
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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July 5 2014

     This is very early for me to be up.   If you wake up when no one else is up you sometimes think about things when you are alone with your thoughts  you may not think of if there was someone else awake to talk with.   To truly understand why I was awake so early we need to travel back to yesterday.   I spent a mostly enjoyable day with my neighbor and her family, and a few neighbors.   Around 10 last night I was sitting on the handicapped ramp at the office building across from my house watching fireworks from several sited.   That ramp is the perfect place to see many displays at one time on the 4th.  

     Just as the other displays were nearly finished about 6 cars and one motorcycle pulled into the parking lot in front of us.   One clearly drunk man got out of one of the cars and saw us sitting there he asked if we were there for the fireworks.   We told him we had been watching them for about an hour.   He said that was nothing we were about to see the real ones.   I have lived in this neighborhood for nearly 40 years , and I have heard similar remarks on the 4th.   What it usually meant was someone had gone out of state and gotten some illegal fireworks and were going to set them off in our neighborhood, so I came home and closed my windows while they were setting up.   I have gotten a house full of smoke before when people have done that in the past.   I then went back to my spot on the ramp to watch.   It was in fact a nice display, but I heard part of the conversations the owners of the fireworks were saying.   I knew they would not be cleaning up the casings they left behind.   They did not say that exactly what they did say was that one of them had not been to bed sense sometime the night before. Another one made a reference to a wedding today, and another said about having to get the kids in bed.   It made me warm all over to see how comforting the one dad was when his little girl got frightened by the noise.   I sat there thinking well they are going to leave a mess for someone else to clean up.   Then I thought I am enjoying the display so I can go clean some of it up.   It may not be right. but I did no feel I had to clean it all up.   I was not the only one who enjoyed them.

     I took 2 bags and went over round 7 am this morning to clean some of it up.   I am not in as good as shape as I once was so I kept my cleaning on the top of the hill.   I got all the glass I saw and most of the paper on the parking lot and grass around it.   I however did not venture down the steep hill to retrieve the 5  big boxes the had left on the ball field at the bottom of the hill.   I may have been able to get down that hill, but there is no way I could have climbed that steep wet hill back up even once much less 5 times.One of my bags broke so I had to go get a garbage can to gather up the heavy launchers they left on the hill top.  

     By the time I finished I was quite out of breath and sat down on my porch to catch my breath.   I sat down on my porch to catch my breath and as I sat there I spotted some birds fighting over a hotdog someone's child probably dropped yesterday.   As I watched the birds fight for possession of the barbequed treat I thought about that expression about the survival of the fittest.   For a split second I thought maybe that would be a way to go if humans were more like animals the human race would be stronger.   I have an inherited health issue so I decided years ago to not have any children of my own blood line.   That way I would not pass it on to the next generation.  

     Then I thought about my friend's niece.    Her dad had beat her mom when she was pregnant with her twins and as a result the little boy did not survive , but the girl did barely.   She has many health issues.   The doctors did not give her a year to live, but she just celebrated her 15th birthday.   To an outsider some may think the would have been better off dead.   She can not do anything for herself, BUT no one who has ever met this child feels like that.   She can not speak but she does understand when you talk to her she will respond with head shakes and flailing her arms around.   She has such a beautiful smile.   This child that will never be able to do what other children can do still finds ways to smile and make everyone around her smile.   Her family takes excellent care of her.   Her mom always called her her miracle  baby.   I look at this child that would have been killed or abandoned by her parents if we had been animals, and I think the animal world has it all wrong.   Even the most deformed disabled child can still be a joy to those that love him.  

     I told you, you get odd thoughts when you are all alone with them. lol     Well I have rambled on enough. lol I need to get some breakfast.