
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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       It never seaces to amaze me how many idiots there are runing around on the net.   Lets take the one that has been e stalking me for a few months.   He showed up on a different id last night.   I now this idiot has been reading my blog so I hope he likes this one cause it is gonna be all about him sense he so despratly wants my attention.   As anyone that really knows me, knows I am in a few on line pool leagues and those that really know me know I use different ids and names on every id I own.   This is not secret.   What is really amazing to me is the amount of idiots I have following me around trying to make sure everyone on the net knows all my ids. lol It is so rediclous.   I know I have a boring life that is why I amuse myself with on line games.   The truely facinating thing is those that have such sad lonely lives that they have to follow me around to on line games so they can make idiots of them selves in the lobbys of the games.   lol    I mean really how pothetic does your life need to be to follow someone around on the net looking for all their different screan names just so you can go OH LOOK THERE IS JANE ON THAT ID.   Rotflmao.
There was a time when people doing that childish crap used to upset me, but I grew up and wised up very much in the past year.   I found out want is really important in life.  Family, REAL friends, and things that give you joy are important everything else can fall by the way side and I will not miss it.   In the past year I have figured out who my real friends both on and off the net are and I would do just about anything for them.   Those who have nothing in their lives but drama, hate, and loneleness that causes them to seek attention any way they can get it even if it is negative attention are of no concern to me anymore.   I am more then happy to punch those that seek to make me unhappy a ticket on the iggy train.    Know what that ignore button is the best thing they ever created for the internet.   You click on their name and click ignore and POOF they are gone you see nothing the say ever again.   Wouldn't it be great if someone would invent one of those that would work in the real world?   n34.gif  Think about it if your neighbor plays their music too loud you click ignore and you do not hear it.   If someone is throwing a bunch of cuss words around  click and they shut up.   Can you imadgin how much quieter and relaxed the world would be if you could just click ignore on anyone or anything that bothered you?   I know some people what are always upset because other people are apparently talking about them behind their backs.   If they clicked ignore on those telling it to them they would never know it and it would not stress them out.   I reallllly wish people would take a lesson from that childrens game where one person whispers something to another and they tell it to the next person and it goes all the way down a line  then the last person says what was told to them outloud and it is nearly never the same as the first thing that was said.   The moral is the more people that repeat something the more twisted it gets.  I know exactly why it happens.   The majority of people do not repeat what was said to them they repeat what they THOUGHT the person speaking meant.   The fact of the matter is very few people mean what the person they are talking to thinks they do.   That is why I tell everyone YOU CAN REPEAT ANYTHING I  SAY BUT YOU DAMN WELL BETTER REPEAT IT THE WAY I SAID IT NOT THE WAY YOU THOUGHT I MEANT IT.   I will stand behind anything I ACTUALLY say but no way am I taking the blame for what someone else read into what I said.   My brother and I had that very discussion one time.   He was mad at our sister and our neice because of a question they asked him about his daughter.   The actual question was a fair and pertanate one but my brother read into it and twisted it into something that was not even close to the real question.    He then quoted his read in to me.    When he did I knew something was wrong there and I said imediatly WOOOOOOOOO  WHO SAID THAT?   He said well no one actually said those words.   To that I said WAIT IF NO ONE SAID THOSE WORDS WHY ARE YOU SAYING THAT?    He then tried to justify himself by saying well you know what people mean when they say something.   I said not all the time.   He then continued well if I told you if you go outside you are going to get wet you would know it is raining right?   I said NOT NECCESSACERALLY.   I said there could be someone outside with a water hose spraying everyone that came out the door.    I would get wet but it would not be raining.   So he changed it and said if I tell you it is raining outside you will know if you go out you will get wet right?   I said NOT NECCESSACERALLY if I went out on a porch with a roof on it I could go outside and maybe not get wet even if it were raining.   I then followed up with when no one said what you said but you quoted that it must be YOU WHO THOUGHT IT ABOUT YOUR DAUGHTER.   He shut up about it then.    
     I am a very litteral person if I say something DO NOT READ ANYTHING INTO IT.   I say exactly what I mean and anything other then my exact words that you may think I meant will be wrong.   I never imply anything.  So if you want to quote me feel free to do so BUT QUOTE ME THE WAY I SAY IT WORD FOR WORD NO EDITING NO READING INTO ANYTHING.   Ok I guess I have vented long enough lol.