
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Is it not ironic how someone will say they want dignity and respect from others, and yet not be willing to give it back to those very people they wish to have it from.  In my oppinion respect is a two way street.   If you want respect from others you must be willing to give others respect yourself.   Let's consider the tale of the boy who complained no one gave him respect and everyone put him down.   Now lets look at the fact this very same boy would put others down and say mean things to them every time he got mad.   I myself know what it is like to want to say or do mean things to someone that has done them to you, but when you do it makes you no better then the person to whom you feel the anger.   I think everyone should follow the golden rule ( DO ONTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO ONTO YOU!)  Thing is most people live by ( I WILL DO WHAT EVER I WANT TO WHO EVER I WANT AND IF THEY TREAT ME THE SAME WAY I WILL COMPLAIN AND CRY ABOUT IT.)
     As to the dignity part of it  Is dignaty something someone else gives you?   Seriously I thought dignaty comes from within not outside influences.  I have serious conserns about this world today.   In the olden days of my youth people tried to help each other and were more kind.   Now everyone has a sense of entidlement.   It is all about what the world can do for you and not what you can do for others.   What really kills me is when people disrespect others or disobey rules that are set up for a place and then they want to cry predigest, discrimination of sexism.   Show me where it is discriminatory, sexest or predigest to want EVERYONE TO FOLLOW THE SAME RULES reguardless of age sex color religion or national origan.   Do predigest descrimination and sexism exist?  Yes they exist BUT they are not present as often as the people who are wanting to get away with wrong doing want you to think it is.  
     I myself am a by the rules person.   I do not care what someone tells me if the rules of a group say not to do something I do not do it.   I have a friend who was told to do something he knew he was not suposed to do by some people that worked at a place he was visiting.   He apparently said no at first because they would kick him out.   They wanted him to do something that could have been taken as a joke BUT was against the rules.   They assured him they would not kick him out if he did it.  So against the rules he did it, and the person he did it to (who also worked for the place he was visiting ) kicked him out.  My friend said they said they would not kick me out if i did it and after I did it they kicked me out anyhow.   I told him thing is the one you did it to NEVER SAID HE WOULD NOT KICK YOU OUT IF YOU BROKE THE RULE.   The ones that said they would not may not have but the one you did it to would have been within his rights to kick you out of you did not follow the rules.   NOW how are you going to cry predigest when you got kicked out IF YOU BROKE THE RULES????   I do not care if some of the employees told you to do it or not you knew you were not supposed to do it and you should not have done it.   Was it right of the other employees to set you up NO it was not BUT you should have had sense enough to say NO IF YOU WANT IT DONE DO IT YOURSELF.    The fact they wanted you to do it should have been a red flag.   ANYTIME SOMEONE WANTS YOU TO DO SOMETHING EXPECIALLY IF IT IS AGAINST RULES AND THEY THEMSELF WILL NOT DO IT DON'T DO IT.   IT IS A TRAP AND IF YOU FALL FOR IT YOU HAVE ONLY YOURSELF TO BLAME.   You do not get to play the victim and blame the person you did it to.