
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     If I live to be a hundred I will never cease to be amazed at the insensitivity of some people.   Did you all see the article about the sports fan suing  for 10 million dollars because he was humiliated on the camera when he fell asleep during a game?   I think he is asking for a bit too much, but I really hopes he does get awarded 1 million for what happened to him.   It was rude of the announcers to  make wise cracks about him falling asleep.   He paid for his ticket so that seat was his to use as he saw fit till the game was over as long as he did not cause any problems for anyone else.   I am just wondering if he had some health problem that caused him to fall asleep there, because most people will not fall asleep at and event even if the game is boring.   But either way the remarks the announcers made about him and the guy next to him and the snack the other guy was having was insensitive and uncalled for.   What gets me is why would these announcers want to pick on the fans anyhow?   Don't they realize if not for the fans they would have no pay check?   I do not blame the guy that fell asleep for being mad and suing.   I just think his amount is a bit high if he really wanted to win this suit he should have picked an amount a bit more in keeping with the crime.   I doubt he will get 10 million for what happened , but I could really see him getting 1 or 2 million.   All the guy did was fall asleep EVERYONE IN THE WORLD SLEEPS, and they made it seem like it was something terrible.   There are any number of reasons one would fall asleep in an odd place.   I myself have done it a couple of times.   Is it embarrassing when you wake up and realize you have fallen asleep in public?  YES it can be, and to have EVERYONE that was watching the show and all the fans in the stadium know you fell asleep in the game is even worse.   These news casters and the camera man who first caught it turned what would have been a immorally  embracing thing into a media event.   I say again that was very insensitive.   How would they have liked it if someone held them up for public ridicule?

     I have a friend who always says we should all treat each other the way we want to be treated and I could not agree more.   Treating one another like we want others to treat us is not a new concept.   If you want to see how old that idea really is look up  THE GOLDEN RULE .   It states : "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,", and if you do not know where that comes from it comes form the Bible one of the oldest books ever written.    If more people would follow that the world would be a better place.