
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Did you all see that clip on the yahoo home page of this guy being shot in broad daylight with 2 children inches away from him when the last shots were fired? I do not understand the mentality of someone who would not only chase someone down in the day light on a city street to shoot them, but would also take more shots when the person they were after had just knocked some children down and he looked like he was trying to hide behind the children. Was the guy doing the shooting on drugs, mentally impaired, or just moral and sole less? I remember the night I was taking my neighbor's 5 year old son home from my house. When we stepped through the door the kitchen was full of people, and there was a drug deal going down at the kitchen sink. No one paid any attention to me and her son coming in. They all knew I was her babysitter and they figured I would not call the police on them. I do not nor have I ever done drug, but after these children's grandma died they needed someone to look out for them that was not doing or selling drugs, so i stepped in as the babysitter. Just a couple minutes after we walked in the door someone jerked the door open behind us. EVERYONE spun to the door as people never came in that house like that. It was a neighbors teenage son who would come and play with the children. When we saw who it was I looked back to the center of the room to see if we could get through yet, as we were heading for the living room. When I looked back in the direction of the sink, one of the men had pulled out a gun and had it aimed in the direction of the door. Both the little boy I baby sat and I were between the door and the gun. When he saw it was the neighbors kid he put the gun away. After they all left I blasted the little boys mother about the danger she put both her son and I in that night. I told her if there was ever a gun pointed my direction again that I would call the police. I do not know what this world is coming to. People used to care about children and thy would try to keep them safe, but apparently some have lost that protective instinct where children are concerned, and it is sad.


Here I go again bloging about something that bugs me but probably no one else, but I do not care when something bugs me I blog lol. I have made similar blogs in the past, and it all steams back to the same topic. Why does the entertainment field keep trying to change established franchises to please people who whine about different races or colors not being represented enough to please them. My problem with the whole thing is stories, movies, books. any form of creative entertainment should be left as the writer intended it to be.
I am not saying that EVERYONE should not get their chance to act in good roles, BUT DANG IT WRITE NEW STORIES THAT FIT THE CHARACTERS YOU WANT TO REPRESENT. Do not rip off someone else's work and change the characters in it just because you think a certain sector is not getting represented enough. I have said before how much I hate this thing of changing originally male roles into females. And yes I will probably step on a few more toes with this one. I do not think the characters that started out one race or color should be rewritten as a different one, just because the people making the movies now are either too lazy or not creative enough to wright something new centered around the character they wish to portray.
How is this any different then someone wearing a piece of clothing or a hair style that was originated by someone from a different country. People get mad about that, but it is ok to steal the work someone else wrote and change the sex or color of the main character and call it your own. I saw today they are even messing with a character from scooby doo. WHY CAN PEOPLE NOT JUST WRIGHT SOME NEW STUFF AND LEAVE THE ORIGINAL CHARACTERS ALONG? I would love to see some new stories with new exciting characters. There is no need to rob from the established franchises and try to ride on their reputation. You saw how well that worked with that ghost busters movie with an all girl cast that had no link to the original characters.
Please people who what to make movies DO SOMETHING NEW AND ORIGINAL.


Have you ever had something that would have been so easily resolved and you hit one road block after another till finally you give up and do something for the principle of it. Little less then a year ago i bought a HP keyboard/mouse combo. I chose hp because I own 2 hp towers and about 4 hp cameras. My first digital camera was an hp and I still have it and it still works over 20 years later. So I had thought the hp keyboard would be a good purchase.
I had not had the keyboard long when I discovered it would drop the occasional letter with no pattern. I thought It may have been the usb port so I moved it to another port, and when I still had the problem I tried another port. Three different ports and it would still drop letters. The more I tried to sort out the problem the more annoyed I got. Finally I contacted hp as the box said the keyboard had a one year warranty and the year had not passed yet.
First I contacted walmart as that was where I bought it. They told me after 90 days I would need to contact hp so I did. imagine my surprise when I was told that EVEN THOUGH THE BOX SAID IT HAD A LIMITED ONE YEAR WARRANTY that it was obsolete when i bought it, and apparently walmart should have updated the warranty.? Are you kidding me. I told them I had already talked to walmart and they said it was a hp problem. Hp told me to send a copy of proof of purchase withing 24 hours. I sent it in 2 hrs , but heard no reply from them about it, so in about 2 weeks I called them again. I told them I had sent the proof 2 hrs after they told me i had 24 hrs, and did not hear anything back. Then they asked me to resend the proof. Again they said the warranty was invalid, EVEN THOUGH THE BOX HAD NOT EXPIRATION DATE FOR THE ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON IT. I sent it again and asked them what the point was, but they never answered that question. They told me they could not replace it because it was obsolete. OK fair enough I was disappointing they had not honored their warranty, but was willing to accept it even thought I was not happy. At that time I still had the defective keyboard, but the more I looked at it the more angry, so 2 weeks ago monday I had thrown it away, because I had given up on the thought hp would honor their warranty.
Two days later I got an unexpected email from hp saying they had reinstated my warranty and now send me a replacement for the defective keyboard, but I would have to return the defective keyboard ( that was now in a land fill) and if I did not send it back they would bill me for the new one. I was like are you SERIOUS no one told me you were even trying to fix this mess or to keep the keyboard to send back IF YOU COULD EVEN FIX THIS. When I told them no way was I paying for the keyboard to replace the one I had bought that was defective. They transferred me to another department. I was told without the damaged one that they could not replace it unless I paid for the new one . No way was that happening I had already bought a new keyboard from logi. So then I was transferred to another department which called me back yesterday. I was told they could give me a coupon for the hp store for the amount of the purchase of the original keyboard, BUT HERE IS THE CATCHES I had to use it in the hp store for only hp merchandise. I would probably have taken that deal TILL THEY HIT ME WITH THE DEAL BREAKER. They said to use the coupon I would need to spend more in the hp store on hp products then the $25 coupon. I was like let me get this straight. You are willing to give me a coupon for the defective product that you should have honored the one year warranty when I first contacted you, BUT NOW YOU WANT ME TO SPEND MORE MONEY ON HP PRODUCTS when I am starting to doubt the quality is what it once was. I told them FORGET IT I DO NOT WANT A COUPON THAT WILL MAKE ME SPEND MORE ON PRODUCTS I DO NOT TRUST LIKE I ONCE DID.
What makes me maddest is had they honored the warranty the first time I contacted them I would have still had the old one to send them. I told her hp realllllllllly needs to put and expiration date on the warranty stamp if they do not plan to honor them after a certain date. I told them I do not want the coupon if I need to add more money to it to use it, that I would just call it a learning expedience and write a blog and call it done, because it is about the principle now.


Have you all heard that ABC is going to cancel Rebel after only 1 season. I think this is a BIG mistake. Anyone who has ever watched this show knows it is a really good show. It keeps me glued to it every Thursday at 10 pm, eastern time. Katey Segal plays the role of Rebel wonderfully. The show has a great ensemble cast. There is never a dull moment in this show. I love the whole series follows the same dramatic story line. I was hooked in the very first episode. Rebel walked into a big parts to try to talk to the manufacturers of a bad heart valve, and when he would not listen to her. She started to leave and swung her arm around over her head in a circle movement. That was the signal to allow all the protesters into the party.
The writers of this show are brilliant. I think ABC is making the biggest mistake in tv cancellations sense NBC canceled the original Star Trek. ABC just does not see the potential in this show. All it needs is a little more time to get established. They made the decision to pull the show after only 5 episodes. That is barely enough time for the viewers to get all the characters names sorted out.
What kills me with them canceling this show is you finally have a strong female role in a part that was not a rip off of some role originally created for a man, and they want to cancel it. I really think ABC should rethink this decision, because if they do not and another network picks the show up, ABC may regret their decision when their viewers follow the show to another network.


I was just sorting through some photos of my nephew's wedding and I noticed something. They had hired a "professional" photographer to document their big day. On the surface that looks like a great idea. You would get all the photos of every minute, and not have to stop to pose during the procedure. I noticed something in these photos that make no sense to me at all. I have never been married, and even if I ever do get married it will not be a wedding as big as this one, so I am the first to admit I do not understand all the small details in a big wedding. The thing that reallllllllllly confused me was the 20 shots of the rings on the pillow. I looked at this nearly everyone identical to the one before, and I asked myself : " Why so many shots in the same lighting of objects that can not move?" It is not like the rings may have blinked when the shot was taken, or moved and blurred the image. I can totally see the thinking behind taking more then one shot of the people involved in the wedding, because people may move, but rings tied to a pillow do not.
It is a still life, and they took sooooooooooo many shots of the rings and the bridal's flowers. Not the people holding them just the rings and the flowers laying on a table. Makes me wonder if this Professional Photographer is not as good as they pretend to be, or if they just did this to pad their bill? Think about it. You would probably be able to get more for a bigger packet of photos then a smaller one. So if you do not get enough people shots to fill the packet purchased, just finish filling it out with a bunch of shots of the ring and flowers. You would still have the amount of photos you contracted for even if the redundancy is the reason why you got the full amount of shots for which you contracted.
If anyone has ever had a big wedding, and their photographer did thin I would love to know their thoughts on it. I mean seriously, I take photos for fun and I could have got some really great shots in less then 5 attempts so why did it take the professional photographer about 20 to do it?