
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Honesty is always the best option.   Many times people seek to protect ones feelings by hiding the truth, or trying to soften the truth, but they only make things worse when the cold hard truth finally comes out.   I myself would much rather someone tell me the truth if I am doing something that is bugging them, because how is one to change a behavior should they choose to do so if them have no clue what it was they did that bugged you in the first place?  

     I am not like most people in this country.   I am not good with things implied.   I do not do it and I do not understand the meanings when others do it.   It is frustrating to me and those around me when they imply things and I do not understand what they mean.   It would be so much easier on both of us if people would just tell me in plain English if I do something to offend them what I do or if they want me to do something what it is.   When I say something I mean just what I say nothing more nothing less.   Please do not read anything into anything I say if I have not said it, it was not meant by me.   What ever you assume I meant that was not in what I said came out of your head and not my mouth.   If you thought I meant something I did not directly say you should look with in yourself as to why you would assume that.

     I am the first to admit I am a mental mess.   I have panic attacks and agoraphobia so my anxiety runs wild alot.   I also have post traumatic stress disorder thanks to an ex of mine and the mental abuse he heaped on me.    If the right buttons are pushed I can laps into a ptsd flashback which in not good for anyone.    I have mild obsessive compulsive disorder.   Most of the time it does not interfere  with my live, but if my anxiety is high the ocd becomes more active also.   If you see me start straightening things like pictures or things laying on a desk, or if you see me start dusting randomly it is a good sign my ocd is stirred up, and so is my anxiety.   I am a psychic empathy which means I sometimes feel other peoples emotions.   It sucks having an emotion and not being sure if it is yours or if it belongs to someone near you in a group.   As if all that was not bad enough a couple years ago with the help of a friend it may have figured out where a lot of my social problems come from.   I am 80% sure I have Asperger syndrome.   In a way it is a bummer I did not discover this sooner so I could be treated for it, but at the same time it is a very big relief to know that the things I did when I was a kid that others laughed at may have had a reason for them.   It is possible I did not really have control of it.   I will give you an example:   I had a necklace watch it was an old style wind up one.   I would wind it up then I would take it to first my left ear to hear if it was ticking I would then take it to the right ear and listen to it there.  I did this every time I winded it without variance.   My little brother saw me do it one time and he said ,  " Is it ticking in both ears Jane?" then he laughed at me.    Repetitive behavior is a sign of Asperger syndrome, but I did not even know it existed back then.   I think my mom knew there was something wrong with me, but may not have know what.   She was never as hard on me as she was my sisters and brothers.   Which is not to say if I needed disciplined she over looked it.   It was more she chose what she thought was a big enough infraction to warrant action.   When I was a teen I was not easy to get along with.  Like any teen of today I was a little mouthy.    My brother asked my mom one time why she let me get away with talking to her like I did.    She told him, " Because Janie does EVERYTHING I tell her to she may run her mouth , but she does as she is told."    I had to half smile about that answer ,because my brother used to skip school and smoke BOTH things mom did not what him to do.   I was a goody two shoes and my brother was the poster boy for not listening to what he was told.     So yea I am a mental mess, but I am really not so hard to understand if you keep a few things inn mind.   DO NOT READ ANYTHING INTO ANYTHING I SAY ONLY READ MY ACTRAL WORDS, and if you quote me make sure you quote me word for word DO NOT QUOTE YOU READ IN AND CLAIM IT IS MINE.   If you do you can count on my going off.      I always tell people do not lie to me and do not lie on me and we will have no problems.

     Honesty is far less painful then deceit is.   The truth may hurt for a little while , but a lie  will live for a life time.   Plus if you tell the truth you never need to remember who you told what lie to.   The statement honesty is the best policy is very true.