
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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      Have you ever had someone from your past reappear in your current life?   That is what happened to me today.   Someone I have know for about a decade that had drifted out of my life about 5 years ago reappeared today.  Out of the blue and without warning I got a phone call from someone I had not talked to at all in over a year.   Soon as I saw the name on the caller id i knew who it was and answered the phone.   At one time she and I were closer then sisters.   She knew things about me that people in my family do not know.   I trusted her more then anyone else on the face of this planet, right up to the day she betrayed me.   It was so painful when I realized I could not longer trust her fully like I always had.   I asked her the same question 3 times in a row wording it differently each time to make sure there was no doubt in what I wanted to know.   Three times she gave me the same answer and all three times it was a lie.   I am not just assuming it was a lie I know it for a fact because she admitted it.   I crashed mentally.   For about a half an hour I do not remember anything.   It was like I had stepped out of this world to a place where nothing could reach me nothing could touch me and I had no knowledge of anything going on around me    How funny is it that that betrayal turned out to be a favor to me.   When I returned to this world, I was not who I had been when I left it.   It was like time rolled back 5 years an I was once again who I had been when I joined the net.   When I came back to this world I had a form of knowledge of who I had been before the betrayal, but I could feel that was not who I was now.
     She realized quickly what she had done to our friendship.   She knew she had messed up and begged me to forgive her.   I told her I could forgive , BUT I would never be able to trust her as I once did ever again.   I told her if she could not deal with that we would both just have to move on without each other.   We are still friends, but to this day I do not fully trust here as I once did, because once trust is lost it can never be found and replaced as it once was a portion of it is lost for all eternity.   
     Back to today.   I had not talked to here in a long time so I was surprised when she called, because she never even sent me a Christmas card last year and I sent her one.   It seems she has just recently started using Skype and wanted to add me.  lol I would be willing to bet that the reason she started using it was because of another friend of ours who I just recently taught how to use Skype.     There are times these 2 woman try to play me against the other, but I started telling them it is not going to work so they do not try it much anymore.  
     Anyhow my friend had recently got married and I got to see her other half on Skype today.   It was the first time I ever saw who she married.   Only thing I got to say about her choice in lovers is it is not my taste lol, so it is convenient she picked them for her and not for me lol.     If all goes well I may be able to talk her into joining me in pool.