
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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      I have a friend that sits around listening to different opinions on u tube I know this because I can hear them playing in the background while we are on Skype.   As I listen to everyone opinions on everything and most of them are people whining about how mistreated every group on the face of the planet are by everyone else.   People are finding the stupidest things offensive.   They are getting mad about things that are not even detrimental.   I think they need to  grow a damn skin and quit being such cry babies.   One of the things that makes me the maddest is when someone cries sexist or racist to things that are so not even either.   I will give you an example so you understand what I mean :   A few years ago I worked with an organization  that ran a community hall/recreation center .   We had made a rule children were not allowed in the toy closet without an adult.   This rule had been made after the children had torn up the closet a couple times and we had to clean it up.   We decided to make the rule that children must have an adult when they got something from the game closet.   I was in the computer lab and heard a lot of noise from the next room.   I went to see what was going on and found about 8 children in the closet with no adult.   I turned to one of the boys I knew was aware of the rules and I asked him why they were in there without and adult.   He told me he has asked the other adult there that day about getting a ball and she said to go get it.   I told him he should have came and got me before going in the closet.   At that point a little girl about 8 years old said to me you just do not want us in here cause we are black.   I looked at her and smiled then I looked at another little girl that was also there.   The other little girl had know me her whole life.   I told the girl that made the remark that this other little girl had know me her whole life.   I then asked the second little girl : Am I predigest?  She replied no Miss Jane you treat all kids the same.   I then looked back to the little girl that had first said I was predigest and told her see this little girl knew me her whole life and she herself told you I am not predigest.   I would now like to point out a couple things to you first sense you are the one that assumed I was predigest because you saw my white skin that makes you the one that is predigest, and what you are not seeing is I have black blood in me too all you see is the white skin.   I hope she thought about the point I made to her.   I find it sad that children so young are taught to assume predigest because of someone's skin color.   No baby is ever born predigest that is something that is taught.  I think everyone should remember something my mom taught me when I was just a kid.   I grew up in rural Appalachian mountains.   It is mostly white people there, and my brother used to tell me all kinds of lies about black people.   My mom very quickly told me he was lying.   These words that my mom said are the ones to remember: She said, IF YOU PEAL OFF THEIR SKIN EVERYONE IS THE SAME COLOR UNDER IT.    

     On another related subject:   It really annoys me when a group of people get mad if another group of people for referring to them with a name the first group deems derogatory, but they themselves will call others of their same group by the very same derogatory word.   I understand not wanting to be called something that you feels puts you down, but DO NOT CALL OTHERS OF YOUR SAME GROUP BY THE WORD YOU DO NOT WANT PEOPL OUTSIDE YOUR GROUP TO CALL YOU.   

     I know I probably sound like the very people I said should grow a skin but sometimes you have to lol.   I just think the world would do better if everyone would stop looking for ways people hurt their feelings and work to educate people on  how people should treat others like you want to be treated.   Ohhhh and by the way this is America it is our forefather given right to be different and to say what we want, so anyone that does not like it is more then welcome to go somewhere that they are happy.   That is the beauty of being an American you have freedom to be who you are, say what you want, think what you want.  

     There was something very well said on u tube someone pointed out that these people that seek to stipule  others freedom of speech they are not realizing they are also cutting into their own rights of freedom of speech.   So my advice is not to change our rights but to just walk away if someone says something you do not want to hear.   You can also put in ear plugs if you must be near this person.   Would it not be more proactive to impede the words coming into your own ears rather then taking away everyone's rights to say what they want to say?