
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Have you ever wondered why the human animal responds to the baser emotions far faster then they do the higher more valuable ones?   Is it because we lack the drive to climb the mountain to the higher level?   Is it because we are lazy and only seek what comes easy?  Is it because we are afraid to fall from a higher height?

     Anger, Envy, Jealousy, Greed,  it is so easy for us to fly into these emotions.   They are all right there at our finger tips every day.  Understanding, Compaction, Gratitude, Loyalty, these are all things that happen on a higher brain level and are of greater value to the receiver.   We fail to see anything further away then our own feelings at the time.   I keep thinking about that line from a Christmas Carol.   The happiness he gave was just as great as if it cost a thousand pounds.  So few of us really realize what just a couple nice words will do to make another have a joyous day.


     I was this very night enjoying the night air with some friends, while keeping a mindful watch on the time.   I nearly came home at 8:50 but I stopped to finish one last story before I made my departure for the night.   I hurried home to attend to something for a friend.   Having completed my mission only a few minutes behind time, I expected to see joy on my friends face at my achievement, because my efforts aided in my friends completion of a task which had been planned for some time.   I was very surprised to be greeted not with a smile and a thank you, but rather I was greeted with a remark that made me feel like I had done something wrong.   I do not understand it how can helping someone you care about get something they want to do finished earn you their contempt?   I felt as though my friend was angry at me for trying to help.


     Here is my problem do I allow my hurt feelings cause me to act in a less obliging manner the next time, or do I just chalk it up to my friend having a bad day and forget it ever happened.  It may be easier to just forget it if this kind of thing had not been happening more often lately.


     You want to know what my biggest personality problem is of all and I have many. lol?     My biggest personality flaw is my total inability to forget anything that has ever hurt me in my life.   People tell me to forget things and move on I can not I can forgive but I can not forget.    Like the saying says I will forgive but I never forget because I do not want to be hurt the same way twice.