
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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CHIVALRY: of values (such as loyalty and honor) that knights in the Middle Ages were expected to follow : an honorable and polite way of behaving especially toward women.


       It is funny how long past memories will fill you thoughts randomly.   A few minutes ago a teacher at my high school in the 1970's  came to my mind.   Mr. Blascheck was a very proper well dressed good looking man.  He was very calm and well mannered most of the time.   He was however prone to yell at the students if they did not pay attention and give everyone in the class the proper respect.   One day he and another teacher Mr. Checkton were coming up the stairs while me and a few of my friends were going down the stairs.   Mr. Blascheck and Mr. Checkton stepped gallantly to the side to allow us girls to pass.   As we walked past Mr. Blascheck said chivalry is not dead, to which Mr. Checkton replied no but it has taken a beating.

     Were Mr. Blascheck around today I fear I would have to tell him that Chivalry has infract passed away.   Maybe I am showing my age , but I remember a time when men put women's safety first and would protect them  at all costs.   Those days are gone today's men would just as soon throw a women under a bus then protect them.   I do not know when or why it happened but the world is changed for the worst for ever.   It is like the song says " They don't  make men like my daddy anymore."

     If you have never heard that song I will see if I can find it and put it on my wall.