
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Isn't it hard enough when you are disabled to get along in the world?   What I hate most is people that play on their disabilities to get everything their way.   FIRST LET ME MAKE IT CLEAR I AM IN NO WAY SAYING ALL DISABLED PEOPLE DO THIS.   This is aimed at the minority and you know who you are who use your disability to manipulate people into doing what you want of giving you what.   Somewhere along the ling these people have decided that  being disabled may not be all bad.    They have realized people would feel sorry for them and want to make things easier for the disabled person.  

     I have a friend who has a legit disability, but somewhere he has learned to use it to get people to do what he wants them to, and I will admit it used to work on me too.   After knowing him for many years I am getting to where I can tell if he is really hurting or if he is just playing it to get what he wants.    It is starting to bug me because he has developed a sense of entitlement.   He thinks he should have everything he wants and everyone should do what ever he asks because he is disabled.   He thinks he should be allowed to do things others are not.  

     He spent 20 min telling us a story about a retirement party at work.   Apparently this girl was leaving and several of her coworkers were giving her hugs.   EVENTHOUGH HE HAD BEEN TOLD BY HER BEFORE TO RESPECT HER PERSONAL SPACE he took it upon himself to hug her because everyone else was doing it and he though he should be allowed to also.   When she took exception to him touching her after being told not to in the past he had the nerve to say she was a bitch.   I do not think someone is a bitch because they want to pick who touches their body.   I told him she has the right to choose who touches her, but he did not understand that his disability does not give him any special rights to touch another person if they do not want it.

     Later the same night he got someone else to run a tournament for him by saying his throat hurt.   I find it interesting his throat was not hurting when he was running his mouth about that girl at work.   The ironic thing about him getting someone else to run his tourney is that just minutes before he had made a disrespectful smart ass remark about the very td that ran his tourney for him.   She thought he was not feeling well and wanted to help him.   I tried to tell her he was manipulating her, but she did not want to believe it.   His sense of entitlement made him think he could talk any way he wanted about anyone he wants and they still have to do what he wants them to do.   It is the few people like this that make it harder on all the other disabled people.

     I myself have a disability that I wish I never did.   It stole decades of my life and kept me from enjoying my youth.   I had an aunt that had became so jaded by seeing people working their disabilities that she actually said to me one time " You like setting at home collecting your freebees."  To which I answered I would trade your ability to go where ever you want when ever you want for my so called freebees any day.   She had no clue how hard I tried to get better and how much it hurt when I failed.  I blame those that have the sense of entitlement like the world owes them something for attitudes such as hers.

     I wish I could go back in time knowing what I know now.  Maybe just maybe I would not have lost as much of my life as I did.   There are a few things had I done them different may have helped me with my condition.   It is true what they say about hindsight being 20/20.