
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     It seems like some people have forgotten this is America.   This country was founded on the right to free speech I am sure what I am about to put forth is going to make some of you angry, but I am using my right to free speech.   A friend of mine was angry about something he read.   Apparently someone used face book to "defend" one of the people who has attacked students in a school recently.   In the post the writer asked for a little compaction and the attacker who was killed in the capture.   She said if anyone posted any pictures of his dead body on her page she would delete them.   Now it seems there is a partition going round wanting her fired.   ARE YOU SERIOUS????   THIS IS AMERICA.   Anyone in this country legal right to SAY anything they wish.   Why would anyone think someone should use their job just because they voiced an opinion in America.   These people who are trying to stop people from writing things they do not like are no different then those that tried to censer the colonial press in the early days of this country, or those that censored what people wrote in Natzi Germany.   Is this country really becoming so worried about what someone says that does not agree with our own thoughts that we feel the need to take away ones lively hood just because we do not like what they say.  
     If you do not like what someone says  ignore it or if they are on one of the social medias block them from your page.   It is not only stupid it is borderline bullying to try to take away someones job just because they wrote something they felt that you did not.   NEWS FLASH: People do not all see things the same way.   Seeing something different does not always mean they are wrong, and even if they are wrong, intelligent  people will see it for what it is and pay it no heed.   There is not need for a emotional flogging of the person with which you do not agree.   It reminds me of the playground bullies when I was a child who would beat up anyone who did not do what they wanted them to do.  
     I think this country needs to grow a thicker emotional skin.   Words are just that words.   In the right mouth the right words can do great things, but lately what I am seeing in the news and on social media is they are not looking for the right words.   They are looking for the words that will get the most people upset and cause the most drama and conflict.   As to those people who are doing the petition  to get the woman fired because of her posting, I think your time would be better spent channeled into something uplifting rather then something to push someone else down.  
     What you are all failing to realize is KARMA is real and it will take care of anyone it deems to be putting out bad energy, so let it do its thing.   Let Karma take care of people you feel are putting bad things out in their words, and do not be the one Karma turns on because you try to hurt someone else by making them lose their job over a post on a social media.
     Sense I have climbed this far out on this limb I might as well saw it off while I am here.   I also feel people should not get mad at someone for saying a word they themselves use.   Although I myself would never use the "N" word, I hear it being used on a daily bases by the very group of people that complain about other groups saying it.   I asked a group of young African Americans  one day why they did this.   I was told it was not the word it sounded like.   I was told the word they are actually saying has an a on the end of it and it means like brother.   Ok I am willing to accept this explanation, But if a anyone of any other color said the same word they are saying with the a at the end, it would not be taken that way.   They would be accused of saying the "N" word and of being predigest.even though they were just trying to fit in and call them brother as it was explained to me by the children who were using the word.   Which brings me back to my main point WORDS ARE JUST WORDS and words should never be used as a reason for violence.   Ok I got that all out of my system for now I will craw down off my soap box now.    In case I do not write another blog before Christmas.  MERRY CHRISTMAS  AND HAPPY ALL THE OTHER HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE.   This year was so awful next year must be better right?