
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Did you all see that clip on the yahoo home page of this guy being shot in broad daylight with 2 children inches away from him when the last shots were fired? I do not understand the mentality of someone who would not only chase someone down in the day light on a city street to shoot them, but would also take more shots when the person they were after had just knocked some children down and he looked like he was trying to hide behind the children. Was the guy doing the shooting on drugs, mentally impaired, or just moral and sole less? I remember the night I was taking my neighbor's 5 year old son home from my house. When we stepped through the door the kitchen was full of people, and there was a drug deal going down at the kitchen sink. No one paid any attention to me and her son coming in. They all knew I was her babysitter and they figured I would not call the police on them. I do not nor have I ever done drug, but after these children's grandma died they needed someone to look out for them that was not doing or selling drugs, so i stepped in as the babysitter. Just a couple minutes after we walked in the door someone jerked the door open behind us. EVERYONE spun to the door as people never came in that house like that. It was a neighbors teenage son who would come and play with the children. When we saw who it was I looked back to the center of the room to see if we could get through yet, as we were heading for the living room. When I looked back in the direction of the sink, one of the men had pulled out a gun and had it aimed in the direction of the door. Both the little boy I baby sat and I were between the door and the gun. When he saw it was the neighbors kid he put the gun away. After they all left I blasted the little boys mother about the danger she put both her son and I in that night. I told her if there was ever a gun pointed my direction again that I would call the police. I do not know what this world is coming to. People used to care about children and thy would try to keep them safe, but apparently some have lost that protective instinct where children are concerned, and it is sad.