
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Have any of you ever heard of a part time cardiologist?    Me neither, but that is what it feels like my cardiologist is.   I have noticed when it comes to things at the hospital like surgeries and invasive tests he is all over it and does it quite well with a good bed side manner.   But when it comes to office visits he is often late and sometimes even canceling appointments after you are at his office already.   Take today for a good example: I had an appointment for 9:45 am I got there at 8:45 am.   His receptionist said you are early.   We pointed out that was because of all the construction in our area.   We would rather be early then late. at around 9:20am the receptionist tells us he will not be there till 10:30am cause he was still at the hospital.   I looked at my sister and said are we going to wait or reschedule?  You see we have been down this road before.   The last time he pulled a stunt like that we sat there 6 hrs and still did not get to see him.  

     We decided to reschedule.   I was really mad this was a follow up appointment for a cardiac cauterization  he did on me about a month ago.   He was there for the surgery, but he was not there to see hos I was recovering.   The receptionist said he was doing an emergency cauterization.   I bought the excuse at first, but then after we left the office I got to thinking.   I have never heard of and emergency cauterization.   You have to fast for at least 10 hr before one of those I know cause I had 2.   I think she just said it was an emergency so I would calm down some.   I was really angry.   If he knew he was scheduled for the cauterization why the hell did he not call me and reschedule my appointment BEFORE I got there?  

     I think I have figured it out he likes to do the cutting but not the healing.   I have an anxiety problem.   It was quite rainy and cloudy today.   The clouds work on my anxiety, but I braved it for this appointment because I thought it was important.   It is very upsetting to feel like the doctor does not find it as important to follow up on surgery he does as I do.   I think there should be a law against part time doctors.   If they have offices I think it should be mandatory they BE IN THEIR OFFICES a certain number of hours in a week.   The only exception should be a provable emergency that takes them into surgery unexpected, but even then they should notify their patients as soon as possible.   No way do I believe my doctor did not know he had to do a surgery till just 20 min before my appointment.

     SO I SAY THIS TO ALL THE PART TIME DOCTORS OUT THERE.   IF YOU CAN NOT KEEP YOUR HOSPITAL HOURS AND YOUR OFFICE HOURS BOTH, YOU SHOULD CLOSE YOUR OFFICE AND THINK ABOUT GETTING AN OFFICE AT THE HOSPITAL SO YOU CAN SEE YOUR PATIENTS BETWEEN OPERATIONS.  OR GET AN ASSOCIATE TO SEE YOUR PATIENTS WHEN YOU ARE AWAY FROM THE OFFICE.    Some doctors have a policy if you are late 15 min late they can cancel your appointment or if you do not show without calling them they can charge you for the appointment.   I think patients should be covered by something similar like if the doc is late that appointment should be free or if they do not come at all the next one should be free.   If they had to stand accountable for their appointments  maybe they would take them more seriously.   OK I HAVE VENTED MOST OF MY ANGER OUT NOW TY ALL FOR LETTING ME RANT.