
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Those of you that follow my blog, and I have noticed I have many readers , know I have been doing it for over a year.   I find it interesting that even though I have been doing it for a long time , and have many readers very few of you have ever commented on any of them until the last one I wrote.    It got a great number of comments most of them by 2 people who took the opertunity to have an efight on my comment sectin, but there were a couple other people who commented.   Now can anyone tell me why of all the blogs I have written only the last one prompted people to comment in number?   I blame it on the media.   Nearly everything you hear on the news these days is bad news.   I think that is why there is so much wrong with this world everyone is looking for their 15 min of fame and the news people only give it to those that do bad things.    I really believe if the news centered on the good people do IT IS NEWS TOO, and downplayed the bad they do that people would do more good then bad.   I will give you an example:  My neighbors daughter takes dance classes from a lady who gives the girls their lessons for very little money.   This makes it hard for her to keep the studeo bills paid, so they had a fundraising car wash to benifit the studeo today.   Many of the people who worked it gave up their saturday and got sunburned to help out a lady who is trying to help children who do not have much money develope their talents, but do you see this on the news NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and why not?   Because it does not draw peoples attention like murder and rape and robery does.  
     And while i am on my soap box let me point out another place I think the news people make a big mixtake.   Every dang time the have a story about someone who is not white they make really sure to put the persons color in it especially fi it is an afroamerican person.    The only time someones color should make any difference in a news story is if it is a man hunt and the color should be part of the discription of the chriminal.   This crap the news people do where they try to make everything sound like it has a race undertone is rediclous.   Not only is it not fair to the hard working police men of all colors, but it makes people think they are being picked on because of color WHEN THEY ARE NOT.   There was a story a while back where a suspect died in police custady.   The media made it sound like it was race related IT WAS NOT I SAW THE TAPE OF THE ARREST.   The guy was trying to excape it took several police officers to to just control him.   The media made it sound race related it was not he was resisting arrest.   They media only does this if the person being arrested is not white if they were white they would not say anything about the color so why do they make a big thing of color when it is not a white person?    And for the record I myself have several races in my blood line including white, black. american indian, and german, so if anyone wants to say I am saying this because I am predgist. KEEP IT TO YOURSELF, because you will be talking out your other end.    One thing that does bug me a little though is if someone thinks I am pregidist because my skin looks white.   In my oppinion it is they that is pregidest, because they can not see beyond my white skin.  
     This is 2016 race, color, sex, and religion should not have a thing to do with how you treat someone.   NONE OF US IS TRUELY ONLY ONE RACE ANYMORE, and it is high time everyone owns it and stops fighting with our brothers and sisters in the HUMAN RACE no matter what their skin looks like.  OK  I  will stop for now.   I just get wound up sometimes, and what brought that on was something someone told me today.     Remember I mentioned the car wash, well apparently there was a lady there that told the people that were collecting the money they do not donate to white people NOW here is the funny part: The lady who the fund raiser was for was not white.  lol    This thinking that only white people can be poredigist is not only wrong it is rediclous.