thanksgiving spent home alone.   I still have 2 sisters and one brother alive along with 5 nieces and nephews, so how odd is it that the only one that checked on me or even called to say Happy Thanksgiving was my neighbor?   I would have thought at least one of my family members would have called to see how I was doing or say Happy Thanksgiving.   Before any of you can ask the question YES I called a couple people to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving in early afternoon.  
     So here it is I am thankful for my neighbor this Thanksgiving, because not only did you call me she also gave me a plate of her home made food.   I would not have went hungry if she had not.   I was making a turkey when she called she had ham.   It is just nice to know someone cares about you on the holiday.   I have been friends with this neighbor for about 10 years and she is a one in a million friend.   When someone finds a friend like her they need to treat them right, and keep them.   This is the same friend that stayed with me when I was in that hospital that one time.   She left her husband and daughter home and went with me and stayed with me till I came home.   Friends like her are hard to find and I am thankful every day that I found her. 


   For decades I have said everyone is entitled to their share of happiness in this world if they can find it.   Something happened a short time ago that has me wondering about something.   Is it wrong in your quest for your happiness to take away someone else's happiness to get what you want?   That would be hard enough to deal with if you were the one who lost their happiness so someone else could have theirs if both parties were strangers. EXAMPLE: The movie WHAT ABOUT BOB this couple had saved for years to buy a house near a lake, and just as they were about to get it someone else stepped in with more money took away their chance to own their dream house.   That was 2 strangers, but when someone you know and like takes away something you worked hard to get it is really hard to move past it to keep your friend.   It can be done however if the wronged person has a big forgiving heart.   The problem comes in when the person who lost their happy to a friend and then the friend rubbs it in their face.   I have not clue why people act like that, but they do.     EXAMPLE:   I have 2 friend I met on the net, and I liked them both a lot, and they both liked each other more then a lot.   I got both of them Christmas presents the first year we knew the second friend.   The second friend got me a present that year, but the first one did not get me anything NOT EVEN AND EMAIL CHRISTMAS CARD and those are free.   I did not mind her not buying me a present.   When I buy someone a present I do not do it to get them to buy me something I do it cause I want them to have it.    I will admit I was disappointed she did not even send me an e card, but even that did not make me mad.   What made me mad was for weeks after Christmas at least 4 times she told me and retold me what she had got for our other friend and her whole family for Christmas.   One of the things was a laptop computer.   Even that would not have made me mad IF she had only told me it ONE time, but after the 4th time I straight up told her.   Know what I do not appreciate you throwing it in my face what you got her and her family for Christmas when I got you a present and you could not even be bothered to send me an e card that would have been free.   She stopped after I laid it out to her, but as you can see I still have not forgotten that.   Could be because I just talked to them both the other night lol.  The friendship survived it as strong friendships can if both sides want it to be true.
     I still believe EVERYONE is entitled to do what makes them happy cause we only get 1 go round in this world.   I just think if your happy causes someone else to lose their happy you should be a bit more sensitive about it and not throw it in your friend's face so they have to think about it all the time.