
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Did you all see they are rebooting the wonder years a tv show from many years ago. It was the story of a young white boy and the things he had to deal with growing up. Now they are using a black cast in the roll of the lead character and his family. I am so sick of this crap, if it is not woman taking roles originally met for men it is black people taking roles origionally meant for white people. I keep saying LEAVE THE CHARACTERS THE WAY THE WRITER DESIGNED THEM, and go write new roles for people you think do not get enough jobs in acting. How is this any different then cultural appropriation?
I have nothing against reboots as an idea, BUT I think if someone is going to reboot something they should hold fast to the authors concept of who, when , and where the characters should be. I just wonder how it would go down if someone rebooted The Color Purple with a white actor in the Woopi Goldburg role? I can tell you what would happen. The studios would be picketed and people would be really mad and outraged at the thought of a white woman trying to play that role. but let black people take over old established roles formally held by white people and that is fine. No one says a thing about the dishonor this plays to the creator of the characters.
I think EVERYONE who has talent should use it in ways that would show the world what they can do. When these characters are changed from the white males they were originally written for to black males or women or in one case BOTH. You all remember the show the equalized it aired 20 or 30 years ago and featured a man that went around and leveled the playing field when people had bad things done to them. It was a really good show. Not that long ago they rebooted it and NOT ONLY DID THEY USE A WOMAN IN A MANS ROLE IT WAS A BLACK WOMAN IN A WHITE MANS ROLE. Why did they not write her a character just for her that featured a strong black woman instead of stealing the part that was written for a white man?

Is it that people have grown too lazy to create new characters, or could it be that the have spent so much time with their noses burred in their smart phones that they no longer have imagination? Has our devices inhibited our ability to create new things?