
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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 It has come to my attention over the past week that women are not the only ones that can be catty.      In the past week I have notice a growth in the catty behavior among some of my friends.   The interesting this is it is not my women friends that are doing it.   At least 4 of my male friends have exhibited catty behavior toward other males.   I find this very interesting as in the past it was only the female of the species that was credited with catty behavior.  

     The males I am speaking of have been taking shots at the physical appearance of other males in a derogatory manner much like women have done for years.   I find it interesting that as women get more like males in the business world that males are getting more like women in the social world.   Makes me wonder if it is new or if it was always there and we just never noticed before.   It will be interesting to see how many of the males I am talking about take offence at my words.   I feel if they take offence at what I have said it will prove my point even better about them becoming more like women.   I predict some day in that not that distant future it will be hard to tell the males from the females.

     Reminds me of a Star Trek TNG episode where the male and the female of the race exhibited neither full male nor female qualities.   I wonder if that is where we are heading.  

      There is a slight problem with this new cattiness and obsession with male sex organs and the constant putting each other down.   Most of my female friends do not want to hear it all the time from males.    It the males are going to act like the females and take shots at each other they need to realize women do not do it every day.    We usually get annoyed with each other say what we feel we need to and then drop it.   We do not beat it into the ground.    I am sure there will be a couple of my friends that may think I am one to talk about people running things into the ground as I myself have became obsessed with things done wrong to me , but those that know and love me know I have some ocd and they cut me some slack when I become obsessed.

     Wonder how many of my friends are going to be mad about this blog.   Thing is it needed to be said while there is time to fix the problem.

     BY THE WAY IF YOU SEE YOURSELF IN THIS BLOG YOU WILL KNOW I AM RIGHT.   Anyone that does not see themselves has nothing to worry about, because I am probably not talking about them.   UNLESS THEY ARE IN DENIAL.