
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Most of us have at least 1 special needs person in our lives.   People that through no fault of their own have some form of special needs.    It could be a learning disability or a physical or a mental one.   People that you need a little more patience and understanding with.   I have several of these people in my life and I myself have a health issue so I am more understanding and caring to most of the people that have a harder road in life.   But sometimes even those of us with more patience meet our breaking point.   I have a friend that has a learning disability and he also has obsessive compulsive disorder.   I myself have a little of that so I try to be understanding with people who have it, but lately he is making me insane with the constant repetition  of subjects I have told him to let go.    We have another friend that I love a lot, and lately he has been bringing up subjects he knows dang well will set our other friends ocd off.   I have walked out on conversations with them both before because I could not stand it anymore.   My hair is getting grey and I told someone last night I was ready to pull my grey hair out because they were making me nuts.   The way I see it is if I did not make jokes I really would lose my mind.  

     I am just a little worried if they keep irritating me that they may get to see a side of me NO ONE wants to see not even me.   I have a dark mean side that I keep very well under control most of the time.   It was not always that way though at one time I used to let my mean side out on anyone that annoyed me.   I grew older and wiser and realized that was not the best way to handle a problem.   The thing is most of the ways I would resolve a problem are not working now, and I am only human.   I do have a breaking point and I am approaching it lately.

     Because of things beyond our control I have had to take on a roll with which I am not comfortable nor am I well suited for it.   This is adding more stress to my life.   It does not help that I have had problems contacting the people that really should be filling the roll I am not in.   I know it is not their fault they can not be here at this time I just wish they would learn to answer their bloody phone!   It is so frustrating to try to call and get a recording saying they have a voice mail that has not been set up yet.   I have tried for 2 days to call and no answer.   That does not help my stress level.

     My biggest problem is I have too heightened senses of duty and honor and responsibility and loyalty.   If my feelings on these things were not so high I would have walked away from all this stuff a while ago.   At times I feel like I am head mistress at a day care for 4 year olds.   My life would be so much easier if everyone would just grow up and act like adults instead of acting like spoiled kids.  

     I have 3 people in my net life and 3 more in my real life if not for these 6 people I would have melted down weeks ago.   I thank God every day for the people that help keep me anchored so I do not explode.   Three of them are a big help with the net issues and the other 3 make me feel loved in my real world n0.gif   It is good to have friends you can count on.   We should all try to be a friend that can be counted on in hard times.   I try to be that person, but sometimes because of my own issues I fall a little short of the mark.

     Another friend who has not been nearly as helpful told me I should just take time off.   I told her I could not do that people are counting on me to keep this stuff running till the owners get back, and I take commitments very seriously,   Do not think the thought of just turning off the computer and walking away from the net would forever has not crossed my mind, but my daddy taught me when you take on a job you see it through.   Grant it running an on line pool lg is not technically  a job sense you do not get any real pay, but in my mind it s a job, and I have a duty to do it.

     Sorry I digressed.   The main thing to remember here is if you know a special needs person handle them with care and everything will be fine.