
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Did you ever have one of those days when it started way too early and ran way too long and was not much fun in between.   Today was one of those days.  I never went to bed toil 5 am, and was back up at 8 am.   They were spraying the house for roaches.   I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT NOT ONLY DO I NOT HAVE ROACHES BUT THERE HAS NOT BEEN ANY ROACHES IN THIS UNIT IN THE PAST 20 YEARS, but they still spray every 6 months.   However we do have other things ants , and spiders especially. THEY DO NOT SPRAY FOR THEM.   Leave it to the government to do things that make no sense.   We have been complaining about the spiders as you  may have noticed in an earlier blog that I have been spider bit again, so I make a point of showing the exterminators my bite and the scars I have from other spider bites over the years.   They told me they will be back in a couple weeks to spray for spiders.  

      I thought I was going to get some sleep after they left. That was not to be.   A friend of mine called and asked me what I was doing and if I could help her with her sons computer, which I did.   This friend has been very good to me and I could not tell her no.   I spent 3 and a half hours working on it.   I HATE NORTON it is so hard to get out.  I missed General Hospital and it was to a good point too because I was working on the computer.   Then I went outside for a while and hung out with  my neighbors.   My neighbor is a great cook n34.gif  too great lol we are all gaining weight.   Then I came home to eat and watched a movie before trying to run some tournaments on line.    

      Just as I got on line my friend  with the computer problems called again.   He could not find the ie short cut on his desk top and I had a bad time finding it to, but what was irritating is they needed help in the middle of me getting ready to close my tourney, but I stopped what I was doing to find it for him.   I did not even have that done till he started on about a song he wanted to find.   He is relentless when he gets obsessed like that.   I thought I was gonna get off the net and kick back round 10 that is not happening either, because 2 of our staff members are running more tourneys.    I will be so glad when Friday gets here and my day off is finally here.  It need it.  

     I just got an im from one of the ha's saying she would be unreachable for the next couple days.   No surprise there lol , and now I got another im I am not too thrilled with, but I will not go into that one atm.    Yea this has been a crappy day all over the place.   

      It is days like these that make me wonder if anyone would miss me if I were gone, and if they did if it would be becaus3e they love me or because I was not there to do things for them.     I am reminded of a quote someone once gave me " Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer give a damn."