
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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   I was talking to my niece the other day and I was saying how well children or anyone for that matter handle things when they are prepared for them.   When someone knows something is going to happen and what to do when it does they do not get upset  and run around all upset and panicky.   If they already know what to do in an unexpected event all they must do is rely on their knowledge.   Those of you that know me know I have something called panic attack disorder.   It will flair up suddenly and without warning.   It took me years to even get slight control of it.   One day I was out walking with another niece when she was about 5 years old.   An attack hit suddenly when we were about 2 blocks from my home.   I scooped my niece up into my arms and began running as fast as I could for home.   I knew when we got here my neighbor would keep and eye on my niece till I was myself again.   These attacks rarely last more then a half hr. and when they are over I am myself again.  
     After I got control of myself again I sat my niece down and explained to her what had happened.   I told her I was not going to die or pass out, and I would be ok after it passed.   I told her she should not be afraid it would pass.   From that point on any time we went out walking the first thing I would do at the beginning of the walk was tell her what to do if I had another one.   After about 6 times telling her this every time we would go on a walk , she got to where she would say YES I know what to do and then she would tell me what she was to do if it happened.  
   About a year later it happened.   My niece, a neighbors girl, and I were setting on a grassy area about a half a block from my house when an attack hit.   I got my nieces attention and told her what was going on.   At first I could see her getting frightened .   I said remember what you are supposed to do?   Just as quick as her fear had came it was gone and calm and control took over her face.   She said to the other little girl come on we got to take her home.   My little 6 year old niece was taking control not only of me her adult aunt who was having a health issue but she was also watching over her friend who was about 2 years older then her.   I have never been so proud of my niece as i was that day.  
     This story proves if someone no matter how young is prepared for something bad that may happen they can deal with nearly anything.   I try to always prepare those closest to me for things  that may happen when we do not want them too.
     Have you all seen that public service commercial on the Disney channel.   It stresses being prepared, and it is true one should always have a plan and be prepared for bad things that could happen.   Then do what you planned when needed.